• Keep Dublin's Public Housing
    Brendan Kenny has said that he plans to bulldoze Dublin's Housing stock and replace it with houses built by private developers. There are over 43,000 people on the housing waiting list in Dublin, and the number of homeless people including children, continues to grow every day. Instead of knocking down the homes that we have, it's time for Dublin City Council to invest in public housing, so that everyone in Ireland can have a safe and secure place to call home.
    143 of 200 Signatures
  • Put Vacant Homes Back in Use in Wexford
    We have a situation where homeless families and individuals can't move on from emergency accommodation. Where they are forced to accept substandard accommodation, when available. Discriminated against because of being in receipt of social housing supports. The housing crisis will not be resolved by the market. We need social housing now! If you know the location of an empty council property please take a picture and send it to us
    542 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Wexford Housing Action Picture
  • Remove prescription charges for homeless people
    Homeless people suffer more ill health than the housed population and therefore have a higher need for prescription medication. Many homeless people cannot afford the €2.50 prescription charge payable on every item. Homeless health services repeatedly come across homeless patients who cannot afford their medication and so may not complete a course of antibiotics or take heparin for a clot. They often end up in hospital because of this. Homeless people are registered with local authorities and therefore it is possible to identify individuals so they are exempt from this charge.
    2,524 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Safetynet Primarycare
  • Stop the Cúl Trá evictions!
    Galway City Council is planning to evict 10 families from Cúl Trá halting site in Lower Salthill, Galway leaving them homeless and with no alternative culturally appropriate accommodation.[1] This eviction would make over 42 people homeless including 22 children aged between 4 months and 10 years, some with medical conditions such as cystic fibrosis. The families were issued a notice to vacate by June 5th and Galway City Council has said it will consider court action if the ten families do not leave the site. Galway City Council has been well aware of overcrowding on Cúl Trá site for over a decade and yet no alternative halting site accommodation has been developed.[2] The Cúl Trá site was built 21 years ago to accommodate 6 families. No new halting site has been built in the city since. The 10 families that were served notices to vacate are the children of the 6 original families and have spent their whole lives living on the site. The families are part of the Salthill community with children attending local schools. One resident said that the children are the “heart and soul” of the community. If families are evicted they will be forced to leave their community and live on the side of the road without basic amenities. Kathleen Ward, one of the residents said; “The site is a fire and safety issue but isn’t it a fire and safety issue to put us out on the side of the road? We have nowhere to go”.[3] Galway City Council has proposed 3 pieces of land for temporary halting sites to address the Traveller accommodation crisis. Areas identified for the proposed sites are Ballymoneen Road, Headford Road and Westside. However, at a public council meeting, some local councillors have objected to these proposed halting sites. We are calling on Brendan McGrath to stop the Cúl Trá evictions and to use his executive powers to develop the proposed halting sites in Galway city. Notes 1. Galway City Council has a legal obligation to provide culturally appropriate accommodation under the Housing (Traveller Accommodation) Act 1998. 2. The need for additional halting sites to provide accommodation for the families at risk of eviction has been included in successive Traveller Accommodation Programmes however no new halting site has been built. 3. In 2016, in the wake of the Carrickmines tragedy, a fire safety audit of Traveller specific accommodation was conducted by The National Directorate for Fire and Emergency Management and a report was compiled with recommendations to address fire safety issues. This report recommended that measures to address fire safety should not be used to address overcrowding or other broader site management issues.
    202 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Galway Traveller Movement
  • Keep Academy Walk Management Out of Hazelwood
    Academy Walk Management Ltd., were removed from the premises of Hazelwood via Court Order around October time following a successful media campaign and eventual legal settlement. Now, the opportunity has arisen for Academy Walk Management Ltd., to purchase another 48 apartments within Hazelwood Student Village. This is detrimental to the student's welfare and well-being and must be stopped. Sign this petition. Share with your friends.
    647 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Cody Byrne
  • Stop the Carraig Eden Eviction
    The Irish Assemblies of God are selling Carraig Eden, a centre for people recovering from addiction - and the asking price is over €2 million. But, here's the thing - the promised they would sell it to the group supporting the residents - Tiglin - at only a fraction of this price. By the time Tiglin raised the money - the Irish Assemblies of God had decided to go back on their word and sell the centre for a huge profit instead. But, once the groups had raised the money and made an offer the Irish Assemblies of God decided to sell it on the private market for over €2 million instead. Here's what the resident's have to say: We are a group of past and present residents of Carraig Eden, Greystones writing to you to highlight the situation with Carraig Eden. This building has housed men of all ages, on their last stages of rehabilitation and re-entry to society over the last 10 years. The Greystones community has enabled these men to have support, re-integrate into a safe community and become valued members of this and other town’s. Our residents have become part of this community, becoming involved in the daily life and business of their town. In the last two week’s we have received Eviction notices. We would like to highlight the course of events and ask for your support in this situation. Approximately two years ago Tiglin Challenge Rehabilitation Centre in Ashford Co. Wicklow entered into negotiations to buy with the current owners, (IAOG) Irish Assemblies of God, (now Christian Churches Ireland, CCI). Tiglin had to withdraw from the negotiations as the price was increased on a number of occasions and they could not secure the funding. Another Christian endeavour, the “Save Carrig Eden Fund” took over trying to secure funds but unfortunately failed. In the meanwhile, Tiglin was able to secure the funding status they sought through Wicklow County Council and re-entered negotiations in September 2016 with IAOG. The deal was done through Wicklow County Council. As in the case of these complex deals, Wicklow County Council were two week’s late in the drawdown of their funding and IAOG pulled out of the deal. Since this time, it has become apparent that IAOG were offered 3 million from a developer for Carrig Eden. This action is resulting in up to 30 vulnerable men losing their home, we feel ours and those coming after us, hard fought rehabilitation is in jeopardy. We have been taught that if we have a problem, we go to our brother; if our brother does not listen we bring another brother to talk and see if it can be worked out. This is what we are doing, we have formed into a group and wish for our voices to be heard, we are supported by our leaders, churches and many people in the community and we now ask for your support. We are asking IAOG/CCI to come back to the table and honour their agreement with Wicklow County Council and Tiglin. That Carrig Eden continues to equip and strengthen the current and future residents who rely on this housing and its environment. “Carrig Eden is more than a house, it is a home, it is a family that take care of each other and push their siblings to strive towards their potential” .. “Without Carrig Eden, I would have been back in the area where all my problems began. Carrig Eden helped me to develop the skills needed to live, like paying rent and being independent.” “I have come from a life of addiction and homelessness, God saved me, I am on a CE scheme and volunteer with homeless and those in addiction. Please don’t take this opportunity away from me”. “ I need the people in Carrig Eden to support me and bring me through the next stages of my recovery. My chances of a new life are being destroyed and my dreams to help others like me are being crushed”. “Going through my addiction recovery has been the hardest thing in my life, but the best because I am now free from my addiction. I need Carraig Eden for its support, I have nowhere to go”. “If I don’t have Carraig Eden, I don’t have a future” “I have been able to deflect all the temptations that came my way because of the environment of Carraig Eden. I am living with people here with the same goal’s as me “I have been homeless, couldn’t read or write, I am now in education and getting my life on track. I need Carraig Eden to keep going.
    2,587 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Carraig Eden Residents Picture
  • Petition to persuade Bernie Sanders to give public speech in Dublin on June 4th/5th
    Bernie is giving a speech on June 4th which sold out after 1 minute. There are thousands of people who are willing to pay to hear him speak, to hear a voice for the people. Someone who stands up for the environment, all people and the planet as a whole. My hope is that hearing Bernie speak could spark the revolution that is needed in Ireland so we can transform our country and go back to the values it was founded on.
    221 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Cormac Nugent
  • Amend Campus Residences Ltd., Accommodation Strategy 2017/18
    On behalf of the DCU Students' Union, which consists of nearly 17,000 students, we are troubled by the new updates from Campus Residences Ltd., for the upcoming 2017/18 academic year. These include; - A 9% rent increase for Hampstead Accommodation. - An 11% rent increase for SPC and Larkfield Accommodation. This is a 49% rent increase in two academic years. I know that Campus Residences Ltd., only recently took it over but an 11% increase comparable to the quality of Larkfield accommodation type is unbelievable when you take into account the quality of accommodation provided on both campuses. - An 8% rent increase in some areas of Purcell House Accommodation. - That some rooms on Postgraduate Accommodation will see a 23% rent increase. It's hard enough to find accommodation for our students and for the college to drastically increase the cost of rent for our students at a time when we're having an accommodation crisis in Dublin shows a lack of compassion for the daily student struggles. We're asking Governing Body to come down from their Ivory Tower and realise that their demands are unrealistic and unfair.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cody Byrne
  • Council Tenants Fight Back
    A Charter of Rights for Council Tenants 1. Councils should carry out regular inspections of their property and maintain a record of both complaints and inspections, as agreed with tenants. 2. The document ‘Repairs and Maintenance which are the responsibility of the Tenant’ dated 16 June 2009 must be withdrawn. There must be no retrospective consequences for any alterations. This document is biased against tenants. 3. Council tenants should have the same right to access to an Environmental Health Officer as private tenants have, with a responsible set response time. 4. All Dublin City Council property must be inspected for current ventilation standards. 5. On a short-term basis, tenants who suffer from damp conditions should be provided with a demand led conditioning machine that circulates air. All heating systems need to be up to EU standards. 6. Council tenants should have access to an independent complaints agency. This should be composed of representatives of tenants, the council and an agreed mediator. 7. The council should recognise tenant’s associations that are organised democratically and provide them with access to proper meeting facilities. 8. All council property to be inspected for fire standards, especially the installations of fire alarms. 9. Relocation of tenants in emergency situations should be short-term and should be housed in their local area while repairs are undertaken.
    345 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Claire Kelly
  • Save T.A.R.G.E.T Community Service
    T.A.R.G.E.T is a vital community service that provides literacy skills, counselling, community employment, extensive training and affordable childcare to the local community in Donaghmede. But, we have just been told that they need to be out of their premises by June - leaving the future of the project - and all the people it supports - hanging in the balance. Can you sign the petition to ask Dublin City Council to make sure a suitable home for our project is found before the June deadline.
    787 of 800 Signatures
    Created by T.A.R.G.E.T Donaghmede Picture
  • Don't Evict Ferrycarrig Families
    URGENT: A family are to be evicted from their home on Ferrycarrig halting site tomorrow Monday the 20th of March if we don't convince Wexford County Council to withdraw their complaint from An Gardaí. The family have small children and the council have failed to provide suitable alternative accommodation. But, if enough of us sign the petition and send it to Wexford County Council before tomorrow - we could make them change their mind and withdraw their complaint.
    1,133 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Wexford Housing Action Picture
    Families may no longer be evicted from homes were mortgage was negotiated away from the business premises or by doorstep selling situation i.e. Broker arranged or when the right to cancel was not given i.e. a seven day cooling off period. S.I. No. 224/1989 - European Communities (Cancellation of Contracts Negotiated Away From Business Premises) Regulations, 1989.
    572 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Jason Ó Fionnáin Picture