• Make Integrated Education A Priority
    It's been 40 years since the first integrated school was started here, but in 2022 only 7.5% of schools here are integrated schools - bringing together children from all backgrounds - Catholic, Protestant and other. But there is overwhelming demand: 71% of people here believe our children should be educated together. Stormont has commissioned a new Independent Review of Education that could change everything - but we need you to tell them integrated education matters to you so that they make recommendations to promote integrated education! Now's your chance to speak up! Email the panel members now and tell them that you want to live in a future where all our children are educated together, promoting reconciliation.
    262 of 300 Signatures
  • Keep Scoil Naomh Padraig for our Rural Community
    1. Reducing the catchment area of the school makes it very unlikely that it will ever be increased again. 2. The school is a crucial part of local community life. 3. This school has served these local townlands for generations and in the hardest times, people worked hard to keep it open for all. 4. This change has a detrimental impact to the local community. No consideration has been given to this fact - no consultation or engagement with the broader community...the same community who fought to keep the school open when it was on the brink of closure throughout the years. 5. Parents no longer have a realistic option for co-ed schooling for their children once the townlands in which they live have been excluded from the admissions policy of Knocknasna NS. You should sign this petition if: - You are a parent of a child from any of the excluded town lands. - You are a parent of a child from Knocknasna. The school has always been central to the wider community and it is in all our interests to maintain that community spirit. - You are a past pupil and you want to protect the school for those coming after you. - You care about rural community and you want to prevent the erosion of rural life.
    750 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Friends of Knocknasna
  • Rathdown Needs A Women's Refuge Now
    We are failing the women and children in the community. Currently we have a population of 218,018 and no domestic violence refuge. The shortage of emergency accommodation for people affected by domestic violence is an issue that is getting progressively worse. Domestic violence spikes significantly during the festive season which is exacerbated by the pressures brought about by Covid-19 and the housing crisis. The provision for domestic violence in our area is comprehensively under developed. There are 144 refuge spaces available nationwide yet Dublin alone needs 143 refuge spaces, and Ireland needs almost 500. There are only 31 spaces, in 4 refuges, to service the entire Dublin area. 68% of the calls Women's Aid made to refuges are being turned away due to there being no room left. The nearest refuge for Rathdown is in Bray, this means that many people may have to travel for over an hour on public transport to be turned away. This huge lack of essential support services results in: • Unmet requests for refuge everyday; • Accommodation problems and homelessness; • People trapped in abusive relationships; • Increasing likelihood of people returning to violent and abusive homes; • Fear of reporting the abuse due to the lack of emergency accommodation available; The government is failing women and children. The most vulnerable people in our society are being failed on every level and government inaction continues to silence them. This is a national issue - there are currently 9 counties without a refuge. Please sign this petition, and please support the work of Carlow Women's Refuge Campaign too: https://my.uplift.ie/petitions/carlow-needs-a-women-s-refuge
    188 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rohana Perera
  • Support Youth Demands for Climate Justice
    The more young people who sign in support, the more we can pressure our decision makers to implement these demands.
    632 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Theresa Rose Sebastian
  • Pledge to Put Children First: End Orphanage Care
    Institutional care is harmful to children and orphanage volunteering puts children at increased risk. There is a growing global movement working to transform the way we care for children. Care leavers and child protection experts, disability advocates, faith-based and community organisations have come together to better support families and other caregivers so that children can grow up in a family and community where they belong, instead of being placed into institutions. You can support this global care reform movement by making a pledge that you will neither promote nor engage in volunteering and/or visits to institutions for children. You can also pledge to further educate yourself and people around you about the harm caused by orphanage volunteering and institutions and to only support volunteering opportunities that put the best interests and wellbeing of children and families first.
    857 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Comhlámh In Global Solidarity Picture
    82% of the Irish people support neutrality in all its aspects.
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Margaretta Darcy
  • Lift hospital restrictions and allow both parents be with a sick child at same time
    Children deserve both parents to be with them when they are at their most vulnerable. Parents have an important role in the recovery of a sick child in hospital. It's an exhausting role with monitoring and comforting the child 24/7. It's extremely difficult to do single handedly. Simple tasks like a parent needing to go to the bathroom or find food aren't possible when only one parent can be with the child at any one time. A sick child is scared and doesnt want a parent to leave for a second or may only sleep on the parent. Parents are filling a role as carers in the hospital and they deserve and are entitled to support of their partners/childs other parent to help in this extremely distressing time. Hospital experiences even when surgical outcome is a success are extremely traumatic on both parents and the child. I can't even imagine how parents are dealing with bad news while on their own. On October 22nd Ireland is basically reopening. You can go clubbing again but 2 vaccinated parents of a sick child can't be with the child together. Please can you help us raise this issue for the sake of all those sick children and parents of sick children. If you have any experiences you would like to share to help others understand, please do.
    1,190 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Gemma Marshall
  • Make RTE bring back the Den with Zig & Zag & Ray Darcy
    This TV show was one of the few reasons we had to laugh during the toughest of lockdowns and dark depressing Sunday evenings which I think would be beneficial to keep up during the coming winter where no one knows that lies ahead.
    1,590 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Philip O'Reilly
  • Practical Cooking Classes For Every Child in the School Curriculum
    No Irish child should leave school without being able to cook for themselves. Otherwise, we are undeniably, failing in our duty of care to our young people. When you teach someone how to cook, you give them a gift that will forever enhance their lives. Our food choices affect our energy, vitality, ability to concentrate. Food affects our mental and physical health and is at the heart of the fight to tackle the climate crisis.
    6,685 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Darina Allen
  • Use correct term for child sexual abuse images
    This is so important as the words "Child porn" in no way describe what is actually being done against children
    158 of 200 Signatures
    Created by shaneda daly
  • Make Marino more child friendly and safe for our children.
    We had a child run out the gate of the green after their dog straight into an oncoming car - luckily this time the driver was driving slowly within the 30km limit and was able to stop safely.
    340 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Marian Kelly
  • Scrap the CAO system
    Apart from the stress that the system is putting on young adults, it's also a system that is not rewarding them justly or preparing them adequately for life after school
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alex Barton