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Extend the Lifetime of the Mother and Baby Homes CommissionNatural justice will not be served if the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby homes is allowed to close down with so many unanswered questions, not least about its own functioning and some of the conclusions in its report. A legal enquiry that publishes conclusions and testimonies that are disputed by those who gave them and then destroys evidence cannot provide closure. There are so many unanswered questions about the manner in which this commission was run and the way it reached its conclusions that it must be held to account. This commission must not be added to the list of inquiries that have added insult to the injuries of survivors and helped mask the truth. Theatening that an extension will delay compensation for survivors is not germane. Survivors want the truth. We ALL want the truth.193 of 200 SignaturesCreated by John Hurley
'Dogs On Leash' Signs needed for Seabury parks in Malahide- Off-leash dogs are a potential danger to everyone, including toddlers and children who can easily be knocked over or even attacked. - Off-leash dogs are causing a lot more dogs poo in the park area and nobody is cleaning it up. - We need signs to tell dog owners that they need to keep their dogs on a leash at certain times in Seabury public parks. - Please sign this petition if you agree. Fingal County Council - Regional Parks and Open Spaces Bye-Laws 2017 also states: "Dogs in parks and open spaces shall be kept on a leash, other than in areas designated as off-leash areas, or at times specified by the County Council. Dogs must be kept under effectual control at all times. Dogs (other than guide dogs or assistance dogs) shall not be permitted in public playgrounds. A person shall not cause or allow any Restricted Breed, as defined in the Control of Dogs Regulations 1998 (as amended) belonging to him/her, or in his/her charge to enter or remain in the park unless such dog is kept securely muzzled and led on a sufficiently strong leash or chain not exceeding two metres in length by a competent person over 16 years of age." (ref: https://www.woofadvisor.com/blog/off-leash-dog-parks-dublin-ireland/)50 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Fiona OB
Locals fight 'Winter Blues', with campaign for Dublin 8 Park UpgradeThe lockdown has caused 'Winter Blues' for many families. Many children are 'climbing the walls' with only a few run-down local facilities in Dublin 8. Dog owners need places, to take their pets out for a daily walk. Parents with young children need clean playgrounds, as somewhere to go 'out of the house'. Joggers need somewhere clean & safe to exercise. We the undersigned ask Mr Les Moore, Head of Dublin City Council Parks Dept, to clean, fix and upgrade Grattan Crescent Park in Inchicore, for community wellbeing. We ask that Dublin City Council could clean and paint the park walls. The damaged signage needs to be replaced. The playground needs to be checked for health and safety issues. A community consultation needs to be organised to come up with a park upgrade plan.236 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Zoe Obeimhen
Fast-tracking of a Bypass of Kilrane VillageThe fast-tracking of a bypass of Kilrane Village is crucial to the safety of the children of the area as Kilrane National School sits directly on the N25. Haulier traffic in the port increased 500% in the first week of Brexit. The increase in traffic since Brexit we believe also creates many current problems and potential future problems in the development of Kilrane Village and for the quality of life of the residents of the village and surrounding area. We believe that the issues highlighted in the attached full petition cover the concerns of the residents of Kilrane and the surrounding area. The full detailed petition can be viewed at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ty7ADK6uwvOKAdAA79xuz_rkg7FrnTbc/view?usp=sharing407 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Eoin Ó Donnagáin - Kilrane NS
Post Pandemic Education Fund for Children and Young PeopleSince the Covid-19 pandemic began, across the globe, children and young people have made huge sacrifices with their education. Article 28 of UN convention on the rights of the child states in relation to Education, the child has the right to education; the State has a duty to make primary education compulsory and free to all; to take measures to develop different forms of secondary education and to make this accessible to all children. School discipline should be administered in a manner consistent with the child’s human dignity. School closures in 2020 from mid March to end of June and now from January until April, May or perhaps longer could mean Irish children and young people missing between 8 and possibly 9 months of their education. That is 1 years academic term that all children and young people have sacrificed during this pandemic. They have missed out on important rights of passage, transitions to primary, secondary and third level. Early childhood education states the years 0 to 6 in education are the building blocks of education and these early experiences form a crucial foundation of their education life into the future We are all aware of the emergency of Covid-19 but now we want to talk about recovery afterwards, recovery of full education experience for our children and young people. We want a fund to be accessible to all children and young people to support the education experiences they have lost. Its not just education rights but recreational rights that children have sacrificed. Article 31 of UN rights of child states in relation to leisure, recreation and cultural activities that the child has the right to rest and to engage in leisure, play and recreational activities and to participate in cultural and artistic activities. These too they have sacrificed. We are calling on the Justice minister and the Education minister to do what is a fundamental right of children and young people in Ireland and immediately give back the full education experience that has been taken from them.72 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jenny Hayden
Don't allow Texaco to Use Our ChildrenCourts in Ecuador found that Chevron-Texaco had deliberately dumped 16 billion gallons of cancer-causing toxic oil waste into the rainforest, causing a cancer epidemic that has killed thousands and has decimated five indigenous nations who are teetering on the brink of extinction. They inflicted death and devastation on communities of people and wildlife that no fair-minded Irish person would ever tolerate. “The oil companies came to these pristine forests, backed by our own government. They took what they wanted and wiped-out cultures, completely disregarded the Indigenous people, killed animals and ruined sacred places. In the end, the people couldn’t do anything about it because they couldn’t speak the language of the people destroying their lives! The same destruction is still going on to this day.” Nina Gualinga, Indigenous campaigner for Ecuador Amazon Watch. Nina Gualinga, an indigenous environmental and human rights warrior from Ecuador. https://amazonwatch.org/news/2016/0715-toxic-tour Then, they fled Ecuador after a court had ordered them to pay $US9.5 billion in compensation to local communities. Ever since, they have threatened the communities they violated with a ‘lifetime of litigation’ unless they dropped the case. They have attacked their victims with retaliatory lawsuits. In the face of their inexcusable and catastrophic impact on the planet, fossil fuel companies like Chevron-Texaco are desperate for a ‘social-licence’ to operate. In parallel with their human-rights abuses in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Texaco were cynically running a ‘Children’s Art Competition’ here in Ireland while at the same time they were destroying children’s lives in the Amazon. The legacy of that destruction continues to this day. There can be no place for fossil fuel companies like Texaco in Children’s Art or Sports in Ireland. Join the growing number of major arts institutions and museums around the world who have severed their ties with major oil companies like Texaco.120 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Just Forests
Citizenship for Children Born in Ireland to Non-EU/EEA Parents“Before the pandemic, a 10 year old child who was born and grew up in Ireland was deported to Nigeria. Today, more children who were born in Ireland face the threat of deportation. Last year, Minister McEntee spoke in the Oireachtas and expressed support for a bill that seeks to provide a pathway to citizenship for children who are born in Ireland to non-EU/EEA nationals. While the bill is not law yet, we are concerned that a number of children who were born in Ireland face the threat of deportation. Belkisa was still learning to walk on her own when she was served with a deportation order. And her baby brother Enis was born 6 months ago with a deportation order. Their parents are not allowed to work so that they can provide for their needs while in the State with a deportation order. Children grow up and their material needs grow each day. Minister Helen McEntee has discretionary power to revoke this deportation order and grant the family permission to remain. This is a call to Minister McEntee to put to action the words she spoke in the Oireachtas when she expressed support for the Irish Nationality and Citizenship (Naturalisation of Minors Born in Ireland) Bill 2018. Revoke the deportation orders, and provide a pathway to citizenship for children born in Ireland to non-EU/EEA parents.”2,648 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Bulelani Mfaco
Schools are an essential service - Open them IRL (in real life)Education is an essential service. Sign this. Goal of this petition to show how much support there is for schools to re-open at the beginning of March for ALL children. Keeping this simple as the debates are complicated but the ASK is simple. School IRL (In Real Life) is an essential service. Open our schools at the beginning of March. Sign if you want to show our politicians that you want schools to open beginning of March. ++++++ Currently there is no clear road map for the opening of schools. "End of March" is now being used to manage parents' expectations. No clear goals, no plan in place to work towards. Nothing concrete. If we don't voice our opinion now, this could easily slide into post-Easter. NPC, National Parents Council, just sent a countrywide survey asking: From Feb 11th do you want 4 weeks of online support for your children? This shows me schools are planning to stay closed. Preparing to stay closed. This shows me we need to act now. Teachers' Unions are NOT taking Governmental advice, NPHET, The WHO, Tulsa?. Whose advice are they taking ? Dr Glynn has repeatedly stated the negative impact school closure is having on children. Opening of schools cannot be tied to covid numbers any longer. Risk is always there. Speaking at a press briefing by the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) earlier, Dr Ronan Glynn said that although there were no “zero-risk” environments, the reopening of schools was in the best interests of children. POLITICIANS are asking for parents' voices to help with their debates. We need to show we care about this and want a clear plan. Agreed dates no more " hopes and maybes". Teachers Unions cannot be allowed to leave school openings in limbo. We have no road map. Currently, there is nothing to stop schools from being closed until after Easter. Sign this. The goal of this petition to show how much support there is for schools to re-open at the beginning of March for all children. I love my school. I support teachers. I am not going to simply wait until Easter to look back and wish I had voiced my opinion earlier. Give us a concrete plan to Open our schools in Early March. Don't wait until the end of February to be told you have to wait until after Easter. Schools are an essential service. Distance learning is not the same. Open our schools beginning of March. Thank you for your time. and your signature. #iloveteachers Keeping this simple as the debates are complicated but the ask is simple. School IRL (in real Life) is essential service. Open our schools at the beginning of March.8,431 of 9,000 SignaturesCreated by Sine Dunne Mary McCarthy
Environmental Bus Shelter @ the Community HallIt is important as over 30 children between primary & secondary school use this in the morning time & with our climate many mornings they are going into school saturated from the rain when waiting on the bus. We would like to provide shelter for them and have an eco approach to our strucure by creating a grass roof for biodiversity and the structure would include bird feeders and a bug hotel in the back of the structure .10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sharon Mckeever
#BuildourroadThis is important because 13 years of incredible work from the community and its stakeholders is being torn up because a Minister and his party believe they know more than Moyross community. This party have never tried to support our community and are now actively destroying its future. This is important for all communities to show those who are publicly elected that they cannot deafen the voice of the people.717 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Jason Craig
Reopen no.29 Georgian house museumThere is no other existing dedicated museum of Dublin s Georgian heritage. It reflected multiple elements of 18th c Dublin society and was a valuable resource for Dubliners and tourists alike.2,412 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Aoife Eleanor
Ag fas le cheile! Say yes to a 100 % Organic, Chemical-free and GMO-free IrelandDear Friends, I just created the petition: Ag fas le cheile! Say yes to a 100% Organic, 100% Chemical-free and 100% GMO-free Ireland. It would mean a lot to me if you took a moment to add your name because: A journey’s end matters not, for it is the journey itself that inspires, enriches and delights. As I took “the road less travelled” 18 months ago, I could not have imagined the amount of learning to be had on this road; for I am now less dependent on certain modern conveniences than I was in May 2019. Now in November 2020, I am • 100% shampoo-free • 100% clothes detergent-free • 100% washing-up liquid free • 100% dishwasher liquid free • 100% all-purpose cleaner free • 99% bin-free. In short, grey water that leaves my house is virtually chemical free with a minimal toxic load to the environment. My garden is 100% Organic, 100% Chemical-free and 100% GMO-free and has been for about 10 years. With the continued support from local Clare businesses and shops, Clare media and a waste prevention grant from Clare County Council, Operation de-Plastification with its “slim your bin or bin your bin challenge” has been able to inform, encourage, support and lead-by-example on the quest to waste reduction, particularly plastic related waste in the shape of single-use plastic bottles and plastic packaging. With the submission to Clare County Council for the Clare Local Development Plan 2022 – 2028 "100% Organic, 100% Chemical-free and 100% GMO-free", I am hoping to sow the seed for a different Clare, and by extension a different Ireland, to highlight a path that has been taken by other countries successfully and to encourage as many people of all ages and guises, including businesses and politicians, to re-think their habits and attitudes in relation to • everyday conveniences • everyday routines • everyday practices to aid the recovery of our planet, with an intact environment which in turn will support our future. The attempt to combine the Operation de-Plastification campaign and the vision for a post-pandemic County Clare, has generated the “ag fás le chéile” petition, where shoppers, sellers and consumers can voice, with their signature, their request for an enduring “green” Ireland. The petition aims to address all people living in Ireland: • Shoppers: we want to buy local, sustainable, affordable, nutritious, delicious, organic, plastic-packaging-free, chemical-free and gmo-free goods • Sellers: we want to sell local, sustainable, affordable, nutritious, delicious, organic, plastic-packaging-free, chemical-free and gmo-free goods • Consumers: we want to enjoy local, sustainable, affordable, nutritious, delicious, organic, plastic-packaging-free, chemical-free and gmo-free goods Assuring our environment’s and our survival, “the road not taken” may lead to a life and life-style where less is more, as less is more than enough in my experience. With the kindest regards, Cornelia Wahli Operation de-Plastification Campaign Slim your Bin or Bin your Bin Challenge “Ag fás le chéile” Petition ____________________________________________________________________ https://my.uplift.ie/petitions/ag-fas-le-cheile-say-yes-to-a-100-organic-chemical-free-and-gmo-free-ireland Real change happens when everyday people like you and I come together and stand up for what we believe in. Together we can reach lots of people and help create change around this important issue. After you've signed the petition, could you also take a moment to share it with others? It's really easy – all you need to do is forward this email. Thank you!74 of 100 SignaturesCreated by cornelia wahli