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To: Minister Helen McEntee

Citizenship for Children Born in Ireland to Non-EU/EEA Parents

To revoke deportation orders issued to children who were born in Ireland to non-EU/EEA parents.

Why is this important?

“Before the pandemic, a 10 year old child who was born and grew up in Ireland was deported to Nigeria. Today, more children who were born in Ireland face the threat of deportation.

Last year, Minister McEntee spoke in the Oireachtas and expressed support for a bill that seeks to provide a pathway to citizenship for children who are born in Ireland to non-EU/EEA nationals.

While the bill is not law yet, we are concerned that a number of children who were born in Ireland face the threat of deportation. Belkisa was still learning to walk on her own when she was served with a deportation order. And her baby brother Enis was born 6 months ago with a deportation order. Their parents are not allowed to work so that they can provide for their needs while in the State with a deportation order. Children grow up and their material needs grow each day.

Minister Helen McEntee has discretionary power to revoke this deportation order and grant the family permission to remain. This is a call to Minister McEntee to put to action the words she spoke in the Oireachtas when she expressed support for the Irish Nationality and Citizenship (Naturalisation of Minors Born in Ireland) Bill 2018. Revoke the deportation orders, and provide a pathway to citizenship for children born in Ireland to non-EU/EEA parents.”


2021-02-21 21:17:48 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached