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To: Taoiseach, Tanaiste, Minister for Education, Minister for Children

Schools are an essential service - Open them IRL (in real life)

Open schools IRL beginning of March for all Children.

Why is this important?

Education is an essential service.

Sign this. Goal of this petition to show how much support there is for schools to re-open at the beginning of March for ALL children.

Keeping this simple as the debates are complicated but the ASK is simple. School IRL (In Real Life) is an essential service. Open our schools at the beginning of March.

Sign if you want to show our politicians that you want schools to open beginning of March.


Currently there is no clear road map for the opening of schools.

"End of March" is now being used to manage parents' expectations. No clear goals, no plan in place to work towards. Nothing concrete. If we don't voice our opinion now, this could easily slide into post-Easter.

NPC, National Parents Council, just sent a countrywide survey asking: From Feb 11th do you want 4 weeks of online support for your children? This shows me schools are planning to stay closed. Preparing to stay closed. This shows me we need to act now.

Teachers' Unions are NOT taking Governmental advice, NPHET, The WHO, Tulsa?. Whose advice are they taking ?

Dr Glynn has repeatedly stated the negative impact school closure is having on children.

Opening of schools cannot be tied to covid numbers any longer. Risk is always there.

Speaking at a press briefing by the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) earlier, Dr Ronan Glynn said that although there were no “zero-risk” environments, the reopening of schools was in the best interests of children.

POLITICIANS are asking for parents' voices to help with their debates. We need to show we care about this and want a clear plan. Agreed dates no more " hopes and maybes".

Teachers Unions cannot be allowed to leave school openings in limbo. We have no road map. Currently, there is nothing to stop schools from being closed until after Easter.

Sign this. The goal of this petition to show how much support there is for schools to re-open at the beginning of March for all children.

I love my school. I support teachers. I am not going to simply wait until Easter to look back and wish I had voiced my opinion earlier.

Give us a concrete plan to Open our schools in Early March.

Don't wait until the end of February to be told you have to wait until after Easter.

Schools are an essential service. Distance learning is not the same. Open our schools beginning of March.

Thank you for your time. and your signature.

Keeping this simple as the debates are complicated but the ask is simple. School IRL (in real Life) is essential service.

Open our schools at the beginning of March.

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2021-02-21 14:32:59 +0000

This group will officially deliver the petition to all parties engaged in the discussion in advance of Tuesday’s cabinet meeting.

Please continue to share and get people to sign, the more signatures the better.

The continued lack of clarity around the plan to reopen is damaging our children and we are also concerned about the collateral damage being caused to families as a result.

Is it March 1? How will it work? When will all parties stand behind a single plan and communicate it to us?

Thank you all for sharing your stories and lending your voice. It is having an impact.

#ReopenSchoolsIRL #Petition
#weneedaplan #LivingWithCovid

2021-02-15 09:14:58 +0000

5,000 signatures reached

2021-02-12 09:54:41 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2021-02-10 13:16:30 +0000

500 signatures reached

2021-02-09 19:08:31 +0000

100 signatures reached

2021-02-09 18:20:14 +0000

50 signatures reached

2021-02-09 17:57:12 +0000

25 signatures reached

2021-02-09 17:46:41 +0000

10 signatures reached