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Use correct term for child sexual abuse imagesThis is so important as the words "Child porn" in no way describe what is actually being done against children158 of 200 SignaturesCreated by shaneda daly
Make Marino more child friendly and safe for our children.We had a child run out the gate of the green after their dog straight into an oncoming car - luckily this time the driver was driving slowly within the 30km limit and was able to stop safely.340 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Marian Kelly
Scrap the CAO systemApart from the stress that the system is putting on young adults, it's also a system that is not rewarding them justly or preparing them adequately for life after school12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alex Barton
Support Stamp 3 Visa Holders to Access Employment in IrelandWhat is Stamp 3 visa? Stamp 3 visa is a type of residence permit that states people cannot work or engage in business, trade, or profession. This type of stamp is issued to spouses and children of general work employment permit holders as well as spouses of Non-EEA PhD students in Ireland. Why is this important to us? As skilled immigrants in Ireland we would like to be treated with equality to access employment and contribute to the economy of Ireland. This can only be achieved by removing the obstacles that we have to go through to be considered for employment in Ireland. What can you do to help? We request for your support to petition the Irish government to allow spouses & children of general work employment permit holders and spouses of PhD students to access employment without the requirement of applying for a separate work permit. Useful resources: https://reformstamp3.webador.ie/ http://www.inis.gov.ie/en/inis/pages/registration-stamps https://enterprise.gov.ie/en/What-We-Do/Workplace-and-Skills/Employment-Permits/ http://www.inis.gov.ie/en/INIS/Family%20Reunification%20Policy%20Document.pdf/Files/Family%20Reunification%20Policy%20Document.pdf https://enterprise.gov.ie/en/Publications/Publication-files/Employment-Permits-FAQs-2020.pdf https://enterprise.gov.ie/en/What-We-Do/Workplace-and-Skills/Employment-Permits/Employment-Permit-Eligibility/Immigration-Employment-Permits/2,376 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Reform Stamp 3
Unlock access to education for migrant youthOur migrant young people have so much to contribute to Irish life, but some find that even though they are legally resident, they are unable to access SUSI grants because they don't have the 'right' type of immigration permission to qualify under SUSI's nationality criteria. In practice this means that young migrants face exorbitant international fees when they apply for college or university unless they can secure one of a small number of scholarship places. This effectively locks some migrant young people out of accessing higher education and following their career dreams.339 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Fiona Hurley
Comhlámh le Naíscoil na Seolta/In solidarity with Naíscoil na SeoltaIn Northern Ireland, no matter who we are, our everyday speech is littered with Gaelic and Scots words. Many of the names of our towns and cities are derived from Irish, and it was historically spoken by many Protestant people across Ulster. It's wrong that a vile social media campaign has led this importance educational resource to move premises. Shared spaces where we learn from each other are vital for our peace-building and our quality of life. We offer our support and respect and stand firmly with all those involved in Naíscoil na Seolta.1,438 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Nicola Browne
Car Park for Cannistown National SchoolWe are aware that the Local Authority is willing to support with the purchase of land to resolve the parking/ set down issue. We understand that the request to acquire lands needs to come from the Department of Education and Skills and to date, no such request has been received by Meath County Council. When funding appears to be available we are unclear why this matter has not been progressed. We can no longer remain silent on this issue and wait for a fatality to spur the relevant departments into action.628 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Carol Foley
Hold Gardai Accountable For Ignoring Domestic Violence VictimsMaking that call is often the first step on a victims journey to safety. It can take to 35 assaults before a victim reaches out for help. Ignoring calls leaving women and children to fend for themselves is unacceptable.159 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Mary-Louise Lynch
Stop The ShopResidents in the Callenders Mill estate and surrounding estates do not want a shop built on the green area in front of their houses. This green is filled with children playing every day. Residents want to keep this green space as there is already a lack of green spaces for children in Celbridge. Callenders Mill is clearly a residential area. The proposed shop will be open from 7am to 10pm, which will cause serious disturbance and noise pollution for residents. There is already insufficient parking for residents in the estate. There are already a significant number of other shop in the vicinity. There are also vacant shop units within walking distance of the proposed site. We do not need or want a shop in Callenders Mill, Celbridge!249 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Joanne McGarry
Fairness and equality for unmarried familiesHaving recently lost my partner of near twenty years and being left to be the sole provider of our three children I have discovered that I am not entitled to the same supports as my married counterparts. Unmarried families are not recognized under our constitution and are therefore not offered the same protection from the state. The state treats cohabiting couples as a family unit for taxation and means testing purposes yet it will not accept cohabitation when there is a bereavement. Modern society does not allow for people to live the way they did when the constitution was written due to the challenges people have to face both financially and personally. I am calling on the Government to address the definition of the Family where marriage is concerned and also to address the families that have been left out of the widow/widower pension due to there status not being accepted by the state.2,446 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by John O meara
Stop the Breaching of Children's Rights in Palestine“If there is a hell on earth it is the life of a child in Gaza” - UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. We, young people of Cork, call on everyone to sign our petition for an immediate end to the attacks on the past, present, and futures of Palestinian children. If it is "hell on earth" why have the constant attacks not stopped? Why have these children not been saved? Why has the destruction of the Palestinian people, culture, and way of life been allowed to continue? We call upon the international community to recognise the consistent breach of the Geneva Convention and the UNCRC and to take steps to ensure such breaches are not repeated. As youths, we ourselves understand the need for care, safety, and security throughout childhood. We understand the damage that a lack of such can do to those who would otherwise flourish in a safe and healthy environment. How can we stand aside while this is being denied to children like ourselves in Palestine? “That which you don’t condemn, you condone”146 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Cork Life Centre
Remove restrictions on Birth Partners in Northern IrelandBirth partners are not visitors; they often are the other parent to the baby/babies and provide essential physical, mental and emotional support during pregnancy and birth. While pregnancy is not an illness, pregnant people are particularly vulnerable emotionally and mentally, and having to attend appointments without the support of a trusted partner can leave them feeling alone, scared and anxious. This can lead to mental health issues. Prior to the pandemic, one-third of women found their birth experience traumatic, which can significantly affect their lives, their relationships and their transition to parenthood; restrictions are compounding this. Birthing people and their partners should be treated in an holistic way, protecting their physical, emotional and mental health.714 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Mothers Matter NI