• Say YES to Linking Private Housing Rental with Property Tax
    Join this campaign to emphasise a logical solution to the housing crisis.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Louise McMahon Picture
  • Better Rights for Dyslexic and Special Educational Needs Children
    It is important as lots of children every year are failed by the Irish Government my son enclude. These children have rights under the disability legislation act and we must act now before any other children are failed long term.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Siobhán McGourty
  • Clongriffin Dart Access
    Encourage & facilitate use of public transport. Currently women, girls, people in wheelchairs, with bikes & buggies are either afraid or cannot access station.
    2,834 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Joan Hopkins
  • Kiltalown Park and Jobstown Playground
    What can be done? Kiltalown and Jobstown Parks and playground should be beautiful public spaces which the community and surrounding areas could be free to utilise. These public spaces require investment in resources to improve the facilities to allow these parks/playgrounds to be opened to our communities all year round. We are campaigning for: - Proper lighting to be installed within the parks/playground to increase community activity. - More facilities such as park benches and exercise equipment. - Our playground for the children of our communities upgraded and re-opened - Extend the paved walkways and incorporate the stream in kiltalown park. This would allow for a section of the park to be rewilded and would be a great asset for our local schools in order to have nature walks on our doorstep. - In other parks South Dublin County Council have invested vast amounts of funding and programs while failing to invest in our parks in South Tallaght, we demand our fair share of that funding and investments. - Park rangers also to discourage any inappropriate behaviour so that the parks/playground are used in a positive way, so people have a greater sense of security and these community areas attract more users.
    62 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura OReilly
  • Share the Shore in Greenisland
    The shore of Belfast Lough is special - lovely walks at low tide, seals, birds, the beach. It's a perfect place for people to enjoy, and to improve their physical and mental health, and appreciate our natural environment. Yet it's closed off. Access denied! NIWater and MEABC have the power to change that. So simply open the gate, and #ShareTheShore!
    507 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Shane McKee
  • Re-open Ballaghaderreen Swimming Pool
    The swimming pool in Ballaghaderreen is an important and well used amenity, it's closure is a loss to the town and needs to be re-opened.
    1,551 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Claire Kerrane Picture
  • Retain holiday hunger payments in Northern Ireland
    Since July 2020, families of 96,000 children eligible for free school meals have received £27 per child each fortnight during school holidays. These families are those who are forced to struggle the most as the cost of living surges. It is vital that this payment continues.
    1,459 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Browne
  • Tánaiste Martin retract home-ed statements
    An Tánaiste comments about homeschooling can be read here: https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-41096002.html The socialising and isolating issue is brought up very often by those who do not know the rich and varied experiences home-educating and unschooling families have and share with each other. Despite the right of parents to be the primary educator of their children, protected by the Constitution, the Tánaiste’s comments reveal that he considers there is something misaligned in parents who chose home-education over sending their children to state schools, or something misaligned with their children as a result. It is a classic misperception by those who know little about home-education that children do not learn to socialise when educated at home, and that home-educating families are isolated or somehow removed from society at large, in an ignorant bubble, as the minister himself projected. Sometimes you find the truth when you turn 180 degrees. In all fairness, it's an understandable knee jerk reaction to think that without classroom activities, children don't socialise. The reality is radically different and backed up by studies. Homeschooled children do not only have ample time for visits with their school going friends, there are many wonderful home-ed communities to connect with any time of the week. You see, as a general rule, home-educating families love meeting with home-educating families. There's people across the length and breadth of this country meeting up, organising museum visits, art projects, play sessions, camping trips, shared educational opportunities etc etc. Furthermore home-educated and unschooled children meet with a variety of people throughout the day, the post man, the busker in the street, the person giving the guided tour just to them, their grandparents, etc. etc. Within home-education children's interactions are not restricted mostly to their own age groups and therfore there is an increase in having friendships with much younger or older children and adults too. It was deeply offensive to hear the comments from our Tánaiste who is meant to protect every child and person in the county. The comments crudely undermined our sincere efforts, and were regarding a case which anchored on religious beliefs and did not in any way represent the home-educating communities of Ireland. We ask Minister Martin to please make a retraction and restore the faith of this minority group by expressing respect for personal decisions regarding our families, as is our right. Home-educating and unschooling families and their children are very much part of modern Irish society, and their local communities. We are a Constitutionally protected minority, and in other countries this legality is deemed progressive and supportive of democratic choice. Photo by Sasko Lazarov
    709 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jacintha van Roij
  • Landsdowne Valley Park Drimnagh needs an upgrade
    Landsdowne Valley park is mostly used by dog walkers and joggers currently. It has a disused pitch & putt section - that has become home to many birds. The lock-down showed how important local green spaces are. The climate crisis is showing the importance of biodiversity. Landsdowne Valley Park has a lot of untapped potential and we ask the council to take steps, to come up with an upgrade plan for Landsdowne Valley Park in partnership with the local community and stakeholders. The run down, polluted condition of the River Camac flowing through Landsdowne Valley Park, is of serious concern. We the undersigned look forward to partnering with Dublin City Council, in creating an upgrade plan for this park.
    210 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Zoe Obeimhen
  • Stop traffic danger for Kids walking & cycling on SCR
    Cyclists are being hit by cars at this junction. Cars are jumping the red light. Hundreds of children and cyclists walk and cycle to work & school every day here. They are not safe. Dublin City Council traffic engineers must urgently review this junction and upgrade pedestrian & cyclist safety with 2 new pedestrian crossings & cycle lanes.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Zoe Obeimhen
  • Stop giving children in National schools homework
    The pressure of home work can effect children's mental health and well being and that of their parents. If you agree please join me in this petition.
    120 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Ewing
  • GSK pay what you owe to the Mother and Baby redress scheme.
    Children in Mother and Baby home were used for vaccine trial experiments without their parents’ or guardians’ consent, or even without their knowledge. GSK experimented with at least 13 vaccines and 2 milk formula trials, denying any harm. However, reports like Murphy's - Trial G states that “a significant number of adverse reactions were reported among children involved”, they also got “infantile spasms” after vaccinations. GSK needs to take the responsibility for all harm done to children and their parents from Baby and Mother Homes. GSK used the most vulnerable children. They targeted defenseless mothers. GSK recruited children with Down syndrome, deformity, heart diseases. They described one of the mothers as “mentally handicapped”. All that is seen as an excuse. All of those children were used without the consent. GSK is a pharmaceutical giant with worldwide sales of £29.3 billion (€33 billion) in 2022. They need to pay for the justice. If we put GSK CEO in the spotlight and boycott their products, we can show Emma Walmsley that we won't support a pharmaceutical behemoth that is refusing to pay what they are own to Mother and Baby Homes. [1] https://www.irishtimes.com/politics/2023/02/27/gsk-repeatedly-rejected-ministers-efforts-to-get-it-to-pay-reparations-over-vaccine-trials/
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacob Sosinsky