• Teachers Around the World Demand an Immediate Ceasefire
    We are teachers; we teach children. We teach them about society and how they will grow up to be full participants in society. We teach them about empathy and solidarity; and we teach them, when they see obvious injustice, that they should act. We are horrified to be witnessing a deliberate, catastrophic humanitarian tragedy being inflicted on Gaza. We say this because we do not believe that the killing of children can be justified as "collateral damage," in the pursuit of a murderous, illusory, self-defeating and futile goal. Nor do we accept assurances that efforts are being made to avoid the deaths of children. Since October the 7th, over 13,000 children have died violently in Gaza; 4551 of them were school students. An additional 8,193 children have suffered injuries. We teach children every day, we know that these are not just numbers. Each of these children is as precious as your own child. These are innocent lives, cut short in the most barbaric manner. To date, 231 of our teaching colleagues in Gaza have been murdered, and 762 injured in brutal attacks by the Israeli army, which has been given billions of dollars by the United States to destroy Gaza. Schools - the bastions of hope and enlightenment - are being mercilessly and illegally targeted. A staggering 281 schools have been bombed or damaged; 83 are severely damaged; one-third are inoperable; and seven are utterly destroyed. To compound this tragedy, 133 schools are now makeshift shelters for displaced civilians, clinging to the vain hope that schools will not be targeted. We cannot turn a blind eye to the unambiguous war crimes that are being committed; to the genocidal assertions made by members of the Israeli cabinet; nor to the on-going ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, to facilitiate colonisation of their land. If you also believe that the mass slaughter of children, the assassination of teachers and the destruction of the educational system of Gaza is unacceptable, then we ask you to join us in saying stop. Just stop. Simply stop. We, the undersigned teachers from every corner of the globe, urgently demand you use your influence and resources to champion an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and in the West Bank. The time for diplomatic solutions and decisive action is now. We demand an immediate permanent ceasefire and the effective application of international law. Your contribution doesn't mean you are pro one group or against another. Your petition means you are pro humanity
    3,042 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Teachers for Palestine
  • Swimming Pool for North Fingal
    Children in Balbriggan and surrounding areas do not have the abillity to swim. Only 6/23 schools surveyed in north county Dublin have swimming on the curriculum. Balbriggan was promised a swimming pool in partnership with the rugby club in a plan scrapped in 2016. Skerries was promised a swimming pool years previously. People have to spend time and money to access a pool outside the area. Swimming is a basic life skill and contributes to sport and health of our community.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Garrett Mullan
  • Don't Ban Teen Disco's
    Discos are a big part of being social, making friends and having some fun. They are excellent spaces for young people to meet and they are supervised. Every teen disco venue should be in line with safeguarding rules. https://www.96fm.ie/news/96fm-news-and-sport/government-urged-to-ban-teenage-discos-for-under-16s/
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacob Sosinsky
  • Newport Road Public Footpath & Lighting
    Please help our 40-YEAR campaign to get a short footpath laid between two estates Grangewood and Rich Hill Woods on a very dangerous road, which has only become busier with trucks and fast moving traffic. Local resident JJ Ryan has been campaigning to get a footpath built for years. “This is an extremely dangerous stretch of road. There’s no lighting and no footpath between the two estates. “Pedestrians, the elderly, and schoolchildren getting on and off the local bus or cycling to school have to scramble up a very steep bank to get out of the way of traffic.” Mr Ryan, whose son was struck by the wing mirror of a passing car last year and suffered a broken arm, said that “there have been scores of near misses and accidents involving cars and pedestrians. It’s only a matter of time before someone is killed. Do we really have to wait for that to happen before something is done?” If you are a local resident, or would like to support local residents, please consider signing our petition to have a footpath built to ensure the safety of the residents. We are stronger together, and together we can ensure the safety of everyone in our community. This affects more than 200 local residents at least. Please reach out to anyone you know who can support us.
    277 of 300 Signatures
    Created by James Ryan
  • Road safety Standhouse road newbridge
    Pedestrian access to the national school and general road speed limit. Currently children and parents are forced to park.on footpath and step out onto a live and busy road where there is no speed limit measures.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ciaran Wilson
  • Make our Children Safer
    Parents and Guardians are extremely concerned about the safety on the R405 and that risks that 853 (457 Gaelscoil Uí Fhiaich and 396 Maynooth Educate Together National School) shool going children and their parents face on a daily basis.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Coiste na dTuistí Gaelscoil Uí Fhiach
  • Department of Education: Create a REAL Action Plan for Integrated Education
    In 2023, 25 years after the Good Friday Agreement, only 8% of NI kids go to integrated schools despite huge demand. Right now, the Department of Education has a public consultation on their 'Action Plan' and anyone can comment. Tell the Department of Education - we want a REAL Action Plan for integrated education.
    531 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Adam McGibbon
  • Keep Before5 Centre in Churchfield open
    The Before 5 Centre on Churchfield Hill was founded almost 50 years ago to support families and the community. Closing of the family centre left 100 families without childcare places next week and 14 staff without jobs. Keep the Before 5 Centre open for the families and people in the community. Image credits: Larry Cummins
    990 of 1,000 Signatures
  • Local bus for Mullingar
    To help people get around. Kids getting to school, people who don't drive are less strained to get in and out of town. As well as cutting down on emissions as less people would drive. It would help people save money and hopefully create a better social culture of there is easy access to the town and parks.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lauren White
  • Ballyhass School Bus
    The children of Ballyhass NS and the parish of Castlemagner deserve a bus and shouldn't be subjected to the stress and worry of a lottery year on year. This affects anyone that is outside the Department of Education's radius of 3 miles from the school. This is our fight this year but it might be yours in the future.
    223 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Concerned Parents
  • Boycott SHEIN
    Fast fashion may seem convenient and affordable, but the truth is, it's taking a huge toll on worker's rights. From the usage of harmful chemicals causing sickness among people working in sweatshops to child labor and modern slavery, the fashion industry is one of the biggest exploiters of labor. Garment workers, work day and night for meagre wages, while companies like SHEIN indulge in fleeting fashion trends and earn billions on sufferings. SHEIN is known not only for stealing designs from artists and small labels but also resorting to questionable practices and inhumane conditions for their sweatshop workers. These people work up to 18 hours a day, and are paid as little as 4 cents per finished clothing item. On top of that, they often face harsh penalties, losing two-thirds of their daily wages for minor mistakes in their work. To make matters worse, SHEIN has shown no hesitation in selling offensive items, like Islamic prayer rugs as decorative mats and swastika necklaces. This is our time to boycott SHEIN and show them we have had enough of their shady practices and exploitation of vulnerable people. LESS FAST FASHION, MORE WORKER RIGHTS
    3,682 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Aine Ferris
  • Say YES to Linking Private Housing Rental with Property Tax
    Join this campaign to emphasise a logical solution to the housing crisis.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Louise McMahon Picture