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To: Tony Barron, General Services Manager Ardee County Council

Improve our Ardee Playground now!

Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash
Mr Barron,

With our playground being right next to your office on the Fair Green you must be aware of it's rapidly declining state.

Our children deserve better - take action and improve the Ardee playground now!

Why is this important?

Anyone who has seen our playground knows it needs improvement now!

Broken equipment, crumbling astroturf, sharp corners and overgrown weeds just to mention a few points that lead to our only playground in the town to be a health and safety risk for our children.

Our children deserve a safe and clean environment to play outdoors! The points mentioned above are proving this to be not the case therefore we implore you to do better for our community!

The surrounding schools are more or less forced to use the playground for their July provisions on a daily basis because they have limited resources on the school grounds.

The council have recently transformed the railway walk into a beautiful spot and we think our children would love the same care and effort put into improving their playground!

Let's come together as a community and change this - Demand action to be taken immediately and improve the Ardee playground now!
Fair Green, Ardee, Co. Louth, Ireland

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