• Monitor Mental Health Provision in Schools
    If mental health promotion was given a more central and compulsory role in the curriculum the wellbeing of the young people would improve. The communities we work in are some of the most deprived areas in the UK. The suicide rate is around 70% higher in deprived areas than non-deprived areas, and rates of pupils needing tuition due to anxiety and mental health continues to be high. We need schools and the Education Authority to monitor how our schools are addressing mental health.
    1,053 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by rory doherty
  • Save Our Reading Schools
    "However small the chance might be of striking lucky, the chance was always there." - Roald Dahl. We have promised to cherish the children of this nation equally. Every child deserves the chance to read and thrive.
    5,814 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Doireann O'Neill
  • Public Inquiry Into Tusla Petition
    The failures of mothers and babies in the past in being excused on the grounds of ignorance. Future generations will never forgive this generation for a failure to hold TUSLA to account for it's incompetence to parents and children. TUSLA'S remit is very far reaching covering areas beyond child protection and welfare including domestic sexual and gender based violence services, retention of adoption records, early years services and education welfare. TUSLA is responsible for the most venerable members of our society, OUR CHILDREN,PAST AND PRESENT. Their failures will have lasting effects for many decades into the future. While there have been inquiries into some aspects of how TUSLA operates, there has never been a public inquiry into TUSLA as an overall body.
    2,266 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Scanlon
  • Issue Michael creed minister for agriculture with p45
    Its extremely important that farmers take the time to sighn this petition , as I feel its the first step and only step in rectifying the great imbalances that farmers are experiencing, when we as independent farmers elect our own representative to hold position as minister for agriculture, then we as a farming community can work towards resolving farmers issues re instating farmers rights equality something that is being rashioned at present, we can resolve the great imbalances being experienced
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Curran
  • Better Community Policing presence to deal with antisocial behaviour in Sean Moore Park, Dublin 4
    We, the undersigned, feel that this is necessary due to a spate of recent antisocial behaviour incidents which have involved the bullying, intimidation and, sometimes, assault of Primary school aged children in the areas mentioned. These attacks have been perpetrated by groups of older children and teenagers
    521 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Olga Keogh
  • Road Safety for Monasterevin School Children
    With an ever increasing population and heavier traffic on our roads, the current layout around the Monasterevin Schools is unacceptable. Every day, children are crossing roads that have no designated crossing. They are walking on the road because the footpath is unusable or non existent. They are using a junction that is too wide to cross safely with traffic coming from all directions. There are no signs to indicate a school. The current buildup of leaves is leading to ice like conditions on the roads and footpaths. The list of issues goes on and on.. Kildare County Council have refused to provide a traffic warden as recently as November 18th, and with the dark winter already upon us, our childrens lives are quite literally on the line. KCC have quite simply said no money will be spent on our childrens safety. With money widely spent across the county on traffic wardens and infrastructure, Monasterevin appears to once again be forgotten or deemed less important by Kildare County Council. We will NOT accept this. The School Road Safety Action Group, will continue to highlight this issue and will not relent until we are confident that our children can safely walk to school.
    316 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Monasterevin School Road Safety Action Group
  • BRING the UNCRPD TO IRELAND NOW! Legal Capacity = Right to be HUMAN
    The UNCRPD (United Nations Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities), is a human rights instrument with a social development dimension. It reaffirms that all persons with all types of disabilities must enjoy all human rights and fundamental freedoms. You, me and our loved ones are very likely to acquire a disability at some point in our lives. To make decisions for yourself is WHAT IT MEANS TO BE HUMAN. No government or organisation should be able to remove these rights because we have not signed the UNCRPD, but this is occurring in Ireland today. This is hidden and happening each and EVERY DAY that we deny ourselves the rights under the UNCRPD. Please help remove the medieval Ward of Court System in this country now by making the government COMMENCE the long overdue UNCRPD. HELP COMMENCE THE UNCRPD
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Murphy
  • O'Devaney Gardens, Land, Say No To Crumbs
    Ireland needs homes for the many thousands of homeless families and children ASAP, However we need an action plan implemented immediately. This government and its policy makers need State land to build homes. As a State, we need to be turning to the Europe bank for a lone to build state homes for our people. If we give away our State land to private developers, we are literally telling the many thousands of homeless families and children in Ireland that we do not care. We must call on all TD, and Councillors to seek change to the homeless crises and the best place to start is with the O’Devaney Gardens lands and seek a significantly higher amount of social housing for this bad deal with Bartra Capital Development, or take the deal of the table.
    705 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Mc Creery
  • Stop new quarry in south Kildare
    Kilsaran have submitted an application Kildare County Council to start a new quarry in Racefield, Ballyshannon. This is a rural but buoyant neighbourhood that would be blighted if this application were to succeed. There are a lot of farmers in the local area that would be affected, as well as 3 national schools all within a few miles with 1 being only a mile away. It is this school that would be affected the most, as it is situated at the junction that the 70+ lorries per day would use and would be affected not only by the dust polution but elevated levels of exhaust fumes. We need your help in sending a signal to the council that this quarry is not wanted.
    220 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Iain Bright
  • Climate Action Now
    Climate change is at our doorstep and not enough is being done to help the situation. Ireland's climate action plan is the ambiguous aim to reduce carbon emissions by 30% between 2021 and 2030, but I see little progress being made. As young climate activist Greta Thunberg said, "People are suffering, people are dying, entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth," which truly highlights that we need to do more, and fast. I am making this petition in hopes that we can ban any non-recyclable packaging materials in Ireland by 2025 because time is valuable and we aren't feeling the heat.
    155 of 200 Signatures
    Created by McKinley Edwards Picture
  • Coláiste Eoghain Ui Chomhraidhe, Carrigaholt, Co. Clare
    As part of our Irish culture and identity, as part of our community, to enhance our local economy this college needs to be reopened.
    903 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Rosie Keane
  • An Education, Health & Care plan to be legal right of every child and young person in Ireland
    In Ireland up to 1,000 children a year are being forced to stay at home because they cannot get a school place. Overwhelmingly, it is children with special educational needs (SEN) - often those with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) - who are worst hit. Every child and young person with special educational, health and care needs to have the extra support and interventions which will help the child or young person to achieve what they want to in their life. We propose a viable solution for this, an Education, Health & Care (EHC) plan to be the legal and statutory right for every child or young person in Ireland, whose special educational needs require more help than would normally be provided in a mainstream education setting (a college, school, nursery). Annual review of the plan The plan will be reviewed at least once a year. At the end of the review the local authority may make changes to the plan, end it or leave it unchanged. How long will the plan last? The plan will remain in place until your child leaves education or the local council decides that your child no longer needs the plan to help them in their education. If you move to another local council the plan will be transferred. How will the benefits of the EHCp be reinforced? A specialist Tribunal will be in place (which is essentially a no costs jurisdiction) where parents and young persons can challenge the contents of a plan If provision in a plan is not provided, the Local Council (who maintain all such documents) can be challenged by way of Judicial Review or a referral to the Local Government Ombudsman. Once a petition has been published, it will be open to signatures for six months. * At 10,000 signatures, the government will formally respond. * At 100,000 signatures, the request will be considered by the Petitions Committee for debate in Dail. PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION AND SUPPORT EVERY CHILD AND YOUNG PERSON IN IRELAND TO HAVE THE LEGAL AND STATUTORY RIGHT TO AN EDUCATIONAL, HEALTH AND CARE PLAN.
    829 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Cork Autism Conference Picture