• Make the Documents Public
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Keogh
  • Teach Our Teens About Their Mental Health
    Limerick City is nationally recognised as a priority area in the mental health crisis. We know the interventions that need to be taken, and are not willing to stand by anymore and listen to empty promises from politicians. Depression is the largest cause of disability among those aged 10-24, and suicide is now one of the leading causes of death among young people in Europe. Depression is an important predisposing factor for suicide among adolescents, and this age group have high rates of suicide in Ireland. • There were 425 deaths by suicide recorded in Ireland in 2015 (latest figures) • Limerick has twice the national average rate of suicide. • Limerick City also has high rates of self-harm among adolescents. A particular period of life which can see depression emerge is adolescence. The fact that there are huge changes, both socially and mentally taking place leaves young people more vulnerable and susceptible to mental illness. Mental health issues which begin during adolescense can persist into adulthood. Over half of adults report their mental health illnesses stemming from the ages of 12-18 years. Schools are in a unique position to promote mental health and emotional well being, to provide a health promoting environment and to identify young people experiencing emotional distress. The roll out of evidence based mental health awareness programmes in Irish schools should be undertaken as a matter of priority in order to develop mental health literacy, promote positive mental health and prevent suicide in this vulnerable group (World Health Organisation) One school based intervention, Youth Aware of Mental Health (YAM), which was a brief, universal mental health programme that was delivered in the classroom over a 4 week period was associated with a significantly lower number of subsequent suicide attempts and suicidal ideation. Its aim was to improve mental health literacy and coping skills of young people, to raise awareness of risk and protective factors associated with suicide and to enhance young people’s knowledge about mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. It included role-play sessions, interactive lectures and workshops SEYLE, an extensive European study recently undertaken, found that a universal school-based public health intervention, such as YAM can prevent one suicide attempt for every 167 students targetted, along with a wide range of other benefits, and recommends such a programme in every school. (WHO) In one of its leading actions, Connecting for Life Midwest, under the national strategy for suicide prevention says it aims to ‘target approaches to reduce suicidal behaviour and improve mental well being among priority groups.’ The Limerick Local Economic and community Plan 2016-2021, under the action area, Health and well-being, states that it aims to ‘Promote population health and well-being and conditions in local communities to support positive mental and physical health.’ Our young people can't wait anymore! As a start, this preventative measure must be implemented in all Limerick City schools. Thank you for signing the petition and please share.
    577 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Seónaidh Ní Shíomóin
  • Reinstate Bunscoil Loreto as priority feeder school to Gorey Community School
    Recent changes to Gorey Community School (GCS) enrolment policy mean that from 2019 we are no longer prioritised for places in GCS. Children who don't have siblings attending GCS or aren't children of GCS staff will be entered in an open lottery consisting of Bunscoil Loreto and 15 other primary schools. Parents of children currently attending Bunscoil Loreto hold the legitimate expectation that Bunscoil Loreto would remain a priority feeder school to GCS. The majority of parents based their choice of primary school solely on this fact and removal of this priority places these children at a disadvantage. The schools have strong links and are located adjacent to each other.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bunscoil Loreto Parent Association
  • Reinstate Bunscoil Loreto as priority feeder school to Gorey Community School
    Recent changes to Gorey Community School (GCS) enrolment policy mean that from 2019 we are no longer prioritised for places in GCS. Children who don't have siblings attending or who previously attended GCS or who aren't children of GCS staff will be entered in an open lottery consisting of Bunscoil Loreto and 15 other primary schools. Parents of children currently attending Bunscoil Loreto hold the legitimate expectation that Bunscoil Loreto would remain a priority feeder school to GCS. The majority of parents based their choice of primary school solely on this fact and removal of this priority places these children at a disadvantage. The schools have strong links and are located adjacent to each other.
    793 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Bunscoil Loreto Parent Association
  • Save our playschool, we have no where to go
    There is a huge shortage of playschool and crèche places in the Dublin 13 area. Ciara’s Community Playschool has been operating for eight years within St. Francis of Assisi Primary School, Belmayne Sadly, they have built a new primary school but it has NO ROOM for our playschool
    809 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Niamh McDonald
  • Stop using Plastic Packaging in the Food Dudes Programme for Primary Schools
    The Food Dudes healthy eating programme sent 450,000 plastic wrapped portions of fruits and vegetables to over 800 primary schools in one year. This volume of plastic packaging is set to increase with 2,100 schools estimated to participate over the next three years. Single use non recyclable plastic packaging is of a huge environmental concern. Our seas are being choked by plastic waste and it's estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in our oceans. We urge Bord Bia who manage the scheme, financed by the Department of Agriculture and the Marine, to source sustainable eco friendly packaging for 2019-2020 Food Dudes programme.
    2,477 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Lourda Scott
  • Return out of hours doctor service to Birr
    People from the West and South Offaly area have to travel 45 minutes to Tullamore for access to a doctor outside of office hours. The MIDOC service offered out of hours doctors in Birr up to last year, when the service was suddenly withdrawn without warning or explanation.
    1,150 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Cllr Clare Claffey Picture
  • Allow St Mary's & St Gerard's NS Enniskerry, become a Feeder School
    St Mary's & St Gerard's NS Enniskerry is a small school serving 220 students. The closest suitable secondary schools to St Mary's & St Gerard's NS are Presentation College, Bray; Loreto Secondary School, Bray; Woodbrook College, Bray; and St Gerard's School. Success in obtaining a place in 1st Year in a local secondary school is proving most difficult for some students. This issue arises due to the following: (i) For some secondary schools St Mary's & St Gerard's students are not allocated a place due to that secondary school favouring other national schools as feeder schools (ii) For other secondary schools St Mary's & St Gerard's students are not allocated a place due to the secondary schools operating a lottery system with some St Mary's & St Gerard's students being allocated a place too far down the waiting list. It is our belief that the right of our children to appropriate local secondary school education is being compromised due to the fact that St Mary's & St Gerard's is not a designated feeder school. Please sign this Petition to notify the school’s Board of Management and the Department of Education about our concerns.
    369 of 400 Signatures
    Created by St Mary’s & St Gerard’s NS Parents Association
  • Stop The Children's Hospital
    We need to have a conversation about its location, size, facilities, and cost. If we, the people, are to spend €2 billion, we need to be consulted about how our money is being spent. The hospital, as currently scoped, is not sized for the current population. It will not be coastguard helicopter accessible in cases of emergency. Co-located with a maternity hospital would be desirable. There is no denying that we need and want the best of care for our children, but the Children's Hospital project in its current runaway state, is dangerously close to making us the laughing stock of the world. We demand more transparency and accountability. Re-open the discussion on location. Rigorously consult the people now.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maryrose Lyons
  • Flemington Recreation Centre campaign
    There are other compelling reasons for Parks Department of Fingal Council to develop this space for recreation use. They are: - provide green space for Balbriggan ETNS school, Foroige and afterschool - space for young people to hang out, instead of within the nearby estates - a minipitch/ multi use games area would nicely complete this space - minipitch/ games area would provide an asset to Fingal Council's Balbriggan Sports Hub, which is based at Flemington Community Centre - many estates in the surrounding area do not have green spaces within, so this space could be put to good use in day time and evening time hours Please sign and share with your friends and neighbours!
    356 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Garrett Mullan
  • Extend parental leave to 26 weeks
    Working parents are trying to manage rearing their families and work at the same time. We need parental leave so that our children get the care and attention they deserve
    199 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Fiona Mckillen
  • Please save lives, Introduce screening for SCID at birth
    The motivation behind this petition arose from the recent diagnosis of 6-month old baby Juniper with Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID). SCID is a life-threatening genetic condition. Therefore, we are calling on Simon Harris, the Minister for Health, to introduce screening for this disease in the newborn screening programme (heel prick test). Children with this condition have a severely impaired immune system and are particularly vulnerable to severe infection. The treatment for this condition (haematopoietic stem cell transplant-HSCT) has a much higher success rate if diagnosed early and before the affected infant acquires infections. The incidence in Ireland is approximately 1 in 37,000 children (1-2 cases per year); making it more common than half the diseases currently included in the test. In Ireland, the majority of SCID cases are not diagnosed until the affected infant develops symptoms of infection. Survival rates after HSCT in children with SCID diagnosed late and with infection have been reported at approximately 70%. Children diagnosed and treated early (before 3 months of age), before they have acquired any infections, have a much better chance of survival (>90%). A diagnosis of SCID can be made on the heel-prick test using PCR-based technology. Considering the vast difference in survival rates and the impact on children and families, it seems obvious that SCID should be included in the newborn screening programme. Internationally, this screening has already been included, with success, in New Zealand, Canada, Taiwan and every state in the US. Pilot schemes have also started in Israel, Australia, the Netherlands and the UK. Moreover, studies in these countries have also concluded that early diagnosis in the heel prick test and treatment prior to infection is more cost effective to the healthcare system. Diagnosing SCID early is particularly important since the introduction of the live rotavirus vaccine. While this vaccine is safe for healthy children, it can be dangerous for children with SCID. This highlights yet another crucial reason to implement screening for at birth. For Juniper’s parents, her diagnosis of SCID has been devastating and shocking, considering that up to a few weeks ago they believed she was a healthy and thriving baby. Unfortunately, due to the lack of testing for SCID, she spent 3 weeks in hospital, on 3 courses of antibiotics, while deteriorating rapidly before an accurate diagnosis was made. Now they must travel to the UK for life saving treatment, and face a lengthy and difficult journey ahead. Juniper’s parents do not want any other parents to endure what they have had to, when a simple blood test at birth could have prevented Juniper from contracting infection and given her a higher chance at survival. If you are a medical professional please include this in your signature. For more information on SCID please visit https://www.ipia.info/what-is-primary-immunodeficiency/severe-combined-immunodeficiency-scid/
    4,144 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Friends and Family