• The Liberties needs a sports pitch NOT a big waste depot
    The Liberties, is home to the Guinness Storehouse in South Inner City Dublin. 50,000 local people have no access to playing team sports, like football. Many local boys and men go to prison from this area. 11 local primary schools have really small playgrounds so they can't play much sport. This means they might get unhealthy and overweight. John Lonergan, who used to be the boss of Mountjoy Prison has said that a lot of prisoners in Mountjoy have always come from the Liberties. He said it is because they don't have enough to do in the area, to keep them busy. This is the last plot of derelict land in The Liberties, that can fit a big grass sports pitch for team games like Football, Hurling or Rugby. The boss of Dublin City Council, Richard Shakespeare wants to build a big waste depot, but he needs to get the local Dublin City Councillors to go along with him. At the moment, the only use is for recreational, so he can't build a big waste depot without their help. The land is really close to the Guinness Enterprise Centre and the Guinness Storehouse. A local pitch would help people working there, to do sport. 10 million euro has been invested on the Guinness Enterprise Centre, so that it can get bigger by 65%, making it a business superhub. The Guinness Storehouse is one of the best tourist places to go in Ireland. In 2023 1.5 million visitors from 165 countries. Visitor numbers are down from 2017 when they were 1.7 million. . The Chief Executive must give people living and working in the Liberties, the chance to play sport. He must act on the advice of Ex Mountjoy Prison Boss John Lonergan, and make the area near the Guinness Enterprise Centre and Guinness Storehouse better. The plans for the sports pitch are ready, and the land is zoned 'recreational'. We ask the Chief Executive to please build the sports pitch, not a big waste depot.
    989 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Zoe Obeimhen
  • Get off the fence - RTE policy on climate change
    Climate Change is accepted as an existential threat to the the planet and humanity. It affects us all and underpins every issue we fight for. The recent IPCC Report on 1.5°C is unequivocal: time is running out. Media in general and public service broadcasters in particular have a critical role to play in supporting public understanding of this issue and the transition to a low carbon future. Despite this, broadcasters still often obscure facts in the pursuit of so called "balance". In September 2018 the BBC became the first major broadcaster to implemented clear editorial guidelines to address this. We now call on RTE to issue a clear editorial policy in line with the science, in line with its public service mandate.
    236 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Lorna Tevnan
  • Reinstate funding to Lifeline Inishowen
    Established in 1996, Lifeline Inishowen provides professional and confidential support to women and children who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse: physical, emotional, sexual or financial. The service's volunteers provide support to 54 families per year, on average. HSE funding was withdrawn in 2010. Although Lifeline receive a small sum from TUSLA towards their Child Counselling service, their main source of funding for the past 8 years has been donations through their own fundraising efforts, and their charity shop. Local support has been overwhelming, but is sadly not enough to secure the future of this vital service. Inishowen has a bigger population than Co Leitrim and a larger landmass than Co Louth. The only funded domestic violence support in the entire county of Donegal is located in Letterkenny – a 120km round-trip from Lifeline's Carndonagh base. This is simply impossible to access for Inishowen women and children in controlling and abusive households. Minister Zappone and TUSLA, we demand that the funding for Lifeline Inishowen's running costs is reinstated. The centralisation of domestic abuse services in a big, rural county like Donegal is disastrous for families in Inishowen. Closure of Lifeline will literally put lives at risk. Reinstate the funding to secure the future of these essential services in Inishowen. Lifeline Inishowen Charity nr: 19971
    923 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Together Inishowen
    The safety and access requirements of all Kill residents both drivers and pedestrian has become treacherous with the increased volume of traffic through the village in recent years. There was a serious accident recently involving a schoolchild trying to cross the street which has brought focus onto the safety issue. There are also issues of access to housing estates and minor roads when there is no natural break in traffic and also no road markings or lights to allow a fair balance in the movement of said traffic. *UPDATE* It is now October 2020 and apparently KCC have been leading us on a not so merry dance, they say that although the funding is available and that a local firm offered to install the crossing... WE ARE NOT GETTING A PEDESTRIAN CROSSING. How can the decision makers sleep at night? KCC are happy to give planning permission for more houses to be built in Kill but are not willing to add the necessary infrastructure for the growing population! A traffic count was conducted during lockdown, showing an unrealistic picture of traffic volumes through the village ... fantastic logic. We as a community will not give up fighting for the safety of our village!
    1,053 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Aurley Keenan
  • More Secondary School places needed in Rush, Co. Dublin
    Several Children and parents were let down yesterday when they received their letters from the local Secondary School, over hundred on the waiting list. The situation already looks grim for over hundred families and since Rush and Lusk have been dynamically expanding fears arose that the situation can only get worse in the coming years. Commuting is not a solution. Rush needs more Secondary School places.
    1,239 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Katalin Wallner
  • Reinstate funding the INFANT Centre, UCC.
    The Irish Centre for Fetal and Neonatal Translational Research (INFANT) is Ireland’s first dedicated perinatal research Centre. INFANT works to improve health outcomes for mothers and babies by focusing on clinical and health research and innovation in pregnancy, birth and early childhood. This is the only research Centre in Ireland focused on this work. Research focused on mothers and children must be prioritized.
    883 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Mary Carty
  • Provision of Objective Sex and Relationship Education
    In our work in Dublin Rape Crisis Centre, we see the often life-long consequences of the trauma and harm caused by sexual violence of all kinds. We also know from our experience that some of this harm results from a lack of knowledge around how to engage in healthy intimate relationships. A 2018 survey conducted by the Irish Second Level Student Union revealed over 87.5% of students did not have regular Relationship or Sexuality Education. This means the majority of Irish students are not learning about sexual consent, gender diversity, sexual orientation, contraception, or sexual health. We believe our education system can do better, and that the Government has a responsibility to look after the social, emotional and sexual development of young people.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Gavin
  • Save Sean Walsh Park, Tallagh
    The top nine reasons why this is important is 1) We do not want to lose the SDCC depot as this will severely erode the ability to maintain the high standards within the park thereby threatening our Green Flag status 2) We will lose the precious and unique urban farm that delights children 3) We will lose the socially inclusive community garden 4) We will lose the St John of God garden that provides horticultural therapy for people with various disabilities 5) The highly invasive Giant Knotweed is present on the site. The proposal to move it is dangerous and reckless as Whitestown Stream runs parallel to the proposed building site 6) We will lose the last remains of a 200 year old bridge that should be a protected structure 7) Every inch of Sean Walsh Park is an Objective OS zoned area i.e.to preserve and provide for open space and recreational amenities (as set out in the SDCC Development Plan 2016-2022) 8) Putting old peoples homes beside Tallaght Stadium which hosts matches regularly and will host concerts represents extremely poor planning 9) There is at least one more appropriate site available in Tallaght for the proposed Cluid development that would not not cause any of the foregoing problems and issues. *If you wish to support our offline please email [email protected] with your name and address* See why Sean Walsh Park should be preserved from property development: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MpP7Osf3YYo
    2,309 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by John Mug
  • Ireland for Sensible Drug Policy
    Drug Policy, and the war on drugs has had children, parents, politicians and stranger murdered in broad daylight. Thanks to gang activity, I myself shake and fear at the noise of bangers going off. The entire country lives in fear of gangs, gangs fed through drug money, drug money coming from the "black market". Little do they realise that the failing drug policy, the politicians and their lobbyists are directly financing this through their stern, "moral" views on dirty drugs. It is absolutely unacceptable. I am sick & tired of burying my friends and lending their brokenhearted families a soaking shoulder to cry on because the government failed them. The governmental position on drugs, the policy set in place in the early 1970's, has absolutely failed them. Where were you when they found their bodies, that nobody heard of because the news would rather report the stash of Class A narcotics they found in a shed, behind a burnt out house and a car filled with hand guns and machetes. Where were you and where are you now? What are you going to do to change this? My name is Sandy Brun, I am a qualified Toxicologist and I hope to graduate with a Master's degree in Neuroscience & Pharmacology. You can find me on LinkedIn. I am sick and tired of burying my friends with dirty drugs in their veins, up their noses and everywhere else. I am sick and tired of being let down by this never ending agonizing political situation that is murdering my friends and breaking the hearts of their families. I've lived in Ireland since I was 10 years old, and I've buried a friend every year since I was 13. You're so proud of the 100th 1916 Easter Rising anniversary that the country celebrated 2 years ago. You're so damn proud to be Irish. You're so damn prejudicial and soft. Stand and fight. For our sons and daughters.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandy Brun
  • Ireland u/21s Soccer Team, Don’t Play Israel.
    An International Boycott campaign aims to put pressure on Israel because of its racist occupation of Palestinian land and brutal treatment of the Palestinian people. This Boycott includes sport. UEFA has a commitment to anti-Racism and a tradition of promoting Fair Play. There is overwhelming evidence that the system instituted by the Israeli government against the Palestinian people meets the UN definition of Apartheid. (1) Israel doesn't do 'fair play' when it comes to soccer and Palestine. There are legitimate concerns that Israeli State Forces target Palestinian soccer players as shootings and maiming of youth players/ club players form a pattern going back over a number of years. Israel has bombed Palestinian football stadiums.(3) Lack of freedom to travel also severely restricts Palestinian soccer teams from being able to participate in the sport locally and internationally. This has even interfered with World Cup qualification.(4) The Israeli Football Association plays a role in supporting the illegal settlements which are a war crime under international law. (5) Some examples of what has happened already this year: *The Argentinean soccer team cancelled a friendly fixture with Israel. (6) *In March 2 youngsters were shot by the Israeli army in the West Bank One died. The other boy, aged 14 who was returning from football practice fortunately survived after being shot in the thigh. (8) *30th March 23-year-old football player Mohammad Khalil Obeid was shot in both knees as he filmed himself. The video, published on social media, shows the moment he was shot: standing in an isolated area, not posing any threat. He needs a knee replacement to be able to walk again. As a soccer player his life has been destroyed.(2) *This summer a Gaza children’s soccer team was unable to play in a kid’s tournament in Ireland because of travel restrictions. (7) *Large demonstrations met the Israeli soccer team in Belfast this September. (9) *Adidas withdrew its sponsorship of the Israel Football Association (10) Please, show your support for Palestinian rights and call on the FAI to stand up against apartheid and for fair play, equality and justice. thank-you, Knocknacarra Palestine Network ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (1) http://www.un.org/depts/dpa/qpal/docs/2012%20Geneva/P3%20mutaz%20qafisheh%20E.pdf (2) https://www.amnesty.org.uk/press-releases/israel-deliberate-attempts-military-kill-and-maim-gaza-protesters-continues (3) https://www.thenational.ae/opinion/a-footballing-test-for-israel-1.132370 (4) https://edition.cnn.com/2015/01/11/football/palestine-asian-cup-japan-football/index.html (5) https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/oct/13/fifa-ban-israel-settlement-football-teams (6) https://www.rte.ie/sport/soccer/2018/0606/968505-argentina-cancel-israel-visit-for-world-cup-warm-up-tie/ (7) http://imemc.org/article/solidarity-cup-to-commence-despite-cancellation-of-gaza-kids-to-ireland-trip/ (8) http://imemc.org/article/israeli-soldiers-kill-a-young-palestinian-man-in-nablus/ (9) https://www.irishnews.com/news/2018/09/12/news/hundreds-turn-out-to-protest-at-northern-ireland-game-against-israel-1430702/ (10) https://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/BDS-Win-Adidas-No-Longer-Sponsoring-Israel-Football-Association-20180801-0009.html
    295 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Dette Loughlin
  • Scrap Commercial Rates for Childcare Providers
    Independent childcare providers across Ireland face unfairly high levels of commercial rates on their business properties. Early Education and Childcare (EEC) is not the same—and cannot be treated the same—as other commercial enterprises. In many cases, independent EEC providers are administering and delivering publicly funded services, provided for under public sector schemes, but do not benefit from public sector tax rating. A level playing field where all EEC providers are exempt would ultimately benefit the State and the wider economy. The removal of commercial rates would enable these businesses to remain financially viable and provide an essential, quality service to children and their parents. Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Katherine Zappone has recently called for cuts to rates for childcare facilities. Furthermore, we note the decision by the Welsh and Scottish Governments to exempt nurseries and crèches from commercial business rates in their respective countries. Seas Suas wholeheartedly supports these actions and now petitions the Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe to follow suit here in Ireland. For us to make a difference, we need your voice in support. Help us alleviate the immense pressures on Ireland’s childcare system by signing our petition to Minister Donohoe and Minister Zappone, urging them to scrap commercial rates on EEC facilities in Budget 2019.
    599 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Seas Suas
  • Make Sign Language (ISL) a Leaving Certificate Subject
    I think that if you can learn Russian, Ancient Greek and Latin for your Leaving Cert then you should be able to learn a language that people born here speak as their first language. I also think that it would encourage students to learn Sign Language, even if it is just a non-curricular language that has to be studied outside of school. If more hearing people could speak sign language, the deaf community wouldn't be so isolated in society.
    469 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Amy Walsh