• Ban Bloodsports
    We call ourselves a modern, civilised and caring society yet we continue to allow animal cruelty to continue unabated. How can this horrendous activity be called sport, and be funded by our Govt. in our name? This money would be better spent creating family friendly wildlife areas and helping our animal charities pick up the pieces from this industry
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christine Heywood
  • Ban Bloodsports
    We claim to be a modern Ireland yet we continue to use and abuse our beautiful wildlife like this. Bloodsports pander to their dwindling supporters put an end to legalised funded cruelty
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christine Heywood
  • Catch-up Meningitis B vaccine for all children
    To date there have been 11 cases of meningitis and 3 deaths. The under sixes and early teens are both particularly susceptible to this virus. At present children born before October 2016 are not vaccinated with the meningitis B vaccine and to do so privately costs over €300.
    36,363 of 40,000 Signatures
    Created by Catherine Stocker
  • Establish a Public Parks Warden unit in Galway City
    Public parks, woods and other green spaces are more and more recognised as essential to the health of people and to the wellbeing of the planet. Sadly Galway city’s public parks are increasingly suffering from anti-social behaviour that is undermining all of the great work that has been undertaken over so many decades by volunteers of all ages. Issues such as litter, dumping, destruction of seating/tables and tree felling are undermining not only citizens’ enjoyment of our valuable green spaces but are also impacting negatively on wildlife species. It is well past time that Galway city follows the centuries-old example of Dublin and Belfast in having dedicated full time park wardens. Such on-the-ground staff could regularly carry out essential maintenance, act as tour guides, dramatically decrease acts of vandalism and in the process restore public confidence and usage of a rich diverse range of meadows, forests, wetlands and parks that would be the envy of most other European cities.
    113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Brendan Smith
  • Provide Abortion Services in St. Luke's Hospital Kilkenny
    Kilkenny has voted overwhelmingly for a YES vote and the people of Kilkenny and Carlow have campaigned tirelessly for years to end the shame and stigma surrounding abortion. We have ended the need for people in crisis pregnancy having to travel abroad for healthcare. St. Luke's Hospital cannot continue to export people seeking abortions to other hospitals.
    583 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie Hanlon
  • Bypass A&E for cancer patients
    Cancer is tough enough in itself. Cancer patients are very vulnerable and their immune systems are compromised. Any additional stress such as being left on a trolley in A&E for hours and days, exposed to infection and without knowing when they will be admitted to a cancer ward is extremely detrimental. They should be seen by oncology straight away and extra cancer beds should be provided to ensure they can get the care they need as quickly as possible.
    513 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Christiane Luke
  • Decriminilise Drug use
    Portugal’s decriminalization process is over a decade old, there are several long-term benefits that have been recognized, including the following: Substance abuse and addiction rates have been cut in half since decriminalization Addiction treatment and rehabilitation is less expensive than incarceration Individuals with substance abuse problems are much more likely to find recovery in rehab than in jail People completing treatment can become productive members of society much more easily than convicted felons Violence related to drug trafficking is greatly reduced Courts are freed up for other important work The rebellious, countercultural essence of drug use is changed when society sees it as a disease and not a crime
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Sheehan
  • Provide Abortion Services in Carlow
    Carlow is one of the four counties in which not one single GP has signed up to provide the abortion service to people. People in Carlow campaigned tirelessly for abortion and Carlovians voted overwhelmingly for local healthcare. We have ended the need for people having to travel abroad. Carlow cannot continue to export people seeking healthcare to other counties.
    327 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie Hanlon
  • Exclusion Zone Legislation for abortion providers
    We have repealed the 8th amendment, 66.4% have voted to allow care for pregnant people who need abortions. These women and other people who are pregnant deserve to make their decision and access care in privacy and without intimidation. The staff working in GP surgeries and hospitals also deserve to have a workplace free from harassment and disruption, and patients who are attending for unrelated reasons should also be entitled to visit their caregiver without dealing with protestors.
    4,347 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Parents For Choice
  • Please save lives, Introduce screening for SCID at birth
    The motivation behind this petition arose from the recent diagnosis of 6-month old baby Juniper with Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID). SCID is a life-threatening genetic condition. Therefore, we are calling on Simon Harris, the Minister for Health, to introduce screening for this disease in the newborn screening programme (heel prick test). Children with this condition have a severely impaired immune system and are particularly vulnerable to severe infection. The treatment for this condition (haematopoietic stem cell transplant-HSCT) has a much higher success rate if diagnosed early and before the affected infant acquires infections. The incidence in Ireland is approximately 1 in 37,000 children (1-2 cases per year); making it more common than half the diseases currently included in the test. In Ireland, the majority of SCID cases are not diagnosed until the affected infant develops symptoms of infection. Survival rates after HSCT in children with SCID diagnosed late and with infection have been reported at approximately 70%. Children diagnosed and treated early (before 3 months of age), before they have acquired any infections, have a much better chance of survival (>90%). A diagnosis of SCID can be made on the heel-prick test using PCR-based technology. Considering the vast difference in survival rates and the impact on children and families, it seems obvious that SCID should be included in the newborn screening programme. Internationally, this screening has already been included, with success, in New Zealand, Canada, Taiwan and every state in the US. Pilot schemes have also started in Israel, Australia, the Netherlands and the UK. Moreover, studies in these countries have also concluded that early diagnosis in the heel prick test and treatment prior to infection is more cost effective to the healthcare system. Diagnosing SCID early is particularly important since the introduction of the live rotavirus vaccine. While this vaccine is safe for healthy children, it can be dangerous for children with SCID. This highlights yet another crucial reason to implement screening for at birth. For Juniper’s parents, her diagnosis of SCID has been devastating and shocking, considering that up to a few weeks ago they believed she was a healthy and thriving baby. Unfortunately, due to the lack of testing for SCID, she spent 3 weeks in hospital, on 3 courses of antibiotics, while deteriorating rapidly before an accurate diagnosis was made. Now they must travel to the UK for life saving treatment, and face a lengthy and difficult journey ahead. Juniper’s parents do not want any other parents to endure what they have had to, when a simple blood test at birth could have prevented Juniper from contracting infection and given her a higher chance at survival. If you are a medical professional please include this in your signature. For more information on SCID please visit https://www.ipia.info/what-is-primary-immunodeficiency/severe-combined-immunodeficiency-scid/
    4,144 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Friends and Family
  • Give Identity Rights to Adoptees in Ireland
    Irish adoptees have no automatic right to access our adoption files, birth certificate, health, heritage or history information. A right to identity is a recognised human right and adoptees are denied this right. This affects Irish Adoptees from historic, domestic adoption, along with their children and extended families.
    7,210 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Maree Ryan-O'Brien Picture
  • Stop Referring Cancer Patients to Debt Collectors.
    The Irish Cancer Society say that they are getting getting letters, threatening phone calls, threats that their name will be made public if they don't the fees. This is deeply distressing and inhumane.
    126 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Siobhan O'Donoghue