• Save Our Park
    The people of this community have the lowest density of green space in the state. The council refuse to discuss their plans for the site and intend to sell the land to developers. They are threatening to close a Community Garden which is thriving by delaying the allocation of allotments to residents of the Community that have applied. The area is socially deprived and has .7 % of green space per resident when the World Health Organisation recommends 9% per resident pet community.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fergal Butler Picture
  • Public register for animal abusers and murderers
    Animals are beautiful and their lives matter, no one should be allowed to get off from abusing them. Even if they are charged with abuse we never hear about it. I believe a public register may in some way reduce the cruelty to these helpless animals.All animals deserve to live free from fear and the people who abuse them need to be outed. I don't believe the laws regarding animal abuse is strong enough in Ireland. So please please bring this law in and leave god's creatures to live their lives. In certain states in america they have specific police forces that deal in animal offenders. They get prison sentences for the abuse of animals. My love for animals comes from my very core and I would do anything to try and protect them. Who is there voice if we are not. Let us be their voice and sign the petition if you really love animals then have a heart and show you care. Don't just talk about it do it.
    349 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Elena Cogavin
    As a carer for an Elderly Family member I have put my Life on Hold,as have so many people around this beautiful country of Ireland,I feel that we are Forgotten about when it comes to a basic standard off living,I,m on call 24/7 365 days a year and have to survive on 1.27euros an hour,If it was,nt for so many loyal Carers the health service would implode.When you hear talk off the minimum wage please take a look at the carers Allowance.Just treat us fairly!.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan Sawyer
  • Secondary School Transport
    There is a severe shortage of spaces for secondary school kids in rural Ireland and CIE refuses to sanction extra buses to meet the demand
    99 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Denis McDonald
  • Change the rules so that lone parents can go to college
    I and other lone parents like me want the opportunity to go to college and break the cycle of poverty for myself and my daughter. But without being able to access the Back to Education Allowance this is not possible. I have been offered a place in Trinity College but can't take the offer because I work part time and rely on FIS. The rules were changed last year and are forcing lone parents to remain in poverty.
    4,726 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Erica Fleming
  • Keep Lough Key Forest Park In Public Ownership
    Lough Key Forest Park is a national treasure and must at all costs be kept in public ownership. We're really worried that plans are afoot to sell it or part off, similar to what happened at Newcastle Forest where publicly owned land of which we the Irish people are the stakeholders of was leased to a foreign private company for profit gain. Una Bhan is a 'high' POEM / song in the Gaelic tradition,which tells the tragic love affair she had with a rival of her father.It is widely sung the length and breath of Ireland,and it symbolises our rich gaelic culture.She is buried on an Island close by......our heritage belongs to everyone, and no one!
    2,565 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Ian Hester
  • Fight for affordable and social housing for the Irish glass bottle house site Dublin 4
    For many years now property prices in our local area have escalated beyond belief. For many years there has been no provision of social or affordable housing in our area and regular local people with regular jobs are unable to buy houses in our community. New local developments such as Bolands Mill offer no affordable or social housing as the government allowed the developers to buy back the 10% social housing they should have provided! We as a community need to address this local housing crisis and fight for people of all ages in our community so that we are able to remain living close to our networks of support.
    606 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Karen Roberts
    Now I am seeking support from all sides that the dog licence fee be done away with and so at least the poor, the lonely and all dog lovers will not have to face this out of date draconian penal tax and perhaps have a few extra bob to spend over Christmas.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by john Herriott
  • Old Bawn Beach, Wexford
    This is a popular beach but a lot of sharp branches are being washed on shore and are sticking out of the sand which is a hazard, especially for young kids.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Colin Logue
  • Stop industrialising Galway Bay
    The Marine Institute has applied for a 35 year lease for an offshore electricity generating station in Galway Bay off of Spiddal. There are 5 applications relating to this all to be found on www.environ.ie. Although, there have been a couple of public meetings about this, the most recent meeting in the Connemara Coast revealed that a huge amount of people have very little or no information about what this entails. Indeed, there are too many Galwegians and Clare people who have no idea that this is the plan for Galway Bay. We would like to inform people of the details and have asked the Marine Institute and Simon Coveney, who has the power to sign off on this, for more time to examine the applications and the consequences for Galway Bay and its surroundings. Please help us spread the word quickly as we only have until August 2nd for submissions on this. Unless our TDs and Councillors stall the deadline for us.
    174 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mary McDonagh Faherty
  • Stop suspended /short sentences for sex offenders & call for the resignation of Judge Gerald Keys
    Our Judges continuously hand down suspended or short sentences to rapists and those found guilty of sexual assault in this country, including those who sexually assault children. We do not accept these sentences which legitimise the rape of both adults and children and allow dangerous and violent criminals to walk freely on our streets. Enough is enough. If our judges are unable to punish those who have committed these abhorrent crimes, then we call for their resignations from their positions.
    2,595 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Emma O'Leary
  • Keep Lynams Hotel Open For Homeless Families
    NAMA owns Lynams hotel in the middle of O'Connell St. This 47 bed hotel currently hosts many homeless families as 'Emergency Accommodation' -- a last resort for families hit by economic evictions with nowhere else to go. It could host many more -- every single day families are refused and sent to 'self accommodate' which means they have to source their own hotel by phoning every hotel in the city. Lynams hotel can hold more than 40 families and ensure none of these children are left on the streets. NAMA want to privatise this hotel, selling it back to speculators and developers at a huge discount so they can make huge profits from us again. We wont let this happen! Join our fight for a better city, against homelessness, against privatisation, against rent increases and against elite corruption.
    705 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Dublin Central Housing Action