• Tell Minister Naughten we want a climate plan we can be proud of
    We finally have the government’s long overdue draft plan for how it will reduce climate pollution. We need this plan to be transformational. It’s far from it. But it can be. We have a lot to be proud of in terms of how people power is moving Ireland onto a more progressive path towards climate action. Ireland now has national Climate Legislation and we may become the first state to divest from fossil fuels and join the growing list of progressive nations to ban fracking. Hugely positive steps forward. But we are taking many steps backwards with the publication of the government’s draft plan for how they will cut our climate pollution by 80% by 2050. A transformational plan is what we need. It’s far from it unfortunately! The impacts of climate change today are already being felt today in Ireland, and across the world. Tell Minister Naughten to build on the really positive momentum we have created and give us a plan to reduce climate pollution that we can be proud of.
    1,886 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Kate Ruddock
  • Stop Trumps' war machines refuelling at Shannon airport.
    The list of weaponry and ammunition, tanks, military personnel that has come through Shannon airport over the last several years can be read on the Shannonwatch website. This information was only made public through a Freedom of Information request and despite this some details have been redacted, which means even our own government don't know what's coming through Shannon. With the recent bombing by the U.S. in Syria and the Russiian response, it is clear that events are developing at a fast pace. The only safe option for Irish people is to remain neutral and insist that our government doesn't compromise our safety by continuing to facilitate Trumps' war machinery.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Helen Ryan
  • Keep people working in libraries not machines
    People are losing contact with people leading to poorer mental health. Libraries are ideal places to have a chat with someone. Also working there is a lovely satisfying job.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sinead O Brien
  • Bring Moussa to Ireland for sight saving treatment NOW.
    Irish people are supportive of the idea of sponsoring refugee families. Let's start the ball rolling by offering Moussa and his family safety and urgent medical treatment to save his sight. They have already lost their home and live in horrific conditions in Lebanon where medical services are completely stretched. They are approved for resettlement but have not been offered a safe haven so far. This little boy needs urgent medical care which Ireland can provide, and he does not have time to waste. We have the capacity to sponsor this family and many of us are willing to do what we can financially, socially, emotionally to support this boy's family to get to Ireland. Let's make this happen for Moussa and start the important conversation about refugee family sponsorship in Ireland. https://www.facebook.com/Channel4News/videos/10154734027521939/
    1,509 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Moroney-Ward
  • Save Bus Éireann - Keep Public Transport Public!
    Bus Éireann is your bus company - owned by the Irish people, it is under massive attack from government, private competitors and sections of the media. Bus Éireann's current financial difficulties are the result of government policy which is being implemented by the National Transport Authority. Since 2011 the state subvention to Bus Éireann has been cut every year - last year it received just €34 million while Horse Racing Ireland received €60 million. Unless the government reverses its present policy, 2,500 jobs in Bus Éireann will be lost, with devastating results for workers and their families along with the hundreds of thousands of people around the country who depend on Bus Éireann to provide their transport needs. Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan will decide the future of your bus services. Let him know you want to ensure the survival of Bus Éireann and your local services. Let him know you support bus workers' rights and oppose cuts to pay and conditions.
    2,796 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Eilis Ryan
  • Equality for ROI Women's Soccer Team
    Our international women's team is being treated very unfairly. The IFA are a wealthy organisation and have a duty to all players to treat them with respect and equality.
    725 of 800 Signatures
  • Talk to Bus Eireann Drivers Shane Ross
    Public transport is vital for the functioning of society and for the economy. This dispute needs to be resolved as soon as possible.
    189 of 200 Signatures
  • Save Donegal Ulster Bank Branches
    Ulster Bank made a commitment to customers in 2010 never to close the last Bank in town. When the AIB in Raphoe closed your Bank poached customers from AIB on the basis that the Ulster Bank wasn’t going anywhere. When Ulster Bank closed their office in Lifford and transferred its customers to Raphoe your Bank assured those customers that Ulster Bank in Raphoe was there to stay. Do these commitments mean anything to you? How can the Bank now break these commitments and turn their back on their customers, the community and their staff? The people, staff and businesses of our towns need these branches. To close them is to break your Banks commitments and abandon our towns. Please reverse your decision or customers will withdraw their business from Ulster Bank for good. We will not be transferred to other Ulster Bank branches.
    278 of 300 Signatures
  • Council Tenants Fight Back
    A Charter of Rights for Council Tenants 1. Councils should carry out regular inspections of their property and maintain a record of both complaints and inspections, as agreed with tenants. 2. The document ‘Repairs and Maintenance which are the responsibility of the Tenant’ dated 16 June 2009 must be withdrawn. There must be no retrospective consequences for any alterations. This document is biased against tenants. 3. Council tenants should have the same right to access to an Environmental Health Officer as private tenants have, with a responsible set response time. 4. All Dublin City Council property must be inspected for current ventilation standards. 5. On a short-term basis, tenants who suffer from damp conditions should be provided with a demand led conditioning machine that circulates air. All heating systems need to be up to EU standards. 6. Council tenants should have access to an independent complaints agency. This should be composed of representatives of tenants, the council and an agreed mediator. 7. The council should recognise tenant’s associations that are organised democratically and provide them with access to proper meeting facilities. 8. All council property to be inspected for fire standards, especially the installations of fire alarms. 9. Relocation of tenants in emergency situations should be short-term and should be housed in their local area while repairs are undertaken.
    345 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Claire Kelly
  • Save Our Clontarf Post Office
    Our post office closed overnight on 26th January 2017. There was no notice, since then An Post put the contract out to tender to re-open a post office in the locality. An Post have now extended the deadline to apply until the 7th April, as they state they did not get enough level of interest. There is a fear that we will lose our post office permanently as the same happened to the post office on Vernon Avenue. People collecting social welfare payments, many with mobility problems have to travel to Marino in Fairview to collect their payments. There is no on street pedestrian crossing from the bus stop, but a difficult to manage over head bridge. This post office was an essential service especially in an area with a large number of older residents. It also provided a social outlet and is needed by all in the local community. Please write your own concerns or copy and paste this and email to An Post Retail Regional Office team; Phone: 01 705 7685 or 01 705 7682 email: [email protected]
    141 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Donna Cooney
  • If I Don't Have A TV, I shouldn't Need A License
    If you have a TV, it's reasonable to expect that you watch RTE. It is not reasonable to assume that a person without a TV but with a laptop (which they may require for work) watches TV. It would be very easy for the minister to issue credentials with a TV license so that only license holders can watch RTE online.Levying a TV tax on computer owners is like levying a cigarette tax on plumbers - some plumbers smoke, but that wouldn't make such a tax equitable, would it?
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ivan O'Donoghue
  • Stop Ticket Touts
    Music festivals and events should be accessible to everyone in a fair way - but just this morning - tickets for the sold out electric picnic were put online by ticket touts for extortionate prices. This needs to be stopped so that touts can't unfairly profit off people like this.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Yvonne Heery Picture