• Keep Academy Walk Management Out of Hazelwood
    Academy Walk Management Ltd., were removed from the premises of Hazelwood via Court Order around October time following a successful media campaign and eventual legal settlement. Now, the opportunity has arisen for Academy Walk Management Ltd., to purchase another 48 apartments within Hazelwood Student Village. This is detrimental to the student's welfare and well-being and must be stopped. Sign this petition. Share with your friends.
    647 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Cody Byrne
  • RESPREEZA for ALPHA 1 Patients in Ireland
    Campaigning for the life-changing therapy... RESPREEZA to be approved / available here as it is in TWELVE OTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES! It is estimated that over 3,000 people here in Ireland suffer with Alpha One, a genetic condition affecting the lungs, liver and skin. For some patients, a therapy trial back in 2006 offered a new lease of life and over time went on to improve their health, giving them some hope of a brighter future. Sadly back in 2016, patients were then told the distressing news that the pharmaceutical company that provided them with the life changing therapy would be withdrawing it, leaving patients right back at square one again. So, with the clock ticking representatives of Alpha One are now, calling for the HSE to agree a fair price for reimbursement of the therapy before it's too late.
    706 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Crea Sheahan
  • Stop the Carraig Eden Eviction
    The Irish Assemblies of God are selling Carraig Eden, a centre for people recovering from addiction - and the asking price is over €2 million. But, here's the thing - the promised they would sell it to the group supporting the residents - Tiglin - at only a fraction of this price. By the time Tiglin raised the money - the Irish Assemblies of God had decided to go back on their word and sell the centre for a huge profit instead. But, once the groups had raised the money and made an offer the Irish Assemblies of God decided to sell it on the private market for over €2 million instead. Here's what the resident's have to say: We are a group of past and present residents of Carraig Eden, Greystones writing to you to highlight the situation with Carraig Eden. This building has housed men of all ages, on their last stages of rehabilitation and re-entry to society over the last 10 years. The Greystones community has enabled these men to have support, re-integrate into a safe community and become valued members of this and other town’s. Our residents have become part of this community, becoming involved in the daily life and business of their town. In the last two week’s we have received Eviction notices. We would like to highlight the course of events and ask for your support in this situation. Approximately two years ago Tiglin Challenge Rehabilitation Centre in Ashford Co. Wicklow entered into negotiations to buy with the current owners, (IAOG) Irish Assemblies of God, (now Christian Churches Ireland, CCI). Tiglin had to withdraw from the negotiations as the price was increased on a number of occasions and they could not secure the funding. Another Christian endeavour, the “Save Carrig Eden Fund” took over trying to secure funds but unfortunately failed. In the meanwhile, Tiglin was able to secure the funding status they sought through Wicklow County Council and re-entered negotiations in September 2016 with IAOG. The deal was done through Wicklow County Council. As in the case of these complex deals, Wicklow County Council were two week’s late in the drawdown of their funding and IAOG pulled out of the deal. Since this time, it has become apparent that IAOG were offered 3 million from a developer for Carrig Eden. This action is resulting in up to 30 vulnerable men losing their home, we feel ours and those coming after us, hard fought rehabilitation is in jeopardy. We have been taught that if we have a problem, we go to our brother; if our brother does not listen we bring another brother to talk and see if it can be worked out. This is what we are doing, we have formed into a group and wish for our voices to be heard, we are supported by our leaders, churches and many people in the community and we now ask for your support. We are asking IAOG/CCI to come back to the table and honour their agreement with Wicklow County Council and Tiglin. That Carrig Eden continues to equip and strengthen the current and future residents who rely on this housing and its environment. “Carrig Eden is more than a house, it is a home, it is a family that take care of each other and push their siblings to strive towards their potential” .. “Without Carrig Eden, I would have been back in the area where all my problems began. Carrig Eden helped me to develop the skills needed to live, like paying rent and being independent.” “I have come from a life of addiction and homelessness, God saved me, I am on a CE scheme and volunteer with homeless and those in addiction. Please don’t take this opportunity away from me”. “ I need the people in Carrig Eden to support me and bring me through the next stages of my recovery. My chances of a new life are being destroyed and my dreams to help others like me are being crushed”. “Going through my addiction recovery has been the hardest thing in my life, but the best because I am now free from my addiction. I need Carraig Eden for its support, I have nowhere to go”. “If I don’t have Carraig Eden, I don’t have a future” “I have been able to deflect all the temptations that came my way because of the environment of Carraig Eden. I am living with people here with the same goal’s as me “I have been homeless, couldn’t read or write, I am now in education and getting my life on track. I need Carraig Eden to keep going.
    2,587 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Carraig Eden Residents Picture
  • Stop sale of AIB shares until proceeds can be invested in public infrastructure
    Ireland will sell off 25% of a bank that has cost the taxpayer tens of billions of euro for something in the region of €3 Billion, and we won’t be able to give the people of Ireland any dividend from the cash raised from the sale. For months, the case has been made by trade unions, political parties and civic society groups for changes to the Stability and Growth Pact in order to allow for greater investment in public infrastructure. Unfortunately, our Government has so far utterly failed to push this idea at a European level. The result is that none of the proceeds from any sale of AIB can be invested into building houses, hospitals or schools. The Dáil has voted to delay the sale of AIB shares - the Government must now listen.
    2,480 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Siobhán de Paor Picture
  • Grant Asylum to LGBT people fleeing Chechnya
    It was revealed in April that the Chechen government was detaining, torturing and even killing gay and bisexual men. Lithuania has become one of the first countries to give refuge to men fleeing Chechnya because of their sexuality. Now its time for Ireland to step up and offer permanent residency to LGBT people fleeing Chechnya.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elaine Lynch
  • Award the freedom of Dublin to Chelsea Manning
    One day in 1948 Billy Fox, grandfather of U.S. Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning bid farewell to Rathmines Dublin and set off seeking work abroad. He settled in Haverfordwest, South Wales. On May 17th Billy’s granddaughter Chelsea Manning will be released from Fort Leavenworth high-security prison, having spent almost a quarter of her life in jail. Following former US President Barack Obama’s pardon, twenty-nine-year-old Chelsea will walk free having served seven years of the 35-year sentence imposed on her for telling the world the truth about US Army activities in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. Nothing would be more fitting than for Dublin City Council to celebrate truth and moral courage by granting the Freedom of the City to Chelsea Manning. Her Welsh/Irish mother Susan, as well as her aunts and uncles, have been to Dublin several times, and Dublin musicians, performers and supporters have been to South Wales to express solidarity with the relatives of a true hero. It is a golden opportunity to celebrate the diversity of Dublin’s global diaspora, and to honour a very special granddaughter of Dublin City in an age when the role of the whistleblower is more crucial than ever. .......... On Saturday May 20th members of the Manning family will participate in the 30th annual Afri famine walk in Doolough, Co. Mayo. On Sunday from 5.30pm-8.30pm they will be guests of honour at the Celebrating Resistance event at the Teacher’s Club in Dublin.
    258 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Dónal O'Kelly
  • Deliveroo - Pay your workers fairly
    Deliveroo operates on a commission based mobile app which runs on zero hours contract. Drivers are paid much less than minimum wage (on average €8.50 an hour) and rely solely on there being enough drops/deliveries available. They are not covered by insurance, must pay €200 for equipment and also extra running costs such as ringing customers /paying for mobile data from their own earnings. Drivers are not covered by employment laws or insurance . We need to send a message loud and clear to management that workers keep the business coming in and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Please sign this petition.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deliveroo Worker
  • Stop drones flying over residential areas without first seeking residents permission
    Drones are an invasion of privacy. They can also be useful to potential criminals. Therefore on two counts it is wise to ensure that all "fly-overs" are regulated.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emer Henry
  • Close the 15% Gender Pay Gap at Queen's University Belfast
    Queen's is now a leading UK university - but for all the wrong reasons. Figures from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) show that in 2017 - QUB's female professors earn an average of almost almost 15% less than their male colleagues - an average gap totalling £11,798. To put this into some perspective - this is the highest pay gap among the 24 leading UK universities, known as the Russell Group. It's entirely unacceptable that in 2017 a leading publicly funded university pays men 15% more than women for the same job. Join with Uplift today and sign our petition to demand the Vice-Chancellor and Senate of Queen's University take meaningful action today to address and reverse this shameful pay gap.
    241 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Ciarnan Helferty
  • Urgent Road Safety Issues in Ballon Village
    Ballon Village is located on the busy N80 which services traffic between Rosslare and Dublin/Waterford via the M9, as well as traffic driving to and from Carlow town. Resultant traffic includes a substantial volume of HGVs. Ballon also has a number of local industries with large motor fleets and agricultural vehicles. A significant Health and Safety issue now exists within this growing village and our greatest concern is the lack of safety at the school crossing at all times of the day. It is a concern which has come into increasing focus for the Ballon National School Parents Association following a number of near-miss incidents at the crossing during school hours, as drivers frequently pass through even when the Warden is in place. The current speed limit of 50km/h is routinely not observed and vehicles frequently fail to stop for the School Warden, putting the Warden's life and our children's lives at serious risk. Proposed Solutions: 1. As visibility of the School Warden and the Crossing is exceptionally poor, we propose that the Crossing is raised and traffic lights are added to assist the existing School Warden. 2. Interactive radar speed signs which indicate the speed of the vehicles to be placed on all access routes to the village. 3. Reduce speed limit to 30km/h for the school zone, identified with LED lighting signage to identify this new 30km zone. 4. Signage to alert to the presence of a pedestrian crossing. 5. Speed bumps at both approaches to the village on the N80 and also on the Fenagh road approach. 6. A maintenance plan for the upkeep of signage, road markings and lights.
    578 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Pilkington
  • Scrap the Blasphemy Law
    It prohibits the “publishing or uttering [of] matter that is grossly abusive or insulting in relation to matters sacred by any religion, thereby intentionally causing outrage among a substantial number of adherents of that religion”. Fundamentalist organisations have cited Ireland’s law as best practice and has even proposed the adoption of its precise wording to limit human rights on freedom of conscience. Now Stephen Fry is being investigated under this terrible law. Now its time to scrap it. http://www.thejournal.ie/stephen-fry-complaint-of-blasphemy-3376318-May2017/?utm_source=facebook_short
    372 of 400 Signatures
  • Introduce a Deposit Refund System for Drinks Containers
    Returned containers are then reused or recycled. A bit like the plastic bag levy, this system is proven to be very effective, recovering up to 95% of containers. Imagine the difference that would make to our coasts, countryside, towns & cities! Germany, Denmark, Netherlands have had successful deposit refund systems in place for years. The UK have just announced they are introducing a deposit scheme. Ireland is drowning in litter and we KNOW deposit refund systems work - with recovery rates of up to 95%. Luckily for us many other countries are already doing this, we won't need to reinvent the wheel, we just need to start taking some positive action!
    17,449 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Zero Waste Ireland