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To: The Office of Public Works (OPW)

Protect River Camac Greenway in Kilmainham

Stop OPW from building over the River Camac Greenway route

Why is this important?

The Office for Public Works (OPW), a government agency, is proposing to build the new Garda Operations Center over the route of the greenway in Kilmainham. The greenway will be a pedestrian and cycle only route from the gates of the Irish Muesem of Modern Art (IMMA) at Royal Kilmainham Hospital along the river Camac to Heuston station.

The OPW does not have planning permission yet. They don't have to build over the greenway route. They are only using 29% of their proposed site for the new building. They can move the building off of the greenway route protecting it for local residents and visitors to our city.

This greenway will provide a safe and friendly environment for locals and visitors to move freely in this part of the city. It will connect key cultural and tourist destinations in our city such as Kilmainham Gaol, the Irish Museum of Modern art to the rest of the city. It should not be built over.

"I avoid cycling in the area. It's too unsafe. My only option is the busy N4 dual carriageway alongside Heuston station. This greenway will give me a safe alternative to cycle to work" -- Kevin, local resident

"This greenway will give me a safe and quick option to walk from my train at Heuston to my patients. I currently walk alongside the Luas tracks and it just doesn't feel safe" -- Sarah, nurse at St. James' Hospital

Sign this petition to show your support.

There is more you can do. Follow these steps to show more support:
Military Road, Dublin, Ireland

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


2018-02-12 12:56:47 +0000

Three local politicians have also joined our voices asking OPW not to develop over this future greenway route.

* Cllr Ciaran Cuffe (Green Party) sent OPW a planning submission saying "I hope that the OPW will go back to the drawing board and reconsider their plans."
* Senator Marie Davine and Cllr Críona Ní Dhalaigh (Sinn Féin) have also sent OPW a planning submission. They pointed out that the greenway "will provide a safe and natural space with greenery and water to aid activity, leisure, calmness and wellbeing."

The support of these local politicians will are vital in convincing OPW to change course and protect the proposed greenway route from development. Remember their names for the next election. All three have showed strong support for building a safer and more friendly city.

2018-02-10 14:24:10 +0000

Today the Times (Irish Edition) published an article about the greenway you can read it here (you might need to sign up first).

The article included a response from the OPW. The article says: "An OPW spokesman said the concerns over the development were misplaced. “The proposed greenway nearly completely falls within the lands owned by the HSE,” he said."

The OPW have one problem that's not true. The proposed greenway will run through their lands. The HSE lands don't even connect to Military Road. There is always going to be a small section of OPW lands needed to build this greenway. Read more that here:

Does a government agency releasing misleading statements anger you? Then share this petition with your friends. Show them that's not an okay thing to do.

2018-02-08 13:47:43 +0000

Hello greenway supporters,

Thank you all for signing the River Camac Greenway petition. Your signature has been so valuable. It has convinced local politicians this is something to care about. So thank you.

We need just two minutes of your time save the greenway route forever. We need you to write a submission to OPW using our template and we will deliver it for you. Planning submissions are the only thing that planners can consider before they decide if they give OPW planning permission or not. The planners can force OPW to change their plans to protect the greenway route forever. Your submissions will convince the planners to do just that.

You don't have to live in the area to send in a submission. Anyone can do it. Using our template you can do a submission in under two minutes. (Seriously we timed ourselves)


Thank you all for your support

2018-02-06 21:33:35 +0000

100 signatures reached

2018-02-06 13:26:59 +0000

50 signatures reached

2018-02-06 11:45:54 +0000

25 signatures reached

2018-02-06 11:22:13 +0000

10 signatures reached