100 signatures reached
To: Galway City Council
Deal with Dumping in Galway

We demand action from the Councils in Galway on ILLEGAL DUMPING.
Why is this important?
OUR COMMUNITIES ARE DROWNING IN WASTE and not enough is being done to manage the situation.
During a recent litter pick with local residents we came across the illegal dumping in the picture above, beside 3 schools in Knocknacarra. Dangerous waste like broken glass and discarded condoms are in the spaces where our kids walk to school every day, posing a real threat to their safety. This is shocking and something needs to be done FAST.
We know that enforcement is successful. In Wicklow the Pure Project has seen a 45% reduction in fly-tipping by using covert CCTV. This is because people are less likely to dump if they think they will be caught. This in turn will SAVE THE COUNCIL MONEY on its large waste bill. We call on the Council to implement the following:
- CCTV and prosecuting offenders MUST be prioritised - In 2015 there was just 1 prosecution under the Litter Pollutants Act 1997 for illegal dumping with a fine of €400 in Galway. Prosecutions are what stop others from engaging in the offence.
- RATS -There are serious safety issues, with residents in areas such as Droim Chaoin reporting rats, because those from outside of the estate are driving in and dumping bags of rubbish. I have seen burst black sacks of food waste left at the side of the road. More regular clean-ups and signage are needed in these areas.
- PLAYGROUNDS - Bushes around playgrounds do not seem to be cleaned by the Council, which means dangerous items are left around our children, such as the glass and razors that we found around the Millennium playground in January. The whole area must be cleaned each time.
- Local clean-ups tend to happen on a Sunday, with bags being left until Wednesday for the Council to collect them. This should be happening on a Monday to reduce waste spreading around the neighbourhoods.
- BINS - We also need more bins through-out the City and County
- GLAN SUAS programme. For some time now the next clean-up on the Galway City Council website is reported as 'To Be Announced'. This was a collaboration between community groups and the Council. The Council should re-engage with this programme.
So please sign this petition and send a message to the local Galway City and County Councils that we demand CCTV, prosecutions of fly tippers, regular clean-ups, collection from community clean-ups on Mondays, more signage and support from the City and County Councils.
Pauline O'Reilly, Green Party, Galway West
During a recent litter pick with local residents we came across the illegal dumping in the picture above, beside 3 schools in Knocknacarra. Dangerous waste like broken glass and discarded condoms are in the spaces where our kids walk to school every day, posing a real threat to their safety. This is shocking and something needs to be done FAST.
We know that enforcement is successful. In Wicklow the Pure Project has seen a 45% reduction in fly-tipping by using covert CCTV. This is because people are less likely to dump if they think they will be caught. This in turn will SAVE THE COUNCIL MONEY on its large waste bill. We call on the Council to implement the following:
- CCTV and prosecuting offenders MUST be prioritised - In 2015 there was just 1 prosecution under the Litter Pollutants Act 1997 for illegal dumping with a fine of €400 in Galway. Prosecutions are what stop others from engaging in the offence.
- RATS -There are serious safety issues, with residents in areas such as Droim Chaoin reporting rats, because those from outside of the estate are driving in and dumping bags of rubbish. I have seen burst black sacks of food waste left at the side of the road. More regular clean-ups and signage are needed in these areas.
- PLAYGROUNDS - Bushes around playgrounds do not seem to be cleaned by the Council, which means dangerous items are left around our children, such as the glass and razors that we found around the Millennium playground in January. The whole area must be cleaned each time.
- Local clean-ups tend to happen on a Sunday, with bags being left until Wednesday for the Council to collect them. This should be happening on a Monday to reduce waste spreading around the neighbourhoods.
- BINS - We also need more bins through-out the City and County
- GLAN SUAS programme. For some time now the next clean-up on the Galway City Council website is reported as 'To Be Announced'. This was a collaboration between community groups and the Council. The Council should re-engage with this programme.
So please sign this petition and send a message to the local Galway City and County Councils that we demand CCTV, prosecutions of fly tippers, regular clean-ups, collection from community clean-ups on Mondays, more signage and support from the City and County Councils.
Pauline O'Reilly, Green Party, Galway West
How it will be delivered
Signatures will be presented to the Galway City and County Councils with a list of demands.