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WE NEED A PEDESTRIAN CROSSING IN KILL CO KILDAREThe safety and access requirements of all Kill residents both drivers and pedestrian has become treacherous with the increased volume of traffic through the village in recent years. There was a serious accident recently involving a schoolchild trying to cross the street which has brought focus onto the safety issue. There are also issues of access to housing estates and minor roads when there is no natural break in traffic and also no road markings or lights to allow a fair balance in the movement of said traffic. *UPDATE* It is now October 2020 and apparently KCC have been leading us on a not so merry dance, they say that although the funding is available and that a local firm offered to install the crossing... WE ARE NOT GETTING A PEDESTRIAN CROSSING. How can the decision makers sleep at night? KCC are happy to give planning permission for more houses to be built in Kill but are not willing to add the necessary infrastructure for the growing population! A traffic count was conducted during lockdown, showing an unrealistic picture of traffic volumes through the village ... fantastic logic. We as a community will not give up fighting for the safety of our village!1,053 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Aurley Keenan
More Secondary School places needed in Rush, Co. DublinSeveral Children and parents were let down yesterday when they received their letters from the local Secondary School, over hundred on the waiting list. The situation already looks grim for over hundred families and since Rush and Lusk have been dynamically expanding fears arose that the situation can only get worse in the coming years. Commuting is not a solution. Rush needs more Secondary School places.1,239 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Katalin Wallner
End the historic neglect of Gaelic GamesOver 250,000 people attend GAA matches in the north every season with countless more wanting to watch or listen to coverage on TV, radio and online. GAA is the largest spectator sport in the north yet the BBC have still made no progress or new investment to ensure equal access to Gaelic games for northern viewers and licence payers. This historic neglect of Gaelic games both at club and county level must end.2,949 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Sinéad Ennis
Peter Casey must APOLOGIZE to the Travelling CommunityComments made by Peter Casey in relation to the Traveller community were derogatory, discriminating and racist. There is no room for hate in Ireland.352 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Veronica Maxwell
SUPPORT RENEWABLE ENERGYI am challenging Limerick City and County Council on their decision to refuse me retention of 21 solar pv panels on grounds of „ serious visual intrusion and that they set undesirable precedent for such development” https://www.irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/courts/district-court/woman-claims-order-to-remove-solar-panels-forced-her-to-burn-fossil-fuels-1.3622137?mode=amp Since the picture was taken, I was brougt to court and I had to take down 14 out of 21 panels. Those panels used to heat home for me and my girls. Since I had to fit in a gas burner to heat our house for winter, my spendings up to date are over 5000 euro (applications to An Board Pleanala and CC Council, burner, taking down panels) and if I loose this case there will be legal costs for County Council, that I will have to cover. I am trying to change the legislation that only allows people to put up to 12 sq m of panels without prior planning. I belive that if we want to pass on Earth to our kids, Earth that would feed them and provide them with fresh air we need to change how we source energy and how we spend it. This will have an impact on everyone in Ireland, who wants to use pv panels and might not be able to afford to employ an architect and go through a planning process. Thank you for your support! And if you are arround, come by and support me in Kilmallock court on 13.11.18. Asia150 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Asia Pasinska
Reinstate funding the INFANT Centre, UCC.The Irish Centre for Fetal and Neonatal Translational Research (INFANT) is Ireland’s first dedicated perinatal research Centre. INFANT works to improve health outcomes for mothers and babies by focusing on clinical and health research and innovation in pregnancy, birth and early childhood. This is the only research Centre in Ireland focused on this work. Research focused on mothers and children must be prioritized.883 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Mary Carty
Invest €105 million Into Mental Health in 2019Too many people have to wait to get the vital mental health care they desperately need. While the Government continues to under invest in our services, people get sicker and even die waiting for assessment and treatment. This has to stop - our mental health is too important. Mental Health Reform have said that we need at least 105 million to get our mental health services where they need to be.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Emily Duffy
Reinstate public bins at Limekiln Ave Bus TerminusLast week, two public bins were removed from Limekiln Ave Bus Terminus without consultation with the local community. This followed several complaints made over the last year and in particular the past few months by residents and public representatives These bins were not being collected as frequently as they should, one of the bins was broken and a huge amount of rubbish had been left lying around, which is not only an eye sore but also a serious public health issue. It should be noted that no household waste was observed being dumped. It was the kind of rubbish you would expect at such a location. Our community is extremely angry that SDCC has chosen to simply remove these bins rather than address the cause of the issue. Please sign the petition to demand that SDCC reinstate these bins immediately. Carly Bailey You can read more about this issue here: https://www.facebook.com/1418387828402340/posts/2236305246610590/129 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Carly Bailey
Burgerking: Stop using plastic strawsOur planet is dying due to our over reliance on plastic. Plastic waste is ending up not just in the sea but in our food chain. Plankton in the artic have been found with plastic in their system. If Burger king end their use of plastic straws and any plastic packaging they come in they as a worldwide company can lead the way in tackling climate change. We have no planet B we have 12 years left we must act now25 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anna Doyle
Provision of Objective Sex and Relationship EducationIn our work in Dublin Rape Crisis Centre, we see the often life-long consequences of the trauma and harm caused by sexual violence of all kinds. We also know from our experience that some of this harm results from a lack of knowledge around how to engage in healthy intimate relationships. A 2018 survey conducted by the Irish Second Level Student Union revealed over 87.5% of students did not have regular Relationship or Sexuality Education. This means the majority of Irish students are not learning about sexual consent, gender diversity, sexual orientation, contraception, or sexual health. We believe our education system can do better, and that the Government has a responsibility to look after the social, emotional and sexual development of young people.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jennifer Gavin
Name Cork's new River Lee Footbridge after Rory GallagherCork City Council will soon call for public submissions for a name for the new footbridge connecting MacCurtain street to the city centre, which is scheduled for completion in April 2019. Rory Gallagher grew up in Cork City and he bought his first electric guitar from the iconic Crowley's music shop on MacCurtain street. HIs legion of fans is growing even to this day as his music is timeless and spans across the generations, inspiring young guitarists to play. Cork is a vibrant city renowned for its music and due to the significance of MacCurtain street in Rory's life and musical career, it would be very approprate to name the new bridge after Rory.694 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Wheresrory.com Website Admin