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Save Tallaght VillageTallaght Community Council Believes the Plan for Esso Site, Tallaght Village is Wrong Scale and Design for Village. Decades of committees of Tallaght Community Council have championed the historic village area, more closely since the masterplan of 2006. We have brought a firm focus to trying to improve the compliance with conservation standards and retain it as a place of heritage. We do not object to the vacant site being brought into use after almost 15 years of vacancy. But this can’t be at any cost! We are objecting to the scale and lack of respectful design given its location fronting into the Main Street.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kattia Siles-Tomney
Corona crisis: Please protect our nurses Simon HarrisIt's been a tragedy. Last week, those who called for a postponement of operations that could be planned and for the freeing up of hospital capacities were branded as fear-mongers. "Ireland is different!" Or "don't panic!" Were messages that we received. In the meantime, you seem to have understood, Mr Harris, that Ireland can quickly become Italy and it will have been foreseeable. Intensive care units, protective clothing and nursing staff were lacking in Italy, it’s the same for us. It doesn't make a difference, however, because even with existing beds and technology, who will care for patients in the intensive care units, who will operate the ventilators? Who will checks on them when they are in pain? Delayed action is of course very dangerous in a pandemic and costs lives! We hope that you have finally understood that nursing staff are the silver line between disaster and survival for our nation. We understand that you have started instructing hospital managers to involve pensioners and students in the process. First of all, it is not you who is solely responsible for this catastrophic situation, but also your predecessors. But nursing staff should have expected a little more substance in recent years than idle promises. One thing is becoming clearer than ever: you as minister for health have the task of ensuring that in a crisis situation nurses are safe and supported. Of course, we will not save the day now by continuing to work without proper recognition and a safe environment to work in. We call on you now to give very clear promises: nursing staff are a valuable asset that must now be protected and valued! It is a pity that this truth has not yet gotten through to everyone. Sometimes, sadly, it takes a crisis for the truth to be revealed. It seems that more than 20% of all infected cases are nursing staff. And you have left it up to individual hospitals to source protective gear. It may surprise you, but that's not how it works! This pandemic has been coming for weeks! It is also not the first globally spreading viral disease. As hard-working citizens we expected more preparation for this crisis. We call for Immediate organisation and supply of effective protective clothing taking into account all possibilities. In a state of emergency, you will promise to nationalise manufacturers of equipment and their suppliers to protect our nursing staff! Immediate suspension of all exams for care facilities in Ireland. Firstly, this is a possible source of infection, and secondly, everything must be avoided that, in this crisis situation, takes additional work time for the nursing staff, which is then missing in the care of the patients. Mobilisation of all nurses from these test authorities for use in practice. An immediate and reliable promise of a strong, state-funded wage supplement for everyone who can withstand this situation, who bring their children to emergency care groups, who work overtime, who cannot take breaks, who cannot comply with rest periods. An immediate commitment of significant wage increases for nurses, which must be at an entry-level salary of 4,000 euros. You can save the refinancing for the period after this crisis. We urge you! Without these measures, the ventilation machines will become redundant, because there will be no one left to operate them! Act now, Mr Harris, before it's too late.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael Mc Laughlin
Stop Food Delivery DronesWe live in a congested city at times the only space around us is when we look up, the last thing we should want is drones flying over our heads. It also offers no benefit to people other than perhaps they get there food 5 mins earlier.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Martin Hanley
Mental health and wellbeing in schools for childrenIt is the most important thing in life it would reduce all of the issues across the bored if we are are going to fight for mental health we should start with the younger generations we need to give them tools to help others and help themselves it is fundamental to have something in our shcools at a young age8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sarah Jane Kinsella
Knockraha Says 'No' to Eirgrid Energy ConverterWe need to stop the industrialisation of Irelands rural landscape, noise pollution, damaging our historic townland's, natural heritage, environment, rural communities health and causing property devaluation.225 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Mary Cremin
Limit chain stores to preserve small business and the heritage of GalwayGalway is becoming a carbon copy city and losing what makes it special. It is becoming uniform, full of multinational chains instead of the beautiful independent businesses it once had and is famous for.181 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Clare Anne
Fermoy needs Bus SheltersThese two bus stops are the most used bus stops in Fermoy of which hundreds of commuters used daily to travel to their desired destinations. In the winter, with reoccurring storms and heavy downfall of precipitation, people waiting to board their bus at these bus stops have no shelter in harsh weather conditions. As the buses are frequently late upon arrival, commuters are subjected to the harsh elements of winter in Ireland. It is of severe importance that Fermoy, Co. Cork is developed to a standard that is similar to that of other major commuting towns of Ireland. Hence, these bus stop shelters for commuters to use are essential during the harsh weather of irish winters.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Grainne Fanning
Save local amenities and residences at the Markievich poolThe city centre is becoming one big office block....local people are being moved out of their homes and losing local amenities that have existed for decades.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Breda Trimble
Connemara stone wallsConnemara stone walls are a distinct landmark of the west of Ireland that were put up during famine times by the local farming landlords as a way of clearing the land for the growing of crops to feed the population when it was badly needed they are a reminder of the past and now a landmark and to our heritage.They should be protected in the fullest way possible and made a protected area of importance to Ireland and its way of life9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Micheal Morgan
BUILD SKYSCRAPERS IN IRELANDSo that Ireland isn't stuck in the past with its buildings anymore. If you look at the comments of any youtube video or newspaper article about box buildings (6-8 stories) the main focus will be, 'why on earth are they not being built upwards???' We need tall buildings, and fast. They look great, can offer amazing views and will have a positive impact on the economy.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael Tipper
Move ESB cables in St Helens, AdamstownThe significant delay in ESB servicing the St Helen’s site is causing unforeseen and lengthy delays in the construction of these new homes, pushing some completion dates from Jan/Feb to at least July 2018. At a time when housing is in such significant demand, and the Irish Government are providing incentives to both construction companies & purchasers to invest in New Builds, it is simply outrageous that semi-state bodies such as ESB are delaying the completion of badly needed housing. We are asking local Counsellors and TD’s, Castlethorn Construction, and residents of Lucan to stand behind the purchasers of St Helen’s, Adamstown and demand that ESB provide timely and adequate services to site.121 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Baad Main Jaaye
Motorway to the NorthwestPoor infrastructure has led to the Northwest region being underdeveloped. Most young people leave the region in search of better job opportunities. This inturn has lead to the region being sparsely populated and thus is seen as unimportant.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Romuald Boco