To: South Dublin City Councilors

Save Tallaght Village

The current application (SD20A/0250) lodged for the Esso site, by Sirio Homes, is for 43 apartments, including 4 x studios.
There is only 1 x 3-bedroom apartment – 2.2% of the development, far short of the 30% required in the Tallaght LAP.
it is all build-to-rent – so no opportunity for local people to sell large homes and downsize through purchasing. Or indeed get onto the property ladder.
The apartment block design is very austere, very angular and rises to 8 storeys across from Nugent’s wool shop – a 2 storey detached, traditional house and adjacent 4 storey newer buildings. The materials proposed for the exterior of the blocks include yellow and orange rendered balcony materials.

Why is this important?

Tallaght Community Council Believes the Plan for Esso Site, Tallaght Village is Wrong Scale and Design for Village. Decades of committees of Tallaght Community Council have championed the historic village area, more closely since the masterplan of 2006. We have brought a firm focus to trying to improve the compliance with conservation standards and retain it as a place of heritage.
We do not object to the vacant site being brought into use after almost 15 years of vacancy. But this can’t be at any cost!
We are objecting to the scale and lack of respectful design given its location fronting into the Main Street.

Tallaght, Dublin, Ireland

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