To: Our childrens health and wellbeing

Mental health and wellbeing in schools for children

I would love to see every pre shcool have access to mental health therapist or counselling I think awareness should be brought to kids at a younger age it's the only way to save our children from suicide if we teach our kids self awareness and make them mentally stronger I believe its the biggest and most important part of any child like it should be first and most important your kids mental health is more important then any grade in shcools we should foucs more on that we focus way to much on the small stuff in the education system I believe self-awareness and self-esteem self-confidence and mental health is more important to any child.

Why is this important?

It is the most important thing in life it would reduce all of the issues across the bored if we are are going to fight for mental health we should start with the younger generations we need to give them tools to help others and help themselves it is fundamental to have something in our shcools at a young age