• A memorial to the Howard Family
    It will be the 50th anniversary of this awful tragedy in March 2024. It is only right and proper that there is a memorial erected in memory of this lovely family.
    154 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Linda O'Reilly
  • Save The Cobblestone!
    A planning proposal by Marron Estates Ltd to build a 114 bed hotel on top of and surrounding The Cobblestone Pub in Smithfield will destroy one of the city’s finest cultural centres. For decades, The Cobblestone has been a centre of Irish music, signing clubs, dance classes, historical talks and events and the promotion of international culture in Dublin's north inner city. Dublin is being overrun with hotels and student accommodation that add nothing to the cultural life of the city. It is Dublin City Council’s policy to 'lead the cultural development of the city" and "to protect and enhance Dublin city's cultural infrastructure.” The Cobblestone is a key part of the city’s heritage and cultural infrastructure and should be protected not destroyed, or made unviable by the building of yet another hotel. This proposal conflicts with the Council’s policy and should be opposed. Please sign the petition and help save The Cobblestone and protect Dublin's culture and heritage. https://planning.agileapplications.ie/dublincity/application-details/146422
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stew Red
    Achainí: Iarrann muid oraibh cúnamh a thabhairt dúinn scriosadh thírdhreach álainn agus ghnáthóga nádúrtha Chois Fharraige a stopadh. Tá sé molta i nDréacht-Phlean Forbartha Chomhairle Contae na Gaillimhe 2022-2028 go mbeadh go leor den talamh sa gceantar ‘Feiliúnach i bPrionsabal’ nó go mbeifí ‘Sásta é a Phlé’ i dtaobh tuirbíní fuinnimh gaoithe in-athnuaite a fhorbairt. Tá daonra mór agus tithe cónaithe go leor gar de chuid mhaith den cheantar atá molta don zónáil seo. Tá roinnt mhaith tuirbíní gaoithe sa gceantar cheana fhéin atá ag goilliúnt ar shaol an phobail, ar a mbaile agus ar a sláinte. Má chuirtear na ceantair atá molta san áireamh sa leagan deiridh de Phlean Forbartha Chomhairle Contae na Gaillimhe 2022-2028, ciallóidh sé go dtógfar go leor tuirbíní gaoithe eile sa gceantar seo agus go gcuirfear as do níos mó daoine agus don chaoi a gcaitheann siad a saol. Chiallódh sé freisin go scriosfaí go leor gnáthóga nádúrtha agus go ngoillfeadh sé ar na héanacha, na hainmhithe fiáine agus ar fhiadhúlra eile sa gceantar, chomh maith le tírdhreach álainn an cheantair a scriosadh go brách na breithe. Iarrann muid ort an achainí seo a shíniú agus cúnamh a thabhairt dúinn stop a chur leis an scriosadh a dhéanfar ar ár ngnáthóga, an chaoi a gcuirfear as dár dtithe, dár saol agus dár sláinte agus an dochar a dhéanfar do thírdhreach álainn Chois Fharraige nach mbeifear in ann a dhul siar air, má ghlactar leis na moltaí sa dréacht-phlean seo. This petition is in response to the Draft Galway County Development Plan 2022-2028 pursuant to which it is proposed to zone additional lands in Cois Fharraige as suitable for renewable wind energy development. Petition: Please help stop the destruction of our beautiful landscape and natural habitats in Cois Fharraige. In the Draft Galway County Development Plan 2022-2028, Galway County Council has designated a lot of our bogland areas as ‘Acceptable in Principle’ and ‘Open to Consideration’ for the development of renewable wind energy turbines. A lot of the proposed zoned areas are densely populated and in severe close proximity to people’s homes. At present, there is already a significant number of wind turbines located in the area which are affecting people’s lives, their homes and their well being. If the proposed areas as drafted are included in the final version of the Galway County Development Plan 2022-2028, this will result in a massive increase in the further development and number of wind turbines located in the area and further homes and lives will be disrupted. It would also result in the destruction of many natural habitats and endangerment of species such as birds, animals and other wildlife inhabiting the area, in addition to destroying the beautiful natural landscape forever more. Please sign the petition below and help prevent the massacre to our habitats, the disruption that will be caused to our homes, lives and well being and the irreversible destruction to our beautiful Cois Fharraige landscape if this proposal goes ahead.
    408 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Peigí Ní Thuathail
  • Halt the sale of mass new developments to private investors for rent.
    There is already a massive housing shortage in this country, for any available housing to fall into the hands of private investors so they can exploit the Irish public is simply inexcusable & will absolutely plummet this housing market into a completely unaffordable state, leaving Ireland in the hands of vultures and faceless landlords. To be clear this is not simply an objection to the "Built to Rent" market which in itself raises enormous issues, this is normal rural and urban housing estates of family homes being built and marketed to the public only to be then allocated to foreign private investors to rent.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Cotter
  • Stop the Closure of the Aughagad Link Road
    This road provides a safer turning point for all residents turning onto the N15 going to Grange and to Sligo Town. The council gave very little notice of the road closure to those of us living in the area. They have made claims of increasing safety by implementing a right hand turning lane but this has not yet been done. How can they make this claim and close a road prior to their so-called better safety measures being implemented. Please sign this petition!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fiona Hargadon
  • Equal rights, proper pay and national job discription for Health Care Assistants and carers
    As I am both a health care assistant and help my partner with her parents who need full time care, she only gets €109 a week which is shambolic for all she does and saves the country like all other carers who look after their children, parents, and young adults with disabilities, they need more support as medication, treatment and other outgoings are very expensive and it is unrealistic to expect these people to live on such a small allowance.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brendan Gallagher
  • We want an Off Road Cycleway for Strand Road/Beach Road
    DCC’s current proposal to close the northbound lane of Strand/Beach Roads will not work for the following reasons: 1. Traffic congestion DCC has not explained how northbound traffic, with particular reference to industrial and commercial traffic, is to access Dublin Port, the East Link Bridge, the Dublin Port Tunnel, and the recycling centre. Nor has it addressed the extreme limitations of residential roads, in particular the bottleneck of the narrow and already overloaded Church Avenue at Irishtown, through which all the northbound traffic will need to find its way. DCC’s own data predicts traffic increases of 110% on Merrion Road and up to 322% in Sandymount. Areas such as Donnybrook, Ballsbridge and Irishtown will also be impacted. 2. Environment Increases in air pollution caused by this predicted congestion will have a negative impact on air quality for the residents in the impacted areas. Idling traffic sitting in congested roads emits more pollution than traffic which moves freely. 3. Safety DCC’s proposal calls for making the northbound lane on Strand Road run south. This goes against what is expected, and may lead to accidents as people “look” the wrong way when they join this one-way route. Similarly for pedestrians crossing Strand Road. Displaced traffic from Strand Road will be pushed into Sandymount Village, making it less safe for pedestrians, many of whom are vulnerable and cyclists. 4. Parking There will be a loss of car parking on Strand Road when the design of the scheme is further developed as large sections of Strand Road are not wide enough for a 2-way cycle lane, single lane of traffic and formal parking. 5. Urban Planning Which route will trucks and lorries take for the proposed builds at Maxol Beach Road (90 homes); Poolbeg former Glass Bottle site (3,600 homes) and Roslyn Park Secondary School Strand Road (1500 students)? Why are DCC and the NTA insistent on 'trialling' a one-way Strand Road Scheme that has maximum traffic disruptions (including displacing Commerical/Industrial and non-local traffic onto residential roads & impacts across South East Dublin communities) and not working together to agree on a Permanent Cycle Path solution? https://twitter.com/community_stc/status/1330578558721404933 https://twitter.com/community_stc/status/1328759106916773889)
    2,896 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Sandymount Cycle for all
  • Attymass Against Eirgrid 110kV Powerlines
    The North Connacht 110kV project proposes a number of overhead and underground cable corridors from Ballina to Ballaghaderreen. There are 7 corridors in total, 4 overground and 3 underground. For further details on the routes, please click on the link below to the Eirgrid North Connacht Web page and go into the virtual exhibition for further details. Attymass is an area of great natural beauty. It is also an area rich in heritage and culture. There are is also the health and welfare of the people living in the area. We are seeking to ensure that these cables go underground so we can preserve Attymass for future generations. The closing date is the 16th November and we as a community need to work together to keep Attymass beautiful and keep our community safe. Please join our petition. You can get more information on the exact route option on https://www.eirgridgroup.com/the-grid/projects/north-connacht/the-project/ Please put your name to our petition and fill out the feedback form on the website- Thank you
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Olivia Harrison
  • Respect Tallaght Village - No to 8 storeys. SDA/0250
    Tallaght village existed back before 800 when the Ceilí Dé established monasteries here. Since the hamlet grew into a bigger village and is now part of a town in 2020. The village area is small ( Main St, Main Rd, Old Blessington Rd, Old Greenhills are), and traditional in design and scale. The taller apartments are mostly limited to the edges and closer towards The Square. We want to retain the traditional scale and streetscape in the village. A bulky, overly modern 8 storey block does not enhance a village ! We want all development in the small village area to respect the existing streetscape not parachute in a jarring style and size. This site is the Alamo for the village. No high rise Apartments are welcome in our village. Show respect to this small corner of a growing town. Make your opposition know by supporting this petition please. !!
    675 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Kattia Siles-Tomney
  • Save Tallaght Village
    Tallaght Community Council Believes the Plan for Esso Site, Tallaght Village is Wrong Scale and Design for Village. Decades of committees of Tallaght Community Council have championed the historic village area, more closely since the masterplan of 2006. We have brought a firm focus to trying to improve the compliance with conservation standards and retain it as a place of heritage. We do not object to the vacant site being brought into use after almost 15 years of vacancy. But this can’t be at any cost! We are objecting to the scale and lack of respectful design given its location fronting into the Main Street.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kattia Siles-Tomney
  • Corona crisis: Please protect our nurses Simon Harris
    It's been a tragedy. Last week, those who called for a postponement of operations that could be planned and for the freeing up of hospital capacities were branded as fear-mongers. "Ireland is different!" Or "don't panic!" Were messages that we received. In the meantime, you seem to have understood, Mr Harris, that Ireland can quickly become Italy and it will have been foreseeable. Intensive care units, protective clothing and nursing staff were lacking in Italy, it’s the same for us. It doesn't make a difference, however, because even with existing beds and technology, who will care for patients in the intensive care units, who will operate the ventilators? Who will checks on them when they are in pain? Delayed action is of course very dangerous in a pandemic and costs lives! We hope that you have finally understood that nursing staff are the silver line between disaster and survival for our nation. We understand that you have started instructing hospital managers to involve pensioners and students in the process. First of all, it is not you who is solely responsible for this catastrophic situation, but also your predecessors. But nursing staff should have expected a little more substance in recent years than idle promises. One thing is becoming clearer than ever: you as minister for health have the task of ensuring that in a crisis situation nurses are safe and supported. Of course, we will not save the day now by continuing to work without proper recognition and a safe environment to work in. We call on you now to give very clear promises: nursing staff are a valuable asset that must now be protected and valued! It is a pity that this truth has not yet gotten through to everyone. Sometimes, sadly, it takes a crisis for the truth to be revealed. It seems that more than 20% of all infected cases are nursing staff. And you have left it up to individual hospitals to source protective gear. It may surprise you, but that's not how it works! This pandemic has been coming for weeks! It is also not the first globally spreading viral disease. As hard-working citizens we expected more preparation for this crisis. We call for Immediate organisation and supply of effective protective clothing taking into account all possibilities. In a state of emergency, you will promise to nationalise manufacturers of equipment and their suppliers to protect our nursing staff! Immediate suspension of all exams for care facilities in Ireland. Firstly, this is a possible source of infection, and secondly, everything must be avoided that, in this crisis situation, takes additional work time for the nursing staff, which is then missing in the care of the patients. Mobilisation of all nurses from these test authorities for use in practice. An immediate and reliable promise of a strong, state-funded wage supplement for everyone who can withstand this situation, who bring their children to emergency care groups, who work overtime, who cannot take breaks, who cannot comply with rest periods. An immediate commitment of significant wage increases for nurses, which must be at an entry-level salary of 4,000 euros. You can save the refinancing for the period after this crisis. We urge you! Without these measures, the ventilation machines will become redundant, because there will be no one left to operate them! Act now, Mr Harris, before it's too late.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Mc Laughlin
  • Stop Food Delivery Drones
    We live in a congested city at times the only space around us is when we look up, the last thing we should want is drones flying over our heads. It also offers no benefit to people other than perhaps they get there food 5 mins earlier.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin Hanley