To: Dublin City Council

Rename 'Herzog' Park, Rathgar, Dublin to 'Free Palestine' Park

Rename the Dublin City Park as an act in continued solidarity with all the people of Palestine, suffering under the horrendous inhumane occupation which has now left well over 21,000 people dead in Gaza under the current brutal incursion by Israel military attacks since October 2023.

Why is this important?

Dublin City's 'Herzog' Park is called after the Dublin-raised Chaim Herzog who became 6th Israeli president, having fought along with Zionist paramilitaries in the late 1940s and then serving in Israeli administration. His son, Yitzhak (Isaac) Herzog is current Israeli president, who has recently called for the violent elimination of Palestinians. The name Herzog is a name long associated with the barbarity & shame of on-going Israeli aggression against Palestinians. The people of Dublin stand with the people of Palestine in the on-going Israeli onslaught. The message of the renaming of the 'Herzog' to ‘Free Palestine’ of the Dublin City Park can be another symbolic expression of the people of Dublin's solidarity.

Dublin, Ireland

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