• Preservation of 18th Century Carton Avenue in Maynooth
    Carton Avenue is of National and International interest because of its connection to the Geraldines Its 18th Century aesthetic has remained intact since it was designed It was aesthetically designed to link Carton estate and parklands to the Town of Maynooth and 13th century Geraldine Castle
    1,129 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by margaret Clince
  • It's time to reign in Facebook
    Facebook should be regulated to prevent illegal private information use, personal data leaks, and to preserve individual privacy. Its a multi billion profit making company that more or less knows the details, behaviour and tastes of a majority of people in Ireland.
    16 of 100 Signatures
  • Real Rent Controls Now!
    Is most of your income going on rent? Is it a struggle to have any money left over for a social life, a holiday in this lifetime, or to save anything after you've made rent? There is now a whole generation of people for whom security, having a home of their own or starting a family is starting to seem more and more like a pipe dream. Landlords have been taking advantage of the housing crisis to push up rent, with the average one bedroom apartment now at a shocking €1,459 per month in Dublin; €926 in Cork City; €848 in Galway City; €791 in Limerick City and €663 in Waterford City. This is appalling and must be stopped. Introduce real rent controls now!
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Devlin
  • Save Our Qualified Pharmaceutical Assistants
    The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (PSI) Council approved rules that will mean that 248 women- in their late 50's, with an average 35 years of experience working as qualified professionals, will lose their livelihoods. The new rules would restrict a qualified Pharmaceutical Assistant (PA) to working ONE HOUR PER DAY in the absence of a pharmacist, rendering the qualification worthless and the job position economically unsustainable. If the new rules are signed into law by the Minister for Health, PA's will no longer be able to provide professional cover for pharmacists’ day off. “It is not possible to get locum cover so if the PA can’t cover I may have to remain closed some Saturdays…It’s fairly disastrous for pharmacy in Ireland”, a pharmacist explains in research carried out to assess the impact of the rules on pharmacy services. PA's have worked on average 18 years in their present pharmacies and know their customers very well. Continuity of care is paramount to patients' health and safety. This is something that PA's offer but the PSI have totally disregarded and ignored this crucial cornerstone. PA's like Sarah explain how “I will be out of a job. I am only 60 and state pension only available at 67…I have two children in college…it will be a financial disaster…I need my work and my money “, Marie spoke of how “I still have a mortgage so am worried about keeping my family home as I am a widow with a disabled adult living with me” NO consideration or provision for compensation has been made by the PSI, in drafting these rules.
    2,154 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Vyra Hardy Nayar
  • Scrap the Religious Declaration for incoming Presidents on October 26th
    The Constitution discriminates directly against the non-religious as they are effectively barred from the Presidency, the Council of State and the bench unless they make a declaration which is manifestly contrary to their beliefs and their conscience. As it is now clear that there will be a presidential election this year, there is no better time to act to remove these out-dated and discriminatory requirements. By holding a referendum on this issue on the same day as the presidential election and blasphemy referendum, the Government has the opportunity to deal with this matter expeditiously and to save a large amount of taxpayers' money. We therefore urge the Minister to seek Cabinet approval without delay so that a General Scheme can be prepared in time for 26th October.
    192 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Alan Edge
  • Take Action Against Masked Gardaí & Private Security Forcibly Removing Housing Activists!
    It's imperative in a democratic country that police are transparent with and accountable to the people. Gardaí wearing masks and supporting private security action against activists is totally unacceptable. Landlords should not be able to use the Gardaí to enforce their will on the Irish people.
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Philip Corrway
  • Bring the Baby Blimp to the Banner
    To facilitate peaceful protest to Trunp and his policies and to respect the political heritage of Co Clare, the Banner County.,
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael McNamara
    Incineration is TOXIC. Do not believe the authorities and Politicians.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Adams Picture
  • Stop TV & Radio Censorship in Ireland now!
    Both Gemma O'Doherty (award winning journalist) https://gemmaodoherty.com/ and respected financial whistleblower Johnathon Sugarman http://whistleblowerirl.blogspot.com/ have un blemished track records in uncovering political and financial corruption for the public good in Ireland. Notably issues that are totally relevent, newsworthy, affect peoples lives and need to be known by the Irish public. For instance Gemma O'Doherty was the first to uncover the penalty points scandal and has yet to be interviewed or allowed to comment on this issue! Johnathon Sugarman who is a financial whistleblower with indepth knowledge about the financial and banking corruption that is rife including the recent Drumm judgement. Why have they not been asked to comment? Is this a form of media censorship? Many People believe that for any other reason than balance alone they should be given a voice on mainstream media otherwise this is a form of Censorship in Ireland.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Anderson Picture
  • Justice for Victims of Illegal Adoption
    The illegal adoption scandal impacts on thousands of people in Ireland. The scale of what has happened has yet to be uncovered. It throws yet another spotlight on the cruelty inflicted on pregnant women and babies born out of crisis pregnancies. People have a right to know their true identities and the Irish state needs to make every possible option available to people seeking information, including DNA testing. People affected by this scandal need health and psychological care as a matter of urgency - imagine finding out over a phone call or a letter that you are not who you thought you were all your life. The longer term health implications are also very serious.
    657 of 800 Signatures
    Created by ross mccarthy
  • Allow online voter registration
    Voting in elections and referendums is an important part of being a full citizen. In Ireland the process is so outdated and hard to do that many people don't bother to register or change their address when moving to a different area.
    112 of 200 Signatures
  • Bio-Degradable Pastics
    1. Less waste to Land Fill, 2. One off use of Non Bio-degradable Plastics finding its way to our Rivers, Seas Lakes, Oceans. 3. Less Plastic waste in Rivers, Lakes, Seas, Oceans. 4. Save energy in the Production and Disposal of one of use,of Non Bio-degrade Waste Plastic. We need to re-think our views on Plastic. Many Plastics are used in our Work Places and Homes. Film " A Plastic Ocean"
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Gould