• EU citzens assembly
    Democracy needs to come from the ground up we need for all the people see demoracy in action. Each indidvual needs to be able to voice their concern or idea as long as it is not harmful or discriminatory to anyone else in or outside the EU. Then this collective voice needs to be brought to Europe and listened to
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anna Doyle
  • Let Them In -3rd level places for all Leaving Cert students
    Everyone no matter what their circumstance or chance of birth deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential. Education is a powerful tool against poverty and inequality for both the individual who can access it and the generations after them. The current Covid19 pandemic poses an unique opportunity to change the entry process to 3rd level education in Ireland and let everyone who wants to be in education in. This petition is inspired by RTE broadcaster Joe Duffy using his platform to promote the importance of equal access to education throughout his life such as his campaign 'Let Them In' 40 years ago. If not now then when? LET THEM IN
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Grace Costigan
  • Reduce passengers to 3
    The taxi regulator is not interested in the safety of drivers.It will be drivers who will implement safety screens in their cars.Even though we were allowed work during this epidemic,PPE had to be sourced by drivers
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ronnie Houlihan
  • Reallocate Road Space to Walking and Cycling in Limerick City #WeNeedSpace
    Limerick Cycling Campaign, the Limerick Cycle Bus and the Irish Pedestrian Network are launching the #WeNeedSpace campaign calling on Limerick Council to provide safe, usable space across the city for people to shop, exercise and commute by walking and cycling during the current crisis. Research published by Sports Ireland on the 30th April shows an additional 500,000 regular walkers, 450,000 runners and 220,000 cyclists. These numbers show a huge increase in people using public space to move around and exercise. This positive cultural change in how we use our streets should be further encouraged by making more space for people to get out and stay healthy during these difficult times. It’s very difficult for young families in the city to get fresh air and exercise while trips to parks and beaches are off-limits. We need to facilitate safe segregated cycle routes in the city to encourage family and more cautious cyclists to come out and get some exercise. A circular segregated cycle would open up the city to young people to get their exercise in a safe way. These temporary actions in response to the current emergency, would be strategic in creating a positive cultural change to make our towns and cities more liveable and contributing to a much needed boost in footfall required to aid the economic recovery when we move beyond the current crisis. Please support this campaign by signing and sharing on social media using the hashtag #WeNeedSpace and read our letter to the Council on the Limerick Cycling website.
    1,160 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Dave Tobin, Limerick Cycling Campaign Picture
  • Remove Religious Faith-Based Oaths From Our Legal System
    Summary:- We urgently need to move to virtual courts to provide people with access to justice during the current pandemic. Affidavits are an essential part of the court process but cannot be completed without physical attendance before a commissioner for oaths to swear an oath on a sacred text if the person making the affidavit has religious faith. A move to a completely secular Statement of Truth was recommended by the Law Reform Commission as far back 1990 and can be enacted immediately. It is now urgently required to enable people to have access to justice remotely without being put at risk by unnecessary physical meetings. It will also bring in a long overdue modernisation of our legal system and will reduce costs for those dealing with the legal system. More Detail:- We have all restricted our activities as directed by the Government to do what we can to slow the spread of the Covid-19 Corona Virus. While legal services have been designated as essential services, legal practitioners have also restricted activities to those that are essential and that can be delivered safely. This involves most people working from home and remotely in other ways. Our courts have effectively closed other than for urgent matters and the Courts Service is to be commended in that it is seeking to facilitate a move to remote hearings as swiftly as possible. However, meanwhile, citizens awaiting remedies from the courts are entitled to access to justice in a timely fashion. Social distancing is likely to remain with us for some time and it is difficult to see the operation of our courts returning to normal while these requirements remain a necessity. Therefore, we need an alternative as a matter of urgency. In the context of a move to the remote hearings of court proceedings, it is important to understand that almost all legal business required to be done to progress legal proceedings can be done remotely, with one very significant exception. Affidavits cannot be completed remotely. They must be sworn in the physical presence of either a commissioner for oaths or a practising solicitor. These documents are an essential requirement for all court proceedings and for many non-contentious court-sanctioned processes such as the functions of the Probate Office and the Wards of Court Office. A High Court ruling on affidavits has confirmed that, as the law currently stands, if a person has religious faith, they must swear an affidavit placing their hand on the sacred text of that faith. This places the commissioner for oaths (or practising solicitor) taking the oath in the entirely unsatisfactory position where he or she must enquire if the person making the affidavit is a person of religious faith and, if so, the commissioner must then produce the appropriate sacred text of that faith for the oath to be administered in accordance with the requirements of that faith. This is a completely anachronistic practice that has no place in our modern society. The State, the courts, and the legal profession have no business enquiring as to the faith or otherwise of a person in the context of legal proceedings, unless for some reason the question of faith forms part of the subject matter of the proceedings. A person seeking to complete an affidavit should not be subject to the intrusion, indignity and potential embarrassment of having to explain their religious beliefs or otherwise to a stranger in the context of exercising their rights in a democratic republic. The case for this change was made in a report of the Law Reform Commission from 1990 which offers a very simple and succinct change to the position. The legislation required to give effect to this change has been advanced to heads of bill stage since 2017 and can quickly and easily be brought forward for enactment. It will be clear to anyone that this is a change that should have long since been made even in the absence of the current need for social distancing. But it must also be remembered that an affidavit can only be sworn in the physical presence of a person acting as commissioner for oaths who is independent of the solicitor acting on behalf of the person swearing the affidavit. Therefore, affidavits cannot be sworn without a physical meeting of two or three people, and perhaps more depending on the circumstances. There are no circumstances in which an affidavit can be completed remotely and, therefore, a system of remote court hearings cannot presently proceed without the affidavits that the litigation process depends upon being sworn physically. This need for otherwise unnecessary physical meetings is dangerous in the context of the current pandemic. Many litigants in court proceedings are vulnerable people who find themselves with no choice but to seek redress from the courts. Furthermore, the requirements for affidavits in probate matters and in the context of the creation and registration of enduring powers of attorney exposes many elderly people to the possibility of meetings with strangers that are entirely unnecessary and should be capable of being done remotely. While many of the measures required to combat the current pandemic will involve significant cost, this is a change that will be almost completely cost-free to implement. Furthermore, it will result in significant cost saving for consumers who will no longer have to pay the additional third-party commissioner’s fees that are currently associated with almost all legal transactions. Having regard to all of the foregoing, this long overdue and necessary change is now urgent. Please sign the petition now to show your support for this change. Please also spread the word with your friends, family, and colleagues and on social media to help make this important and urgently needed change happen.
    573 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Flor McCarthy Picture
  • Change the FAI Crest
    It's not important. There are far more important things going on in the World. We know that. However, this is something that Irish football fans might feel strongly about. The current crest used by the FAI is awful. If you ask any Irish football fan they will tell you. We would like the FAI to consider changing the current crest and go back to a design similar to those used at Italia '90 or USA '94. The current crest is just a template crest which is also used by Israel and a number of football clubs. There is nothing unique about it. The older crests give fans a sense of history and pride. Next year will be the FAI's centenary year and a perfect opportunity to change the crest. So, we ask the FAI to please change the crest to something similar to the ones used in the early to mid nineties. Please follow our facebook page too >>> https://www.facebook.com/Change-the-Crest-115497503470609
    205 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Robert Duggan White
  • Nursing homes need to use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    Clusters of COVID-19 are emerging in Nursing homes across the country putting very vulnerable people at risk. In order to protect residents and to cut down on the number of infections, staff in Nursing homes need to use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at all times irrespective of whether or not they themselves are symptomatic.
    196 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Bobby McCormack
  • Support Palestine, Continue Support for the Occupied Territories Bill
    This Bill provides the Irish government with an opportunity to uphold international law and ban the import of goods and services from any illegal settlements. This would establish a framework to hold offending governments accountable for human rights violations, which is currently not the case. It is imperative that this legislation is passed, to promote trade justice for any marginalised people suffering the oppressive impacts of illegal settlements.
    705 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Comhlamh Trade Justice Group
  • Demand Randox release Covid-19 tests
    Randox received £23 million in public funds through Invest NI in 2018, and benefited from a research partnership with our two universities QUB and UU. Now they are selling at an extortionate price (£120 per test) at a time when people are worried about food and job security and how they'll keep a roof over their heads. Meanwhile our NHS is struggling as they don't have enough tests so that key healthcare professionals can continue to do their vital work on the frontline of the fight against this global pandemic. Demand that Randox releases the Covid-19 tests free of charge to the NHS and stops profiteering from this crisis. See: https://www.randoxhealth.com/product/coronavirus-covid-19-home-testing-kit/ and: https://www.randox.com/tag/invest-ni/
    12,636 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Lynda Sullivan
  • Close the Pubs
    There is an element of the Irish population that doesn’t seem to understand the consequences of social distancing during a time when Covid 19 is infecting more people and we have yet to develop a vaccine
    787 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Karl Mc Laughlin
  • Pledge
    We are in the containment stage of this virus. Holding mass nationwide gatherings will increase community contact and endanger the vunerable and others to infection. Our health service can't cope with normal flu never mind Corona Virus let's help out and pledge none attendance and participation in all St Patrick days events
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anna Doyle
  • No EU Trade deal with UK until Assange is released
    The USA has become the world's foremost violator of all International laws regarding war crimes, torture, human rights abuses etc. Time to hold them accountable.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gordon Mc Ardle