• Global Climate Urgency
    The Earth's temperature is permanently increasing and 700,000 Species are extinct, the Oceans are Polluted, BUT there is no responsible action taken by the Governments and Multinational Industries.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vera Raftery
  • Set Angelina Free.
    My name is Laura Angela I’m the chairwoman for Justice for all women & children this year I accepted a Irish Traveller pride award in intersectionality in which was presented by the amazing Catherine cordless. It’s so important as my mother is a survivor of a abusive industrial school. While there she was abused over who she and her mother was and was made to hate her ethnicity and faced very traumatic experiences of abuse. Her mother Angelina was sent to a laundry for 27 years and was renamed Angela. While there she was recommended a hysterectomy by the doctors. Instead the order used her up until her dying day and ignored the doctors recommendations for over a decade after it was made. My nan died of ovarian cancer if given the treatment she needed she could be here to tell you her story. Instead she lays in a mass grave in cork with 72 other women in which I have been visiting since being a small child. Angelina had three daughters. Her eldest daughter Margaret was 14 when she was out into Sunday wells Magdalene laundry run by the good shepherds in cork. When she left she left for Liverpool. She returned to cork to find her mother and headed straight to St. Vincent’s the laundry her mum was in. She was told that she should leave and never come back. She returned to liverpool and that coming Christmas committed suicide on a day for family, Christmas Day. Angelina’s youngest daughter Bridget was adopted. For 5 years my nan was refusing to sign adoption papers for Bridget while in the laundry. It was only when they used my mum Mary who was in the industrial school and said if she signed the papers she would be given visits by Mary who was in the industrial school and was made to fear her mother. Knowing that not many got the opportunity to even see their children again she took the deal and signed the papers. From there from the age of seven onwards my mum mary was made to visit her mum in the Magdalene laundry but it wasn’t the first time she would have entered those doors. In the 1960s a commission called the commission of itinerancy was taking place. Traveller children was being taken from their family’s and put into industrial schools. The women & children was taken and forced to work in institutions while the aim was to isolate the men on the camps in attempt to eradicate the whole population. Figures called the “cruelty men”” would attend camps on the side of the road and conduct inspections. My nan was in Tuam when my nan took to the side of the road with her latter and travelled to Middleton. A cruelty man approached the site and did a inspection. Although in reports all her children was deemed well nourished and cared for, my Nan had been labelled a “itinerant” she lied regarding being married as her children was illegitimate. But she was put into a county home and was found to be lying. She then escaped the county home with my mum Mary aged two and half. She was brought back by Garda and in the reports she states she was trying to get back to her family in Tuam which mentioned the name Patrick ward within. They didn’t tend to write down the fathers name but because of her attempted escape it gave us some direction as then through DNA and research we found out my mums grandfather (the father to my mum dad) was called a Patrick ward. But from there my mum and her mother was sent to the laundry while they waited for the child’s placement, a nun remembers the night my mum mary was ripped from Angelina in the Magdalene laundry and she was bundled in the car in the car park of it. My mum has been through the Ryan report, mcayleese report and is now facing the mother and baby home commission. During the Ryan report they was just looking at the abuse within the industrial schools so although my mothers statement spoke of her being brought up to the laundry and her mother. This was excluded this as they was claiming at the time these institutions was private. During the mcayleese report they just acknowledged the living working residents and didn’t even provide a minutes silence on the night to the dead my mum sat in the Dàil heartbroken. This meant that child residents/ visitors and their dead mothers was excluded from gaining justice. After the 2013 apology to just the living working residents. We applied to cork council for the exhumation of my nan. We was sent a response letter in 2014 stating the requirements of we would need to bare all costs and we would also need the sisters of charity permission. We have wrote many letters. Had a solicitor write letters and they have never responded in regards to providing of their permission. I have written a book in regards to my mother’s and nan story called The Tinker Menace; The diary of an Irish Traveller which gives a detailed account of our journey and which in detail also lays bare the cover up around the institutions and the effects it had on my family. I am starting this petition to show the order and government how much public support is behind the removal process of my nan and to force them to both take action as they are both responsible. It really means a lot to move my nan and rebury her in a dignified site in which isn’t associated with all the traumatic feelings that arise for my mum when she attends the mass grave. I personally feel due to the fact their was another Magdalene mass grave at another site in which they opened as they sold the land and found more bodies without death certificates - no Garda investigation was put in place they simply put death certificates in place. I think they fear history repeating itself. Please sign and share our petition as far as possible together let’s give the freedom my nan always deserved finally back and some form of justice. Thank you all, for more information regarding the campaign please visit our page: https://www.facebook.com/Justice4AllWomenAndChildren/
    413 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Laura Collins
  • No Public Money For Mike Pence Visit
    Mike Pence presides over a cruel and inhuman system of detention at the US - Mexico border. He's also anti LGBTQIA+ rights and he supports conversion therapy for gay and bisexual people. As a country, we have a duty to say no to treating him as an official guest, as his politics flies in the face of everything we stand for. We certainly shouldn't roll out the red carpet for him to visit.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emily Duffy Picture
  • Reclaiming Sionann for Athlone
    The “river god” statue chosen for Athlone misrepresents our native heritage and our rich culture. It would be an affront to our heritage and people to use colonial male object from Dublin to represent the Shannon and Athlone. The mythological Goddess Sionann, granddaughter of Lir, is our mythological river deity – not a concocted neo-classical god. Misappropriation of mythology and gender in a time of national subjugation is not acceptable as a modern representation of our town, nor is representation of the town on the backside of a statue. The concept of celebrating our river and our heritage is a welcome one and we call on the Council to do so by recognising our heritage – not replacing it. We call on Westmeath County Council to revoke its uninformed selection.
    701 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Fiona Lynam
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Reilly
  • No Licences to Mine in Ireland
    Mining is a threat to the health and well being of the natural environment and that of the local community. Mining is a process that is hugely destructive to land, water and air and to all who require these for their continued healthy existence. In this era of Climate Emergency and rapid species loss the granting of licenses to prospect is very much a step in the wrong direction. It is at odds with the responsibilities of this government at this crucial time for the planet and all that live in it.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah McLoughlin
    When construction of the new harbour at Greystones, Co Wicklow, began, all harbour users, including the traditional fishermen and their boats, had their moorings and other facilities removed while the project was being built. When the harbour was complete, the other users such as leisure clubs were provided with full facilities including new clubhouses, boat yards, storage and so forth. But the fishermen and their boats were excluded. This was despite the promises and guarantees we were given before we left in 2008 and on many occasions since, and in spite of the fact that provision of facilities to commercial fishers was included in the planning approval granted by Bord Pleanala. In 2014, Wicklow County Council issued harbour by-laws which effectively excluded the fishing fleet. The by-laws give a nod to mooring rights but, by imposing other conditions that are impossible to meet, effectively barred the fishing fleet from Greystones Harbour and transformed this traditional community harbour into a purely leisure boating facility. We, the fishing families of Greystones, do not accept this expulsion and have launched our new campaign to ensure that we can return from ten years of exile to our home port, with full rights to moor, land our catch, store bait and other equipment, and generally carry on our trade as we and our predecessors have traditionally done in Greystones for hundreds of years.

 For more than ten years now, we have had to moor at Dun Laoghaire, with huge disruption to our family and social lives. We have to drive to Dun Laoghaire each morning, drive our boats back to our traditional fishing grounds near our home port, then land our catch at Dun Laoghaire before we ready our boats for the next day and FINALLY drive home to Greystones, usually well after eight in the evening after a pre-dawn start. Family life and time with our children have both suffered as a result. And being exiled to Dun Laoghaire adds €150 each week in fuel costs alone. Please sign this petition, which will be presented to the Minister for the Environment, the Minister for the Marine, and to the chief executive of Wicklow County Council. Your support can help ensure that we can come home at last, and that our skippers and crew can resume a normal existence. We now must negotiate with Wicklow County Council, and every person stepping forward to support our cause will influence how they deal with us and bring a positive outcome closer. Bring the boats home!
    657 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Basil Miller
  • Protect Greystones Fishermen
    For over 150 years Greystones harbour and marina have been used by local fishermen. Their livelihoods are now under threat as Wicklow County Council are attempting to get rid of the local fishing workers. The local fishermen have been there a long time and are a part of traditional Greystones. We should be trying to protect these traditions rather than exile them.
    433 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Alistair Smith Picture
  • Support Democracy in Sudan
    BACKGROUND https://youtu.be/L5JQAb9w-fo Article: “Everything You Need to Know About the Sudan Revolution” by Ola Diab http://500wordsmag.com/sudan-news/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-sudan-revolution/ =============================================================== Dear Taoiseach, We the enclosed signatories submit this petition on behalf of and in accordance with the people of Sudan participating in an active popular uprising that began on December 2018. Our goal is to accomplish the removal of the authoritarian government and deep state bureaucracy presided by Omar H. Al-Bashir and to resume democratic rule of law thru a civilian-led government of Sudan. We support the Declaration of Freedom & Change force (DFCF) in its commitment to secure freedom, peace, and justice in Sudan. We the undersigned request the following be provided with your leadership and discretion: 1. Ireland must call on the military junta led by general Burhan to pledge a commitment to Freedom & Change in its fulfilment of a popular mandate to form majority representation in the interim civilian authority until internationally monitored elections are organised after an agreed upon period of time. 2. Ireland must call for an end to the systematic murder, torture, violation, and abuse of peaceful citizens by the National Intelligence Security Service and Rapid Force Support (aka. Janjaweed Militia). The Militia must withdraw its presence from all cities, towns and villages. 3. Ireland must call for the formation of an independent investigation panel to probe the criminal attacks on protesters near army headquarters in Khartoum, as well as other sites across the country, since April 11 and especially between May 29 and June 3. This panel shall collect evidence, interview witnesses, and publish a report. The report’s findings shall help bring culpable perpetrators and complicit military officers to justice. 4. Ireland must call for the restoration of a free press and public freedoms, including the right to free expression and association and the right to peaceful assembly. 5. Ireland must call for the release of all political detainees and prisoners of war, and call for an end to the arbitrary arrest of citizens. Ireland must call for the immediate release from detention of civil society and politically active prisoners of conscience. 6. Ireland must call for an immediate end to a disruption of internet and telecommunications services imposed by the military junta. This disruption prevents peaceful civilians from tending to their personal safety and prevents individuals from collecting, documenting, sharing, and reporting crimes and cruel punishments.
    94 of 100 Signatures
    Created by A Elmusharaf
  • Dear President
    Nature fully supports not just human life, but all life on the mother being planet that we call earth. It is now that we must show solidarity & support her, before it’s too late. Now is the moment to take action. Now is the moment to recognize nature in our constitution, just as we recognize our brothers & sisters. We welcome this reestablishment with our direct environment, as it is beyond crucial to life on earth.
    171 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kerry O'Neill
  • Free Adrina Podaru and Ana Tomascu
    Decriminalisation of Sex Workers should be of high priority.
    139 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Tynan Picture
  • Stop Closing the Library
    Our local libraries are an amazing resource. Weekends are a great time to go to study, take your children, and browse around as there is lots to do there. When a bank holiday weekend comes around the local library shuts that preceding Saturday. I have gone to my local library on lots of Saturdays during the year planning to have some quiet study space only to realise as its a bank holiday they are shut! I imagine there are many people out there who have had this experience. This wonderful resource should be open particularly at a bank holiday weekend allowing people access to the wonderful facilities.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michelle Griffin