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To: Taoiseach

Cap Senior Politicians Pay

Benchmark Senior Politicians wage with THE AVERAGE ANNUAL earnings as per CSO figures.

Why is this important?

Senior politicians are continuously challenged as being 'out of touch' with the electorate. Many would argue it is difficult for politicians to understand the struggles of many of their constituents because, financially, they exist in a different realm.

Currently, the AVERAGE ANNUAL earnings of a worker in Ireland is just under €39,000.

Meanwhile Senior politicians AVERAGE ANNUAL Salaries and add-on's are as follows;
TD = €96,189
Senator = €68,111
Taoiseach = €207,590
Tánaiste = €191,403
Minister = €175,699
Minister of State(a) = €134,976
Ceann Comhairle = €175,699
Leas-Cheann Comhairle = €134,976
Cathaoirleach = €114,130
Leas-Cathaoirleach = €93,468
Leader of the Seanad = €88,288
Deputy Leader of the Seanad = €77,611
Added to this, Oireachteas members also get ADDITIONAL SALARIED ALLOWANCE of up to €19,000, Travel and Accomodation Allowance of up to €35,000 and UN-VOUCHED expenses of up to €20,000
(source and )

Sign this petition if you believe Senior politicians AVERAGE ANNUAL earnings should be benchmarked to the National AVERAGE ANNUAL earnings, capped (with no add-on's), and Reviewed Annually, as follows;

TD - Average Annual Earnings x 2 = €78,000.00
Senator - Average Annual Earnings x1.25 = €48,750.00
Taoiseach - Average Annual Earnings x4 = €156,000.00
Tánaiste - Average Annual Earnings x3.5 = €136,500.00
Minister - Average Annual Earnings x3 = €117,000.00
Minister of State(a) - Average Annual Earnings x2.75 = €107,250.00
Ceann Comhairle - Average Annual Earnings x2.5 = €97,500.00
Leas-Cheann Comhairle - Average Annual Earnings x2.25 = €87,750.00
Cathaoirleach - Average Annual Earnings x2 = €78,000.00
Leas-Cathaoirleach - Average Annual Earnings x1.75 = €68,250.00
Leader of the Seanad - Average Annual Earnings x2 = €78,000.00
Deputy Leader of the Seanad - Average Annual Earnings x1.75 = €68,250.00

All ex. Senior-Politicians pension to be capped at the level of Average Annual Earnings, regardless of office(s) held, and not come into effect until the State Pension (Contributory) Qualifying Age. (Currently 66)

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


2020-07-27 23:11:12 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-07-17 00:42:51 +0100

10 signatures reached

2020-07-16 14:21:13 +0100

This issue is important because it may put off 'career politicians' and encourage politicians that actually care about the citizens they represent.