• Support the Motion to Ban Drilling
    Dervilla, environmental campaigner says: "In the midst of a climate emergency there is evidence that the oil and gas industry is attempting once more to come in and put at risk the health and future of the public and the border regions. In 2014, then Energy Minister Arlene Foster issued an order which meant the licence to explore for shale gas in Fermanagh was terminated. We need her and her party to show that she will stand with us." Support the motion https://bit.ly/3nIw0ZC
    612 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Browne
  • SOS Stop the Seal Shooting
    At a time when biodiversity is being lost at an alarming rate, instead of this ludicrous scheme and bowing to lobbyists for profit, there should be increased protection for all wildlife and promotion of veganism. Fish stocks have been depleted due to overfishing and not giving time for regeneration, which are the actions of humans, not seals.
    124 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Marese Hickey
  • Stop Development on Gallwey's Hill Tramore
    The former owner of this site should be commemorated as someone who triumphed over adversity, by dedicating this iconic viewing spot in Tramore to those who struggle due to exclusion. An accessible community garden with coffee shop would offer all in the town and beyond, a space and workplace for inclusion along with environmental appreciation.
    910 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Una Dunphy
  • Keep Ban on Fracking in Fermanagh in the Local Development Plan
    Consider this as a response to the current consultation on the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council Development Plan open until 14th September. Issue Ref: DPS/248/03 The communities in Fermanagh fought hard for the inclusion of the following in Fermanagh Omagh District Council's Local Development Plan: "The Council will not permit exploitation of unconventional hydrocarbon extraction until it is proved that there would be no adverse effects on the environment or public health" This has been changed to: "The Council will not permit exploitation of unconventional hydrocarbon extraction until there is sufficient and robust evidence on all associated impacts on the environment and human health." Please revert to the original wording which protects the communities of Fermanagh and it's surrounds from fracking.
    562 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Browne
  • Reinstate South East Rail Network
    Help us protect and improve public transport & infrastructure for future generations.Engage in a multi-year process of improving services to make rail transport a successful transport option in the South East of Ireland.
    653 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Una Dunphy
  • E-waste: the dark horse of environmental problems
    Most of this electronics will be thrown away within three years due to new technologies and planned obsolescence. The average life of a computer has decreased significantly from six to two years, and the average life cycle of today's cell phones is only 9 to 18 months. As a result, up to 50 million tons of electronic waste are produced annually, most of it from First World countries, whose strict recycling laws make safe disposal expensive and tedious. As a result, much of it is exported to third world countries such as China, India, Pakistan, Vietnam, the Philippines and Africa, which are not subject to strict regulations. This export is illegal under the Basel Convention, according to which "hazardous waste must be disposed of in the country of origin". What it does to the environment: Chemicals in e-waste can be mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, and chromium. These compounds can be very persistent in the environment and are absorbed by plants through the soil and by humans through food, water, air, dust, skin contact, and ingestion. What it can do to people: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), low levels of lead, mercury and cadmium can cause neurological damage, cancer, lung, kidney, thyroid and liver diseases, and cause behavioral and learning difficulties in children. What can be done: Governments around the world must stop exporting their e-waste to these third world countries and instead try to improve their own waste methods. Governments should feel responsible for managing their own e-waste recycling programs so that businesses can explore this path in a cheaper and more sustainable way, rather than simply shifting the duty to countries that need money.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Slava Digriz Picture
  • Allow the public a say in decisions on the environment
    Don't let the government stop us from having a say in how forestry is developed in Ireland! Sign the petition objecting to the undemocratic Draft Agriculture Appeals (Amendment) Bill 2020 The Irish forestry industry has been ignoring requirements under EU law for Environmental Impact Assessments before forestry can be planted or felled for many years . This was successfully challenged in court in 2018 by environmentalist Peter Sweetman, but now, instead of dealing with the issues that were exposed and hiring enough ecologists to carry out these assessments, the government wants to prevent people from intervening on behalf of the environment. A new Draft Agriculture Appeals Bill , quietly published at the beginning of August, is an attempt to block public participation in the conservation of public forests and stifle the forestry appeals process. Its proposals severely restrict who can appeal and will make it prohibitively expensive to do so. This Bill contravenes the EU Aarhus Convention which allows for and encourages public participation in decision-making on the environment. Serious concerns about this bill have been raised by Ireland’s leading environmental coalition, the Environmental Pillar, made up of 28 groups/NGOs that seek to protect and promote nature and wildlife. Ireland has only 11% of forest cover as against a European average of over 40%. Government targets for forestry planting have been repeatedly missed and are unambitious as it is, shockingly so in view of the looming climate and biodiversity crisis. The impact of the ruling has been to slow down the industry severely but this is because the government has not done its part to address matters. The public consultation for the Draft Bill closes this Friday 28th August. Sign the petition to tell Minister of State for Land Use and Biodiversity PIppa Hackett to reconsider this Bill, remove the undemocratic and prohibitive legislative changes it proposes to the appeals process and formulate a new Forestry Programme for Ireland. You can also email your objections to [email protected] by 5pm this Friday, 28th August.
    822 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Éadaoin Heussaff
  • Protect Garrylucas Marsh
    This extensive wetland area is a haven for biodiversity, a feeding ground for endangered hen harriers and a unique habitat to significant species of flora and fauna. The marsh plays a vital role in natural flood prevention and as an increasingly important carbon sink. This site, like hundreds of others across the country, has lingered on the list of proposed Natural Heritage Areas since it was first published on a non-statutory basis in 1995. Due to the lack of statutory protection the Marsh has suffered significant damage in recent times due to inappropriate land use. This damage will continue to occur - to the detriment of this important habitat - unless the necessary protection is put in place. We call on the Dept of Housing, Local Government and Heritage to take the necessary steps to ensure that the full designation of Garrylucas Marsh as a Natural Heritage Area by the National Parks and Wildlife Service proceeds immediately.
    544 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Garry Lucas
  • Allow off-grid, low impact housing in Ireland
    In Ireland our individual ecological footprint is approximately 5.2 Global Hectares per Capita (ghc) but the Planet’s actual capacity is only 1.8 ghc: we are living as if there are almost three Planet Earths. This way of life is not only contributing to mass extinction, pandemics and extreme economic inequalities, it means that, in all likelihood, our country will be uninhabitable for our grandchildren. A One Planet Development scheme would give people the option of moving out of the city and into the countryside to pioneer a way of life that goes some way towards bringing the human-nature relationship back into balance. It would allow people to build small low-impact dwellings, to establish community and to work with the land in a regenerative way to bring systemic change to our food systems.
    4,416 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Róisín Dexter
    Better traffic solutions for our city.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gerry Reilly
  • Trial Strand road one way and close off rat running for local residents without delay
    In these times of Covid19 this will also help people to commute, get to school and exercise safely. Will provide a much nicer environment for the people in Sandymount similar to what has happened in Blackrock and DunLoaghaire. Will mean an end to the traffic jams we're seeing at rush hour. Will provide almost continuous cycle track along the south Dublin coast from Sandymount to Sandycove allowing kids, families and older people to move about safely.
    978 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Sean Barry
  • Ballinasloe MUST be on The Athlone- Galway Greenway Route
    The Athlone to Galway Greenway being routed through Ballinalsoe is essential to: - REJUVENATE much needed economic activity to revive a rural gateway to the west town and its surrounding hinterland. -STIMULATE huge tourism activity in the area creating sustainable employment and endless business opportunities. -ENCOURAGE health and well-being in the area to combat rising physical and mental health issues.
    2,278 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Loraine Treacy