• Save the Mangala
    Our beloved Mangala is a unique area of woodland in the heart of Douglas. It's an area of natural beauty and is full of biodiversity including many protected species. The destruction of natural habitats and mature woodland is not acceptable. The Mangala is also of huge historical importance because of its close connection with Morough Mills. The Mangolds, locally called Mangles, that gave it its name were grown there to be used in the mills. The woods is a haven that generations of us have enjoyed and continue to do so. The people of Douglas won't stand for this. We won't allow the destruction of OUR Mangala
    3,119 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Nina O'Neill
  • Stop Live Export!
    Long-distance journeys cause unnecessary suffering to animals. They can become exhausted, sick and injured, hungry, dehydrated and stressed, having to cope with high temperatures and humidity and extensive periods in cramped, filthy conditions, sometimes with little or no food and water.  Every year thousands of young bulls are exported to countries outside the EU including Turkey, Libya, Lebanon and Morocco. As if that wasn’t bad enough this year new markets have been sought and shipments have gone to Jordan and Egypt. A trade deal with Israel has also been ageed for cattle and sheep.  THIS IS GOING IN THE WRONG DIRECTION!  These are all countries with no or minimal animal welfare regulations in place and appalling standards, particularly at slaughter. These bulls are subjected to unimaginable suffering, crammed into hot, filthy vessels for up to two weeks, usually just to be slaughtered in a brutal manner shortly after arrival at their destination.  Slaughter methods in these destination countries include slashing tendons, stabbing in the eyes, being strung up by a rear leg, multiple slashes at the throat, being hit over the head with poles, all whilst fulling conscious and in front of other animals. The slaughterhouse workers have a lack of education, and training, lack of facilities, there is no vet present and there is little in the way of legislation. Street slaughter is common.  We are calling for the Minister to ban export to all countries outside the EU that do not share our welfare standards, both in documented legislation and in practice.  You can find out more about the industry here: https://www.ethicalfarmingireland.com/live-export/
    6,562 of 7,000 Signatures
  • Free Public Transport
    Part of our climate change goals & ambitions.
    1,554 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Cormac McKay
  • Tell Sinn Féin to oppose petroleum licencing at the Executive
    Fracking and drilling pollutes our water, and damages our health. It is expected that the petroleum licencing policy that Minister Lyons will propose to the Executive could open the door for the approval of outstanding drilling and fracking applications in Fermanagh, and in the five council areas of Belfast, Antrim and Newtownabbey, Mid Ulster, Armagh City Banbridge and Craigavon, Lisburn and Castlereagh. There is no time for legislation to be passed on fracking and drilling in this Assembly term. It must be stopped at the Executive.
    563 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Browne
  • Protect the Limerick Greenway
    The Limerick Greenway, which opened in July and cost €10M euros, is now the most successful greenway in Ireland with over 250K visitors already. The greenway traverses a green plain under Rooskagh Hill. This region has huge potential for tourism and could create a multiple of the estimated 200 jobs created in Mayo on the back of their fabulous greenway. It is similar in size to Limerick and visitor numbers are comparable. A dual carriageway through the plain and the greenway will stunt any further growth in amenities and jobs. We believe Limerick County Council; Transport Infrastructure Ireland and the Department of Transport have chosen it not because it is the best route to alleviate traffic congestion in and around Newcastle West but purely because they think that it is achievable in the time frame that they must spend the funds promised and also allows them to circumvent future restrictions from the EU in relation to climate control. We want to raise awareness of this flawed decision and try and reverse it before it is too late. The process to date has evolved side by side with the Covid pandemic and the authorities have been able to move swiftly without entertaining any real democratic questioning. Zoom calls with pre-prepared scripts has been the order of the day. The whole planning, implementation and engagement of this process has been rushed and expedited. Most local politicians appear to be repeating the same mantra as the council and there is a clear democratic deficit here. It is left up to ordinary citizens to voice their concern through the media and other channels such as this petition. https://www.facebook.com/protectlimerickgreenway [email protected]
    443 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Limerick Greenway
  • Support Youth Demands for Climate Justice
    The more young people who sign in support, the more we can pressure our decision makers to implement these demands.
    632 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Theresa Rose Sebastian
  • COP on - stop letting big business destroy our climate
    Big business are producing more, not less emissions and are making the climate crisis worse. Government decisions are letting them off the hook and pushing the burden for the climate crisis on to regular people, not the corporations who drive it.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patrick O'Brien Picture
    82% of the Irish people support neutrality in all its aspects.
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Margaretta Darcy
  • BioDiversity Impact of light Pollution- Submission to Tipperary County Council
    We need your support: Please sign the petition below! Finding it hard to sleep at night with light glare from street lighting coming into your bedroom? The County Council are going to be upgrading the current street lights in Cloughjordan village and will soon consult with the local community on the type of new lighting arrangements to install. This is your chance to have the kind of lighting you really want installed in your village. We aim to submit a letter to the County Council on behalf of people in the local community, to request that the Council: - Install lights with a warm (Amber) colour temperature with an upper limit of (no more than) 2700 kelvin. - Install light shields or hooded lights with more focused lighting, (thereby improving security by reducing glare through targeted lighting and reducing the impact of light pollution). Why are we making the above request? There is an opportunity here for Cloughjordan village to get smart, modern, high standard, well-designed lighting installed that reduces glare into our houses and bedrooms and yet still keeps our streets safe at night. The right kind of well-designed lighting can help reduce light pollution, helping to protect our health and that of the environment. The upper brightness limit we are asking for will be similar to the existing brightness level of the current sodium lighting on the main street but will have a softer effect as the new lighting will be LED, where 2700 kelvin is on the warmer scale of lighting. Also, if the lights are shielded, as we are requesting, the light is targeted to the ground where it is needed, and doesn’t get wasted in glare. This has been shown to improve security by eliminating the excessive glare that often ‘blinds’ people looking into overly bright street lighting. The truth is that better design equals better and safer lighting. Why be concerned about light pollution? Light pollution is Harmful for our health: Current scientific studies suggest that artificial light at night negatively affects human health by increasing our risks for sleep disorders, depression, diabetes and more. It is proven that artificial lights directly interrupt our circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythms are 24-hour cycles that are part of the body’s internal clock, running in the background to carry out essential functions whilst we sleep: the sleep-wake cycle. Some of these processes include brain wave patterns, hormone production, cell regulation, and other biologic activities. Disruption of the circadian clock is known to have a significant correlation to several medical disorders in humans including depression, insomnia, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Light pollution is harmful to nature: Plants and Animals depend on earth’s daily light and dark cycle to govern life-sustaining behaviours. For hundreds of millions of years, the web of life on earth has been dependent on day and night, light and dark. Research shows that artificial light at night has adverse and even deadly effects on many species. Researchers have already identified harmful impacts on a huge array of species including bats, insects, plants, fish, turtles, marine corals and even primates. Overlighting wastes energy we can’t afford to waste: It is estimated that at least 20% of light is wasted by unshielded and/or poorly aimed outdoor lighting which is about 3 billion euros per years’ worth of energy lost in sky glow. As much as 50% of outdoor lighting globally is wasted, which increases greenhouse gas emissions, contributes to climate change, and renders us all energy-dependent. To offset all that carbon dioxide, we’d have to plant about 875 million trees annually!
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Darksky CloughJordan
  • Practical Cooking Classes For Every Child in the School Curriculum
    No Irish child should leave school without being able to cook for themselves. Otherwise, we are undeniably, failing in our duty of care to our young people. When you teach someone how to cook, you give them a gift that will forever enhance their lives. Our food choices affect our energy, vitality, ability to concentrate. Food affects our mental and physical health and is at the heart of the fight to tackle the climate crisis.
    6,672 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Darina Allen
  • No new fossil fueled data centres
    Eirgrid and the Commission for Regulation of Utilities have stated that if new data centres are built without new electricity generation and "demand side flexibility", we will have blackouts. The new generation being proposed is primarily fossil gas based. The flexibility being discussed is primarily through the data centres installing private fossil fuel generation (rather than batteries/other energy storage/ real time demand flexibility). We need to pause all new data centre development, and pause expansion of existing data centres, until we can guarantee that it will not cause new fossil fuel generation, ie it will not force the grid to procure more fossil fuel generation and infrastructure, and it will not involve data-centre-owned fossil fuel generation. We also need to call at EU level for all data centres to be located in places where it is feasible for the centres to be 100% renewable powered in real time (not through "guarantees of origin" / "green certificates"). Data centres consume a lot of energy, and there are a large number of new data centre proposals being made for Ireland. For example, the proposed data centre in Ennis would have a 200 MW load - equivalent to the electricity consumption of approximately 210,000 homes, which is the number of homes in Clare, Limerick and Kerry combined. The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) recently issued a consultation paper recommending that data centres be obliged to adhere to “connection measures” (i.e. to be flexible in their timing of use of grid electricity), in order to prevent black outs. However, the paper fails to adequately address climate change, and fails to clearly distinguish between a) flexibility through storage, b) flexibility through matching real time electricity usage to the timing of the wind and sun, and c) flexibility through private data-centre operated fossil fuel generation. The first two are compatible with decarbonisation, the last is not. There are two big issues in electricity decarbonisation: increasing the quantity of renewables, and managing intermittency (e.g. energy storage and demand response). Quantity of renewable supply: We need a lot more renewable generation on the grid to replace existing fossil fuels and to enable transfer of heating and transport from fossil fuel to decarbonised electricity. Grid stability, storage and timing: Many renewables, such as wind and solar, cannot be timed or turned up and down at will. To avoid using fossil fuels as backup when there is low wind and sun, and to avoid wasting renewable energy when there is surplus supply from wind and sun, we need to use more when it is available and use less when it is not (i.e. real-time demand response), and we need to store renewable energy when it is available, for use when it is not. Just transition: We need to manage the transition to more renewables, better storage and timing of electricity use, in a way which prioritises essential needs and the most vulnerable, and uses the electricity we have more efficiently. Current data centre plans = more fossil fuel generation. Many current data centre plans, including the Ennis plan, involve either the data centre installing it’s own large-scale fossil fuel generation, or the grid being forced to procure fossil fuel generation to keep up with the data centre’s demand whenever it wants it. The greenwash trap. We need to be careful of data centres (and other businesses) claiming they are 100% renewable because they have purchased “guarantees of origin”/"green certificates". These are credits from renewable suppliers which are not even connected to the electricity grid the data centre is connected to, and which are not producing electricity at the time it is being used by the data centre. This is smoke-and-mirrors greenwash and doesn't do anything to prevent the Irish grid using fossil fuels. Instead, we need to focus on the "carbon intensity" of the grid they are using (the Irish grid), at the time they are using it. Carbon intensity means grams of CO2 equivalent emitted per kWh of electricity produced, and it can vary substantially according to the wind. Data centres should be required to use or store electricity when the carbon intensity is low, and minimise their use of the grid when there is a shortage of renewables like wind or solar. The true carbon intensity of electricity imports over inter-connectors should also be accounted for. Demands to data centres: Pre-conditions which should be set out for new data centre proposals or proposals to expand existing data centres: * No new fossil fuel burning infrastructure should be installed to power data centres, either on or off site, either owned and operated by the data centre owner/operator or otherwise * Data centres should be required to invest in renewable energy generation either on-site, or close by, on the grid it is connected to, and locate in places where it is feasible to generate sufficient energy from renewables. * Data centres should be required to consume grid electricity at times when there is plentiful wind or other renewable energy on the grid relative to demand, and not at other times, through investment in energy storage. * Data centres should not be allowed to run “mining” of bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, which consume huge energy resources and have been banned in some jurisdictions already. * Data centres should be required to transparently report on the types of services they provide to different sectors for different purposes, and in the event of power shortages, be capable of rationing data centre services which are non-essential to society without shutting down essential services
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elaine Baker
  • Clean up the Broadmeadow Estuary, Co Dublin - and keep it clean.
    For some years now, Fingal Council has shown very little interest in keeping a clean environment around the Broadmeadow Estuary catchment area. Volunteers in "Swords Pickers" were able to remove truck loads of dumped rubbish from Ward River Valley Park and Broadmeadow Estuary in the first half of 2021 alone. If something is not done to fundamentally correct this, plastic & other waste will continue to travel from the parkland in Swords, through the Estuary and out into the Irish Sea. Development of either the full size all-weather playing pitch and/or the Broadmeadow Greenway in 2021 will obviously add to the problem by multiplying volumes of human traffic.
    178 of 200 Signatures
    Created by John Drinane