• Stop Smith Toys Using Plastic Bags
    Shocking amount of unnecessary single use plastic bags being used, bad. Are they paying the levy for all these bags? It would be very easy to switch to brown paper bags(similar to TK maxx) for most of their
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carina Fitzgerald
    According to the World Health Organization, approximately 1 billion cases and millions of deaths each year can be traced back to diseases originating from animal populations. In the past three decades, researchers have found more than 30 bacteria or viruses that are capable of infecting humans. Over three quarters of those are believed to have come from animal populations. And while the current pandemic may feel like a very rare happening, scientists say the pace of these pandemics is accelerating dramatically thanks to humans' ever-encroaching proximity to wildlife. "The time between these outbreaks is getting shorter and shorter," said Dr. Tracey McNamara, a professor of pathology at Western University of Health Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine. And it's becoming increasingly clear that these viruses aren't just a threat to our health -- they're also a threat to the global economy. "We are only able to sustain an outbreak maybe once every decade," said Dr. Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance. "The rate we are going is not sustainable." As our population continues to expand, the interactions between humans and wildlife grow closer and closer. Cutting down forests and altering habitats push animals out of their own homes and deeper into human communities. Poorly developed hygiene and sanitation systems can make it more likely for germs to build up. With humans and animals living in such close proximity, bacteria and viruses can easily jump from one species to another. Once people become infected, the increasing interconnectedness of our world makes the spread of the disease easier. People and domestic animals are able to traverse the globe in a matter of hours. Illegal trade of exotic animals can move across borders undetected, carrying with them deadly bacteria and viruses.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sinead Jackson
  • Dunshaughlin - Plastic Free Shopping in Aldi
    Plastic packaging in supermarkets is one of the largely uneccesary uses for plastic in Ireland. We once got by perfectly without it, and that's what we need to do now. If we can support Aldi in bringing in a new zero-waste aisle, there could be a whole village-load less of plastic pollution coming from Dunshaughlin.
    313 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Ailbhe Reilly Tuite
  • No more plastic bottles in school canteens
    With some schools with over 1,000 pupils this would seriously reduce the amount of plastic that is produced alco children spend almost 7 hours 5 days a week at school so if you make that time plastic free we'll....
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Climate Change
  • Ask Irish retailers to make their "own brand" food packaging plastic free!
    Our addiction to oil-based plastic is destroying the natural world and has become an existential threat to many species, including our own. Every day, around 8 million pieces of plastic drift into the world's oceans. There, they are often fatally ingested by marine animals, including sea turtles, whales, seals and seabirds. Around 100,000 marine animals and a million seabirds die annually from plastic pollution. Many of these species are now facing extinction due to human activity. Musgrave Group and Dunnes Stores, Ireland's two largest domestic retailers, can make a small but significant contribution to changing this narrative by refusing to use plastic packaging for their "own brand" food products. We call on them to do so for the long-term benefit of our communities, the natural environment and future generations.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Micheál Geoghegan
  • Ask Irish retailers to make their "own brand" food packaging plastic free!
    Our addiction to oil-based plastic is destroying the natural world and has become an existential threat to many species, including our own. Every day, around 8 million pieces of plastic drift into the world's oceans. There, they are often fatally ingested by marine animals, including sea turtles, whales, seals and seabirds. Around 100,000 marine animals and a million seabirds die annually from plastic pollution. Many of these species are now facing extinction due to human activity. Musgrave Group and Dunnes Stores, Ireland's two largest domestic retailers, can make a small but significant contribution to changing this narrative by refusing to use plastic packaging for their "own brand" food products. We call on them to do so for the long-term benefit of our communities, the natural environment and future generations.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Micheál Geoghegan
  • Knockraha Says 'No' to Eirgrid Energy Converter
    We need to stop the industrialisation of Irelands rural landscape, noise pollution, damaging our historic townland's, natural heritage, environment, rural communities health and causing property devaluation.
    225 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Mary Cremin
  • Rid our food chain of Single Use Plastics
    Single use plastics are damaging to the environment, non-recyclable and are a by product of the oil industry. With rocketing co2 levels and extreme weather events now a reality, we need to divest.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emer Fallon
  • Limit chain stores to preserve small business and the heritage of Galway
    Galway is becoming a carbon copy city and losing what makes it special. It is becoming uniform, full of multinational chains instead of the beautiful independent businesses it once had and is famous for.
    181 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Clare Anne
  • Recognise Catalonia as an Independant state
    Catalonia are being robbed financially and culturally and the majority want independence from Spain. Spain is divided up into 17 communes and each should pay 5.88% tax but Catalonia pay over 20%.Their infrasture has not been invested in with road charges going straight to Madrid while most of the rest of Spain enjoy no tolls on their roads. Their trains are over 40 years old as the rest of Spains trains have been updated while their system is falling apart. Catalonia are forbidden to create flights to the USA therefore American businesses set up in Madrid instead. Catalonia are not allowed to use renewable energies in such a sunny climate as this would affect profits for electricity suppliers based in Madrid. An agreement that Spain would reimburse Catalonia with 769 million euro was reneged upon.Spain also are trying to wipe out the Catalan language by not funding schools to teach it. There are 50 corruption cases opened with no sign of anyone been held responsible. Catalonians want a Republic like ours and not a dictatorship and I think Ireland should stand behind them.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Sweeney
  • Get rid of of motor tax on electric and hybrid cars
    It's environmentally essential to reduce fuel emissionsfrom. motor vehicles, but it looks likely that the budget will seek to increase the cost of diesel. This will not work to reduce emissions but act as a money grab for the exchequer. Abolishing road tax on electric and hybrids will actively incentivise people to switch.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maggie Moore