• Lidl, Bring Wonky Vegetable Boxes to Ireland!
    Every year, tonnes of perfectly good vegetables are thrown away because they're not the right shape. Lidl had created a fantastic initiative where they sell these wonky vegetables directly to customers. There's no reason why they can't bring this to Ireland too! If we build enough customer pressure, we can make it happen.
    504 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Emily Duffy Picture
  • 80 MAX
    We all need to act for the sake of our only life support system. Involving over 2 million people this will cut around two million tonnes of CO2 in just one year. Unlike a carbon tax, it would be immediately effective and at the same time keep money in peoples pockets and local communities. Over two million drivers in Ireland will become daily aware of their responsibility to future generations. The benefits are many. Safer roads Fewer deaths and catastrophic injuries, Cleaner air, A sensible transition to electric vehicles as they also use more power at higher speed. Easily duplicated worldwide It will very effectively cut imports of fossil fuel therefore keeping money in the national economy. Strategically it will give more leeway to other sectors while they try to cut their emissions. If duplicated worldwide it would involve a billion drivers contributing to the solution. Carbon tax on fuel is neither effective nor just. It unfairly impacts those on lower income while sending the message that if you are wealthy enough it is alright to produce greenhouse gases. As a former cab driver/ bus driver and ambulance driver I have in the past three years kept to 80km/hr driving all over Ireland and in Wales and it is not difficult. Check our website for testimonials from some of the over 1200 people who have taken the pledge to keep to 80km/hr on all roads already.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by 80MAX Ireland Picture
  • #PassTheBills
    According to the latest IPCC report, the next twelve years are crucial for action on climate change. There are four ambitious climate and environmental Bills which have been brought by Opposition Parties to the Dail. If the government truly wants to make Ireland a leader on climate change, it should support the passage of these Bills immediately. These are - The Climate Emergency Measures Bill (Bríd Smith PBP) - The Microgeneration Support Scheme Bill (Sinn Fein) - The Just Transition (Worker and Community Environmental Rights) Bill (Green Party) - The Waste Reduction Bill (Green Party) This is a simple ask. These are all sensible Bills which will move Ireland towards being a cleaner, greener and fairer place to live. We have no time to wait. #ClimateActionNow
    248 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Climate Friends
  • Students Rise for Climate, Jobs & Justice
    “I may be in the library but today TDs will hear my voice. #IRiseForClimate Jobs and Justice with students across Ireland.” We have 12 years to take action on climate change. This Wednesday TDs are gathering to listen to constituents concerns about the government's lack of climate action. Students’ voices need to be heard! Sign your name and we will print out a huge petition to show the TDs how many of us demand action. As students, most of us can’t attend because it’s exam season. We are studying hard for exams so we can get a job that might not exist in a world that will be very different from the one today. There are no jobs on a dead planet. We RISE for Action on Climate Change. We RISE for Jobs on a living planet. We RISE for justice for all.
    312 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Darcy Studentswitchoff
  • Save Weaver Square Gardens & Allotments
    Dublin City Council are set to bulldoze the Weaver Square Community Garden & Family Allotments from 31st December 2018. This is a serious concern for ALL residents of Dublin 8: 1. Dublin 8 is being subjected to an onslaught of short-term, high-density property development (Hotels, student accommodation) at the expense of the existing community. Over 2000 such units have been constructed in 2018 in this district alone. 2. Dublin 8, a high-density urban community, has the lowest amount of green space per m2 in Dublin. Now it will have even less! 3. This is the latest Dublin 8 community resource lost to property development in 12 months. We have already lost Dublin Food Co-Op, Green Door Market & Flea Markets. There is also uncertainty over the future of Meath St, Liberty Market, St Theresas & now Players Wills site developments. 4. DCC are reneging on written commitments to keep the Weaver Square community garden/allotments. 5. There are alternative vacant DCC sites that could be used for development without destroying this valuable Green Space. 6. Over 300 people benefit directly from the community garden & allotments on a weekly basis. These social, health, environmental & educational benefits will stop on 31st December. The garden & allotments are used by schools, pensioners, community groups & families.
    1,348 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Weaver Square Garden & Allotment Group & Allotment Community
  • Let's Make Limerick Nuclear-Free
    Limerick is a city without nuclear weapons, with no plans to stockpile them. This campaign demands the rest of the world follows suit. In a world where armies are growing, and we come ever closer to war, the 2017 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons must be brought into law. Ireland is one of the only countries in the Western World to sign the Treaty, as powerful people with money-driven agendas want to stop it from happening. However, Ireland has not yet ratified the Treaty, which would bring it into law. The United Nations & ICAN is calling on towns and cities across the world to raise their voices in support of humanity. Let's bring the movement to Limerick, and let the world know who we are. Let's ensure our children have a future. Let's make Limerick a Nuclear Free City. #icansavemycity Email me for further information: [email protected] The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) is the 2017 recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Micheál Mac Gerailt
  • Get off the fence - RTE policy on climate change
    Climate Change is accepted as an existential threat to the the planet and humanity. It affects us all and underpins every issue we fight for. The recent IPCC Report on 1.5°C is unequivocal: time is running out. Media in general and public service broadcasters in particular have a critical role to play in supporting public understanding of this issue and the transition to a low carbon future. Despite this, broadcasters still often obscure facts in the pursuit of so called "balance". In September 2018 the BBC became the first major broadcaster to implemented clear editorial guidelines to address this. We now call on RTE to issue a clear editorial policy in line with the science, in line with its public service mandate.
    237 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Lorna Tevnan
  • Blood Coal: End the ESB's support of community displacement and exploitation in Colombia
    Since 2001 the ESB has purchased 90% of its coal for Moneypoint from Columbia and two thirds comes from the Cerrejón mine in Colombia’s northern department of La Guajira. The ESB is 95% owned by the Irish government. The mine has displaced 1000s of indigenous Wayúu, Afro-Colombian and Campesino communities. 123 local leaders have been assassinated in the first 6 months of 2018. The local population has access to less than 1L of water each while the mine guzzles 17 million L per day. Not only is the Irish government complicit in these human rights abuses by purchasing blood coal but Ireland should be investing in clean energy. "The International Energy Association says that “Ireland’s location at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean ensures one of the best wind and ocean resources in Europe.” A clean-energy economy can happen. An Irish energy revolution can happen. But not without government help." The Guardian Please ask the Irish government to stop supporting the Cerrejón mine in Colombia (a Blood Coal company) and to work with local NGOs to rebuild the communities that their commercial practices have helped to destroy. Please read the full article here, https://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2018/oct/25/blood-coal-irelands-dirty-secret
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hugh McElveen
    Incineration is TOXIC. Do not believe the authorities and Politicians.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Adams Picture
  • ESB: Don't push dirty coal fired power on the Philippines
    Ireland has just divested from fossil fuels. But at the same time, our publicly owned Electricity Supply Board is pouring money into a coal fired power station in the Philippines. We already know we're dangerously close to losing our shot at a safe climate. For us to avoid disaster, 80% of known fossil fuel reserves have to stay in the ground and never be burnt. That's why it's crazy to be building new coal fired power stations - we should be closing down the ones that already exist. What's more, this project has seen shocking abuses of the community from the start. Residents were lied to, and told the project would be a Liquid Natural Gas plant. After it was approved, it was changed to a coal fired power plant. People who live near other coal fired power plants in the Philippines have seen a huge spike in tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases, but residents are not being heard. People were forced out of their homes to build the plant, some of whom got no compensation and some who were coerced to sell for far less than market value. Even worse, local priests who have spoken out have been receiving threatening text messages. Ireland cannot back a project like this. As a developed country, our role must be to support fair, renewable, and community led energy initiatives in developing countries - not dirty coal.
    103 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Clodagh Schofield Picture
  • Go Hydrogen.
    Major breakthroughs are being made in the hydrogen technology sector in transport, energy production and storage. The production of hydrogen is getting greener month on month. Worldwide, countries are running trials with hydrogen as it's main source of it's green transport needs for the future. If the Irish government fails to include Hydrogen in future plans then we will be left behind yet again. We have the capacity as a nation both in our technology and chemistry sectors, to drive this forward and to lead the way on green technology.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tony Ryan
  • Cycling For All in Ireland
    Ireland needs to unlock the current suppressed potential for cycling — transport, mental and physical health, and environmental benefits, and also more wide-ranging positives of mass cycling. These wider benefits include giving teenagers and parents freedom from the parent taxi; freeing many people across the country from the restrictive options of driving or depending on infrequent public transport; and supporting “last mile” trips to high-quality public transport.
    2,337 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Cian Ginty