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To: Carlow County Council

Carlow County Council - Declare A Climate Emergency!

A Public Meeting on A Green Carlow and Climate Action takes places on Tuesday 14th of May at 8pm in The Irishman's Lounge. Speakers are Lughaidh Ó Broin from Extinction Rebellion and People Before Profit's Adrienne Wallace.

This petition is asking Carlow County Council to:

1. Join the over 400 councils throughout the world that have already declared a Climate Emergency.

2. Communicate the Climate Emergency to all sectors of local society.

3. Develop a Climate Emergency Plan through a participative process that gives ownership and responsibility to all citizens, community groups and businesses.

4. Aim to reduce emissions to net zero by 2030.

You can also sign a physical copy at the meeting. The petitions will be handed into the newly elected council in June.

Why is this important?

We call on Carlow County Council to declare a climate emergency and mobilise every section of the local authority and related organisations to respond to the crisis through a radical shift in policy that will lead towards greater community resilience and sustainability.

We are in the midst of a climate emergency. The world is nowhere near meeting the internationally agreed goal to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. Emissions need to be reduced to net-zero by 2030 or we face tipping the earth into runaway climate change and leaving our children a broken planet. By declaring a Climate Emergency the council can take the lead in developing a local climate emergency plan and engage with all sectors of society in establishing a roadmap for a rapid, equitable and just transition to a fossil free future.
Carlow, Ireland

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2019-09-27 17:28:12 +0100

10 signatures reached