• Donegal County Council: Ban Roundup Now
    Our beautiful planet has reached a dangerous toxic load of Roundup weedkiller. In 2018 over 5 billion pounds of it was spread worldwide and this will rise each year if we do not stop it. Roundup's makers, Monsanto, have been proven in numerous high profile lawsuits to have hidden the scientific proof that it does not, as they claimed in the 1970s, break down in the soil; it remains active and therefore harmful for at least ten years. Yet still we spray. The fact that is does not break down is evidenced by it being found in urine and breast milk samples, and organic honeys which are nowhere near spraying. It is, at this stage, everywhere. It has been proven to attack beneficial bacteria in all lifeforms, including humans, and is linked to numerous diseases including cancers, celiac disease, autism and gluten intolerance. It is proven to kill honeybees and other pollinators, and has been implicated in the ill health and death of dogs and other pets. The only reason it is still on the shelves is because our business-focused governments keep lobbying to keep it there. We are essentially putting the profits of corporations above the health and future of our planet. This is insanity. The only way we are going to stop the spraying is by pressuring those in the newly formed council to wake up and take action; to remind them their jobs are to serve the community's healthy and well-being, not amass wealth for an elite class. Look around your towns and countryside, and when you see Roundup sprayed speak up. Tell people that there are much healthier and cheaper alternatives. See recipes here: https://garden.lovetoknow.com/wiki/Recipe_for_Vinegar_Weed_Killer
    531 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Aoife Valley
  • Stop Closing the Library
    Our local libraries are an amazing resource. Weekends are a great time to go to study, take your children, and browse around as there is lots to do there. When a bank holiday weekend comes around the local library shuts that preceding Saturday. I have gone to my local library on lots of Saturdays during the year planning to have some quiet study space only to realise as its a bank holiday they are shut! I imagine there are many people out there who have had this experience. This wonderful resource should be open particularly at a bank holiday weekend allowing people access to the wonderful facilities.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michelle Griffin
  • Naas Community College Parents Call For Action
    As construction has yet to begin on the new school building in Millennium Park, the current campus in Craddockstown is running at full capacity, with an estimated 120 incoming 1st year students starting in August 2019 the question is where are the students going to be housed with a student population of 388 currently. Last year we were promised 6 prefabs would be in place for August 2018, they were not onsite and fit for purpose until January 2019. We are now facing the very same situation. We have had enough, its not good enough for our Children to be let down yet again, we have put our trust in the process repeatedly, it is not delivering. We are taking a stand for our Children's right to an education in a place that is not cramped and overcrowded, that they have space and freedom to move freely between classes and break times,a place there is no negative impact on students mental health and well-being. This is a Community Issue, we all need to stand together.
    649 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Naascc Page
  • St. Teresa's Special School (Save Our School)
    This school provides so much more than just education and care for its 21 students, it gives those children a sense of independence and belonging. it’s also a growing school with an increase in students due next September
    3,646 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Ken Campbell
  • Support Our Arts Centre for Tullamore
    YOU ARE CONCERNED ABOUT THE SOCIAL & ECONOMIC FABRIC OF THE TULLAMORE TOWN & COUNTY - The ARTS CENTRE will be based in a pre-existing retail unit – bringing vibrancy, social & economic prosperity into Tullamore & County - Attract people/increase footfall into the town; Will increase vacancy rates on retail units; Will put money into the pocket of retailers. - The ARTS CENTRE creates Social cohesion providing opportunities to bring people/communities together - The Arts Centre shows that Tullamore & county is investing in itself – a focal point for cultural tourism, the experience economy, supporting local retailers, employment, etc WE NEED TO CATCH UP WITH & COMPETE WITH OTHER MIDLAND TOWNS & COUNTIES - Do we want our county town, Tullamore to drop down the ranks to the 6th, 7th, etc town in the midlands? - No, we want it to be the No. 1 town in the midlands! - How can we complete? The ARTS CENTRE & its programme will be a unique opportunity for Tullamore; innovative; forward thinking, etc. NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN - Now is the time, to invest and commit to Tullamore town & county - Show us now that you, our representatives are going to support this town to move forward & prosper - Don’t miss this opportunity and the €2million already ringfenced that is due to expire at end of 2020 - Approx €200K already fundraised by the community HOPE & BELIEF IN TULLAMORE & COUNTY - We are doing this to provide hope for our young people, older people, vulnerable people, for our retailers, for culture, social & economic development - A symbol of Hope for Tullamore & County– create a buzz, bring life back into the town & county - A BELIEF in & reason for people to stay in Tullamore & County; to return, to attract new people.... Sign this Petition, giving your thoughts on the matter, for this to be submitted to the Offaly County Council.
    414 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Tullamore Action Group for Our Arts Centre
  • Make Sex Education Inclusive
    Ireland has changed, we are a more inclusive, equal and progressive society and sex education in Irish schools must reflect this. Young people we work with have said that sex education is not fit for purpose, does not reflect the variety of identities and sexual orientation of people today, putting the health and safety of young people at risk. Recommendations by the Oireachtas Committee on Relationships and Sexual Health, and the NCCA Review of the RSE, echo what our young people say.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by gina halpin
  • Save Bonnybrook Community Creche
    This is a vital service for parents and children in the community. Pressure needs to be put on Dublin City Council and the Department of Children and Youth Affairs to come up with a solution to sustain this creche
    674 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Clodagh Leach
  • Invest in HIV prevention.
    Every 18 hours in 2018 someone tested positive for HIV in Ireland. HIV infections reached a record high of 531 people in 2018. This could have been avoided if there was adequate resources and funding to fully implement prevention methods such as easily accessible nationwide HIV testing and a national PrEP programme. These two measures are proven to reduce infection rates. Antiretroviral Therapy is now so effective that when on treatment for HIV the virus is suppressed in a persons system so well they have a suppressed viral load. This means they cannot pass HIV to another person. Undetectable equals Untransmittable is a very important message which should be promoted and celebrated. Ireland has become a very progressive and open society in the last number of years, however HIV positive people still face unwarranted stigma. This stigma has led to poor mental health and low self esteem. The stigma that surrounds HIV is also a barrier to getting tested and seeking treatment. Education is the key to undoing years of misinformation and stigma and will help HIV positive people lead ordinary lives free from discrimination. We have the knowledge and methods to drastically reduce HIV infections, what we need now is political desire and commitment to make this a reality.
    161 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Shannon
  • Boycott Airbnb for listing illegal Israeli settlements!
    For two years, Human Rights Watch has spoken with Airbnb about their brokering of rentals in West Bank settlements that are illegal under international humanitarian law and for which Palestinian ID holders are effectively barred from entering. The settlement movement has sought to encourage tourism in occupied land, with the help of the Israeli government, which established national parks there. A leaked European Union report said some projects were being used “as a political tool to … support, legitimise and expand settlements”. Irish people know only too well the negative consequences of imperialist racist occupation. [1] https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/nov/19/airbnb-removes-rentals-in-israeli-west-bank-settlements
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin Og Meehan
  • Traffic problems in Foxford County Mayo
    It is important because I feel the cost and construction of the crossings could have and should have been put to better use. I feel that a one-way system around secondary school would have solved the problem and would have cost less, it is also important because it puts the safety of drivers and school children on the line and since they have been constructed one fatal accident has occurred at the location. Finally, it is important for those with authority to focus on smaller projects which would benefit communities more instead of larger un-necessary projects which cost more money.
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Oisin Terzioglu
  • Save St Bricins College #SaveOurSchool
    St Bricin's is at the heart of our community and provides the young people of Belturbet with a great, dedicated education service within their locality. There would be a very significant impact to our community if this school is closed.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elaine Birkett
  • Save Samia and Fatima From Deportation
    Both sisters are profoundly deaf and entirely dependent on Cochlear implants and the essential support services they have been receiving, in their home here in Cavan. Their speech development has been significantly delayed due to late implants. Deportation would have detrimental impact on their education, health, security and language development. If they get deported back they will have to transfer to a non-English speaking environment, where they will be unable to speak the language. This will majorly disrupt the progress they have been achieving here in Ireland. Their current struggles with their education and development will only be made worse. Their school principal at St. Clair N S Ballyjamesduff fully support this petition ) as does TD Niamh Smith Support.
    7,568 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Mohammad Basharat Picture