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Move ESB cables in St Helens, AdamstownThe significant delay in ESB servicing the St Helen’s site is causing unforeseen and lengthy delays in the construction of these new homes, pushing some completion dates from Jan/Feb to at least July 2018. At a time when housing is in such significant demand, and the Irish Government are providing incentives to both construction companies & purchasers to invest in New Builds, it is simply outrageous that semi-state bodies such as ESB are delaying the completion of badly needed housing. We are asking local Counsellors and TD’s, Castlethorn Construction, and residents of Lucan to stand behind the purchasers of St Helen’s, Adamstown and demand that ESB provide timely and adequate services to site.121 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Baad Main Jaaye
Stop the late night noise from Dublin Bus DepotExtremely loud noise from Dublin Bus Depot (Mountjoy Square Dublin 1) is waking people up during the night. Industrial noise occurring between 03:30AM and 04:30AM is unacceptable and against the law.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by mountjoysquare residents
Keep glencar post office openClosing Glencar Post Office will finish our beautiful parish our post office is a live line to people of our parish it’s the hub of our small community it’s a place where our elderly can go and meet and feel safe collecting there pensions they trust there local post office taking this from them will tear the heart out of our community649 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Gerald O Sullivan
Fund Muscular Dystrophy Ireland (MDI) in the Midwest regionI have Muscular Dystrophy myself and have had to fight so hard, as have thousands of others, for the most basic things, From an accessible shower to basic walking aids. In fact I had to buy my own walker, as I was told there was a huge waiting list. This piece of equipment is vital for me to get around safely and now one of the wheels is not working on it. I and others want to have access to paid part-time work locally. Many among us are Hons Degree recent graduates.That is Level 8 and don't need other courses. It is very hard anyway to get into Level 9 courses locally full-time especially teaching as we find it next to impossible to find access to teaching practice in wide enough classrooms. Sadly that was my experience anyway in certain educational sectors.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Áinéad NiMurchú
Make bullying a punishable crime of violenceTo get politicians to address bullying in our schools, workplace and community. Bullying is usually perpetrated on innocent and vulnerable people and in many cases has caused people to commit suicide. This is an indirect cause of death and highlighting this will make people have a second thoughts about their activities.44 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alan O'Rourke
Cancer Patients - Freedom of ChoiceCancer patients are human beings and have rights to make educated choices and choose what is right for them. No cancer patient will tell you that these practitioners cured their cancer nor did any practitioner claim such a thing. What they will tell you is that these amazing practitioners help eradicate the toxic side effects brought on by chemotherapy. It aids sleep, it reduces fatigue, it strengthens the immune system and provides them with a better quality of life. Kate O’Connell and David Grimes in their personal judgement wants to take this away from us. Some cancer patients have not been offered the option of chemotherapy, surgery or radiation. Alternative treatments can be our only life line.101 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Pamela Edge
Stop The unfair trading practices of PHECCpre hospital emergency care council will be the only accreditation body for first aid in the workplace. They are preventing qualified instructors from advertising this service. PHECC instructors are nurses , fire fighters , medical technicians and paramedics but Now PHECC are forcing them out of the market to the benefit of a select few larger companies. First aid instructors help us to save lives and PHECC wants to force us into unfair contracts without agreeing payment structures and without any rights as employees such as holiday pay or sick pay. Higher costs for life saving training will cost lives and will harm the public as a whole. Please sign our petition- we need life saving training of the highest standard available and accessible to all people not just the privileged few.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Sheehan
Recognise Catalonia as an Independant stateCatalonia are being robbed financially and culturally and the majority want independence from Spain. Spain is divided up into 17 communes and each should pay 5.88% tax but Catalonia pay over 20%.Their infrasture has not been invested in with road charges going straight to Madrid while most of the rest of Spain enjoy no tolls on their roads. Their trains are over 40 years old as the rest of Spains trains have been updated while their system is falling apart. Catalonia are forbidden to create flights to the USA therefore American businesses set up in Madrid instead. Catalonia are not allowed to use renewable energies in such a sunny climate as this would affect profits for electricity suppliers based in Madrid. An agreement that Spain would reimburse Catalonia with 769 million euro was reneged upon.Spain also are trying to wipe out the Catalan language by not funding schools to teach it. There are 50 corruption cases opened with no sign of anyone been held responsible. Catalonians want a Republic like ours and not a dictatorship and I think Ireland should stand behind them.25 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brian Sweeney
Disincentive Diesel CarsAir pollution is responsible for up to 1,660 premature deaths in Ireland each year, according to the 2017 Air Quality in Europe report. The Environmental Pillar pointed out that diesel fuel exhaust is one of the leading emitters of automotive greenhouse gases and particulate pollution, with the WHO clear that diesel exhaust fumes can cause cancer and emit ten times more health-damaging pollutants than petrol cars. Diesel is taxed at 11c less per litre than petrol and as a result, Ireland has one of the highest percentage sales of diesel cars in Europe. The OECD has recommended equalising the rate, while the European Commission has called Ireland's policy of taxing diesel less than petrol "environmentally unjustified". According to the Budget spokesperson for the Environmental Pillar, Oisin Coghlan: "Minister [Denis] Naughten has continually repeated, air pollution is estimated to cause four deaths per day in this country and diesel fuel is a key contributors to that pollution.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Frank Gissane
BONKERS Restore Pension Qualifications BONKERSBecause i worked summer jobs from 1968 to when i entered the work force fully in1973 the Dept of Social Protection calculates by working life at 47 years total. This rule only applied from 1st Sept. 2012. Prior to this date had the previous criteria applied and my working life been reckoned at 42 years and my contibutions total would then be 1769, i would have averaged 42.11 contibutions per year. This would have been the second point on the averaging scale. Gross loss pension earnings for my wife and myself in over 10years = €1456025 of 100 SignaturesCreated by martin mccullough
Save Donaghmede LibraryDublin City Council have confirmed that they are actively considering moving Donaghmede Library out of Donaghmede Shopping Centre and potentially relocating it outside of Donaghmede altogether. For over 30 years, Donaghmede Library has provided an essential resource to all age groups and backgrounds living in Donaghmede and in the wider community. The community are very much opposed to this potential relocation. It is essential that Dublin City Council commit to renewing their lease when it expires in June 2019.1,762 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Aodhán Ó Ríordáin
Motorway to the NorthwestPoor infrastructure has led to the Northwest region being underdeveloped. Most young people leave the region in search of better job opportunities. This inturn has lead to the region being sparsely populated and thus is seen as unimportant.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Romuald Boco