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Supporting College Green PlazaCycling already accounts for 27% of all traffic on Dame Street, making it the most popular cycling area in Dublin, in spite of the current hostile conditions. With an expanding population and national policy to increase the share of walking and cycling trips across the city to 25% in the coming years, this area needs to be equipped to handle a proportionate increase. We’re calling on the City Council to guarantee the delivery of a new College Green that meets the needs for current cycling and walking volumes and is future-proofed for projected demand. The area needs to deliver for all users of the space, no matter where they’re coming from or going to, whether they’re walking through or lingering; whether cycling with children or cycling to work. The needs of visually impaired people, deaf people, children and the elderly need to be catered for at the proposed plaza in particular. The tried and tested Dutch model for cycling, employing high quality segregated routes and widespread permeability, is the only proven way to realise truly inclusive levels of cycling. Cycle flows must have the same attention to detail as public transport to unlock the true potential of cycling in Dublin. We’re concerned that the latest drawings do not convey this. Specifically, we’re calling for: A detailed design that takes advantage of the principles of sustainable safety and does not use shared walking and cycling areas, in accordance with section 1.9.3 of the National Cycling Manual (NCM). We view this as central to the success or failure of the plaza; Use of self-enforcing separated cycle tracks which are well-defined visually and spatially, using angled kerbs, grade-separation and colouring to create new bike permeability for Trinity, Dame Street, Grafton Street Quarter, O’Connell Street and other destinations in the area; Use of bus stop bypasses at all stops on Dame Street and all other possible measures to separate busses and cycles in the area, including bidirectional paths in accordance with the NCM/Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets requirements. 660 Dubliners have already backed our calls for improved walking and cycling commitments in this year’s City Development Plan, joining almost 8000 overwhelmingly positive submissions on the 2015 Dublin City Centre Transport Study. The leading business groups have also backed the College Green proposals, which will make the city even more attractive to the world’s leading companies and their workers. The council has already shown what quality cycling routes can achieve in Dublin with the Grand Canal Cycleway. It’s now time to build on that success.987 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Kevin O'Farrell
Create a Citizens' Convention for a Post-Carbon IrelandSince pre-industrial times, our world has warmed by a global average of almost 1 degree celsius, due primarily to greenhouse gas pollution from human activities. This has already triggered serious planetary-scale climate disruption, and is having devastating humanitarian impacts on vulnerable communities in diverse geographical regions. But we are not powerless. We can still act: both to limit the speed and ultimate severity of global climate impacts, and to brace our own society for the potentially drastic shocks ahead due to the climate disruptions we have already initiated. This will require urgent and radical societal transformation. That can only happen with the willing engagement and support of the people. We need a genuine, sustained process that allows every single citizen and community in Ireland to fully consider the range and nature of the changes we face, and to advance policies and actions that are commensurate with them. Only in this way can we hope to create the unity and solidarity that is essential to create a strong, resilent, and genuinely sustainable society. We need a Citizens' Convention for a Post-Carbon Ireland.1,110 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Barry McMullin
Appropriate Community Transport for Older PeopleOlder people need assistance getting to and from their local social hubs. We want to see older people using Community Cafe's, Libraries and Community Centres more.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anthony Duffy
Calmer CommuteIf we are to encourage our population to use public transport more, it is important that it is comfortable for everybody. Listening to a device without earphones is inconsiderate and selfish. Irish Rail have already made efforts to stamp out this behaviour. Let's try to bring some calm to our other transport providers, Dublin Bus, Bus Eireann etc. I think the offenders don't even realise they are effecting other passengers. If there was a little sticker posted on the bus/luas/DARTetc, for all to see, it would serve as a gentle nudge to remind people of their manners1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Grainne O'Callaghan
Free Packet Postage to Care Homes for Christmas ❤️An Post were amazing during the pandemic and really showed how they could improve the lives of the more vulnerable in our community. They offered free postage for Packets up to 2KG to Nursing Homes. This enabled carepack.ie to leverage the humanity all across Ireland to get 13,000 Gifts to residents in 2020 and 20,000 to residents in 2021. The Service halted in March 2022 , but we would love to see it back again , please !1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stephen Griffin
Traffic lights at ballyragget NSIts a dangerous road, kids have to cross to get to the school with trucks and cars speeding by.136 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Elaine Malone
New Development Plan for Clongriffin and BelmayneThe existing development plan, due to expire in 2022, was originally written in 2012 and renewed for five years in 2017. Being nearly a decade old, it does not account for the many societal changes brought about by the Covid Pandemic and the changes that will be required to address the Climate Emergency. It also does not take into account the views and aspirations of the residents of Clongriffin and Belmayne. While many of the residential properties outlined in the local area plan have been delivered the area remains bereft of amenities and has infrastructure issues that the current local area plan will not solve. Some of these issues include, but are not limited to: A lack of local amenities, including shops, cafes, restaurants, and gyms. Existing buildings designed for these amenities, including the centre piece shopping centre, have remained empty for a decade. In addition, many of these existing premises offer only indoor space, and areas yet to be built are zoned for indoor only spaces. A lack of security, currently the nearest Garda Station is in Coolock, at least a 15 minute drive from the area. Sewage capacity concerns, with working from home and the expected increase in population there are concerns that the planned for waste water capacity is insufficient. Lack of childcare and education (both primary & secondary schools). Lack of quality cycle lanes and safe cycling environments. The development lands in Clongriffin have recently been put up for sale by the current owners, Gannon, and we feel this presents a perfect opportunity for the council to work with local residents to develop a new plan for the area.136 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Josh Noon
Bus-Connects Disconnects Chapelizod !!The bottom line is that at a time when we are supposed to be encouraging people to take public transport, and at a time when the population of Chapelizod is set to increase substantially, we now have a situation which decimates the bus service to and from Chapelizod.We did have more than 6, now we have 1. There are many children from the area who travel to Lucan for School, they will now have to get two busses and Independent travel for some will now not be an option. Also many elderly people in the area rely on the services that were there, and this new arrangement will leave many of them without an easy travel option. We are calling on the Minister for Transport and the Planners to reconsider this decision and commit to giving Chapelizod a bus service fit for purpose for its residents.435 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Brid Smith
Public transport subscriptions for rural townsAs cars become more and more expensive and almost unattainable for most people going forward. We need to invest in local public transport to make it more reliable and convenient for everyone who use it.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Oisin O'Dwyer
Leave Sonesta Green Alone.This is another attempt of forcing something that nobody asked for and is not required. There is currently a similar set up of equipment and resurfacing in Malahide Demesne, Robswall and Seabury. - The Village Green, New Street, and the attempts of the 'sky walk' and paving Bridgefield are examples of the previous rail-roading that has been attempted or achieved in the past. It is not a requirement to have every single green area laden with rubber mats and metal equipment. When there are so many projects being forced up on us without any discussion, it is time to point out how important a discussion is. Please help stop the attempt of this going ahead by asking for it to be halted until there is more discussion.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Patrick Malone
Fix the Potholes on Our Bye-Roads in Co. WexfordPotholes are found throughout Ireland and are detrimental to the cars of rural dwellers and are the cause of accidents.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mary Sheridan
STOP AN ZONÁIL FUINNIMH GAOITHE I GCOIS FHARRAIGE/NO TO FURTHER WIND ENERGY ZONING IN COIS FHARRAIGEAchainí: Iarrann muid oraibh cúnamh a thabhairt dúinn scriosadh thírdhreach álainn agus ghnáthóga nádúrtha Chois Fharraige a stopadh. Tá sé molta i nDréacht-Phlean Forbartha Chomhairle Contae na Gaillimhe 2022-2028 go mbeadh go leor den talamh sa gceantar ‘Feiliúnach i bPrionsabal’ nó go mbeifí ‘Sásta é a Phlé’ i dtaobh tuirbíní fuinnimh gaoithe in-athnuaite a fhorbairt. Tá daonra mór agus tithe cónaithe go leor gar de chuid mhaith den cheantar atá molta don zónáil seo. Tá roinnt mhaith tuirbíní gaoithe sa gceantar cheana fhéin atá ag goilliúnt ar shaol an phobail, ar a mbaile agus ar a sláinte. Má chuirtear na ceantair atá molta san áireamh sa leagan deiridh de Phlean Forbartha Chomhairle Contae na Gaillimhe 2022-2028, ciallóidh sé go dtógfar go leor tuirbíní gaoithe eile sa gceantar seo agus go gcuirfear as do níos mó daoine agus don chaoi a gcaitheann siad a saol. Chiallódh sé freisin go scriosfaí go leor gnáthóga nádúrtha agus go ngoillfeadh sé ar na héanacha, na hainmhithe fiáine agus ar fhiadhúlra eile sa gceantar, chomh maith le tírdhreach álainn an cheantair a scriosadh go brách na breithe. Iarrann muid ort an achainí seo a shíniú agus cúnamh a thabhairt dúinn stop a chur leis an scriosadh a dhéanfar ar ár ngnáthóga, an chaoi a gcuirfear as dár dtithe, dár saol agus dár sláinte agus an dochar a dhéanfar do thírdhreach álainn Chois Fharraige nach mbeifear in ann a dhul siar air, má ghlactar leis na moltaí sa dréacht-phlean seo. This petition is in response to the Draft Galway County Development Plan 2022-2028 pursuant to which it is proposed to zone additional lands in Cois Fharraige as suitable for renewable wind energy development. Petition: Please help stop the destruction of our beautiful landscape and natural habitats in Cois Fharraige. In the Draft Galway County Development Plan 2022-2028, Galway County Council has designated a lot of our bogland areas as ‘Acceptable in Principle’ and ‘Open to Consideration’ for the development of renewable wind energy turbines. A lot of the proposed zoned areas are densely populated and in severe close proximity to people’s homes. At present, there is already a significant number of wind turbines located in the area which are affecting people’s lives, their homes and their well being. If the proposed areas as drafted are included in the final version of the Galway County Development Plan 2022-2028, this will result in a massive increase in the further development and number of wind turbines located in the area and further homes and lives will be disrupted. It would also result in the destruction of many natural habitats and endangerment of species such as birds, animals and other wildlife inhabiting the area, in addition to destroying the beautiful natural landscape forever more. Please sign the petition below and help prevent the massacre to our habitats, the disruption that will be caused to our homes, lives and well being and the irreversible destruction to our beautiful Cois Fharraige landscape if this proposal goes ahead.408 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Peigí Ní Thuathail