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To: An Post

Save Our Clontarf Post Office

Re-open our Clontarf Road Post Office as soon as possible.

Why is this important?

Our post office closed overnight on 26th January 2017. There was no notice, since then An Post put the contract out to tender to re-open a post office in the locality. An Post have now extended the deadline to apply until the 7th April, as they state they did not get enough level of interest. There is a fear that we will lose our post office permanently as the same happened to the post office on Vernon Avenue. People collecting social welfare payments, many with mobility problems have to travel to Marino in Fairview to collect their payments. There is no on street pedestrian crossing from the bus stop, but a difficult to manage over head bridge. This post office was an essential service especially in an area with a large number of older residents. It also provided a social outlet and is needed by all in the local community. Please write your own concerns or copy and paste this and email to
An Post Retail Regional Office team;

Phone: 01 705 7685 or 01 705 7682
email: [email protected]
Clontarf, Ireland

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2017-04-06 13:16:42 +0100

100 signatures reached

2017-03-31 22:04:02 +0100

50 signatures reached

2017-03-30 22:22:39 +0100

25 signatures reached

2017-03-30 14:40:53 +0100

10 signatures reached