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Stop the Closure of the Aughagad Link RoadThis road provides a safer turning point for all residents turning onto the N15 going to Grange and to Sligo Town. The council gave very little notice of the road closure to those of us living in the area. They have made claims of increasing safety by implementing a right hand turning lane but this has not yet been done. How can they make this claim and close a road prior to their so-called better safety measures being implemented. Please sign this petition!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Fiona Hargadon
We want an Off Road Cycleway for Strand Road/Beach RoadDCC’s current proposal to close the northbound lane of Strand/Beach Roads will not work for the following reasons: 1. Traffic congestion DCC has not explained how northbound traffic, with particular reference to industrial and commercial traffic, is to access Dublin Port, the East Link Bridge, the Dublin Port Tunnel, and the recycling centre. Nor has it addressed the extreme limitations of residential roads, in particular the bottleneck of the narrow and already overloaded Church Avenue at Irishtown, through which all the northbound traffic will need to find its way. DCC’s own data predicts traffic increases of 110% on Merrion Road and up to 322% in Sandymount. Areas such as Donnybrook, Ballsbridge and Irishtown will also be impacted. 2. Environment Increases in air pollution caused by this predicted congestion will have a negative impact on air quality for the residents in the impacted areas. Idling traffic sitting in congested roads emits more pollution than traffic which moves freely. 3. Safety DCC’s proposal calls for making the northbound lane on Strand Road run south. This goes against what is expected, and may lead to accidents as people “look” the wrong way when they join this one-way route. Similarly for pedestrians crossing Strand Road. Displaced traffic from Strand Road will be pushed into Sandymount Village, making it less safe for pedestrians, many of whom are vulnerable and cyclists. 4. Parking There will be a loss of car parking on Strand Road when the design of the scheme is further developed as large sections of Strand Road are not wide enough for a 2-way cycle lane, single lane of traffic and formal parking. 5. Urban Planning Which route will trucks and lorries take for the proposed builds at Maxol Beach Road (90 homes); Poolbeg former Glass Bottle site (3,600 homes) and Roslyn Park Secondary School Strand Road (1500 students)? Why are DCC and the NTA insistent on 'trialling' a one-way Strand Road Scheme that has maximum traffic disruptions (including displacing Commerical/Industrial and non-local traffic onto residential roads & impacts across South East Dublin communities) and not working together to agree on a Permanent Cycle Path solution? https://twitter.com/community_stc/status/1330578558721404933 https://twitter.com/community_stc/status/1328759106916773889)2,896 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Sandymount Cycle for all
Bodyke NS Needs a Parking SolutionWith no designated parking area, parents and teachers must pull up onto the footpath to drop and pick up from school. An increasing volume and speed of traffic on the Bodyke-Limerick road, makes the situation as it currently stands dangerous for all and we would ask that this matter be taken with the urgency it deserves. Off-road parking and a safe turning area near the school are urgently required. Clare County Council and Clare TDs have been asked to look at how this might be made possible. Local community support is hugely valuable and we would urge you to sign this petition and help draw attention to this local issue.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bodyke National School
No One-Way system on Strand RoadIt will push heavy duty traffic into surrounding villages. At peak hours traffic is almost at standstill in the current situation this will only add to this. No consultation with any residents of these areas and these are the people who will be affected by this decision.* *At the time of setting up this petition, there was no consultation process in place. Now, a public consultation is now open here: https://consultation.dublincity.ie/traffic-and-transport/strand-road-trial-cycle-route/1,092 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Orla Murphy
Family carers should be on the priority driving test list tooFamily carers are not priority in this country in any case and have to fight for everything28 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lisamarie McMasters
PROTECT TRANSPORT, RETAIL & CLEANING WORKERSTo preserve the gains and prevent a second wave.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bridget Flanagan
East Cork Secondary School CrisisChildren's Mental Health & Well being is being impacted by the failure of the Department of Education and Skills to ensure adequate places are available. This is a situation which will continue to get worse over the coming years1,793 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Eileen McCarthy
Fermoy needs Bus SheltersThese two bus stops are the most used bus stops in Fermoy of which hundreds of commuters used daily to travel to their desired destinations. In the winter, with reoccurring storms and heavy downfall of precipitation, people waiting to board their bus at these bus stops have no shelter in harsh weather conditions. As the buses are frequently late upon arrival, commuters are subjected to the harsh elements of winter in Ireland. It is of severe importance that Fermoy, Co. Cork is developed to a standard that is similar to that of other major commuting towns of Ireland. Hence, these bus stop shelters for commuters to use are essential during the harsh weather of irish winters.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Grainne Fanning
School Bus for AdamstownIt is imperative to have a second school bus running for rural sustainability and the educational welfare of students.429 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Cait Bradley
Save local amenities and residences at the Markievich poolThe city centre is becoming one big office block....local people are being moved out of their homes and losing local amenities that have existed for decades.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Breda Trimble
Pedestrian crossing for Quarry RoadThere have been near accidents on Quarry Road involving children on the way to school trying to cross in front of oncoming cars. We want to make it safer before there's a tragedy.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Colin Murphy
Bring back the 16A routeDublin Bus took away the 16A route from Nutgrove to Dublin Airport and put on route 61 which only has a poor hourly service and only operates to Eden Quay which means there is no direct service from Nutgrove to Dublin Airport anymore4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by William Langley