• Connemara stone walls
    Connemara stone walls are a distinct landmark of the west of Ireland that were put up during famine times by the local farming landlords as a way of clearing the land for the growing of crops to feed the population when it was badly needed they are a reminder of the past and now a landmark and to our heritage.They should be protected in the fullest way possible and made a protected area of importance to Ireland and its way of life
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Micheal Morgan
  • Motorway to the Northwest
    Poor infrastructure has led to the Northwest region being underdeveloped. Most young people leave the region in search of better job opportunities. This inturn has lead to the region being sparsely populated and thus is seen as unimportant.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Romuald Boco
  • Against Birdhill, Kilcomenty and Newport moving to the Limerick City Constituency
    This is important because these three areas are in the county of Tipperary and that is where all locals have voted previously. This is a decision that they were not consulted on and which has left many people infuriated. All three areas will now be left in a situation where they will vote in Tipperary in local elections and in Limerick City for Dáil Éireann elections. This leaves all areas in a precarious situation. The economic interests of all areas are best suited in Tipperary, where local and national politicians can work together in the best interest of the areas.
    476 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Fiona Bonfield
  • The National Children's Hospital
    Better parking, accessability, built quicker,greater space for expansion in the future and save millions in the building. + listen to parents, Dr.Finn breathnach and Jonathan Irwan who are at the coalface of dealing with children with health issues.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pat Murphy