• Legalise Cannabis in Ireland
    There is a global movement toward the decriminalisation of cannabis, supported by extensive research and large, real-world trials. Evidence demonstrates that legalisation can be accomplished in a manner which improves overall societal health and wellbeing, while generating substantial tax revenue for schools, hospitals, and other social services. Furthermore, legalisation has resulted in reduced underage cannabis use [1], reduced opioid use and related deaths [2], and reduced alcohol consumption [3]. Furthermore, legal cannabis is a large and growing industry which creates many jobs and generates tax revenue [4]. Legal US States, with populations equivalent to Ireland, now receive over $100 million per year in taxes [5]. The legal cannabis market in the United States now generates approximately $18 billion per year in revenues [6]. Furthermore, ending prohibition correlates with reductions in serious crimes like rape (15-30% reduction) and theft (10-20% reduction), strongly indicating that prohibition governments make our communities less safe [7]. Therefore, in light of these findings, we are calling on the Taoiseach to immediately lead Ireland towards the legalisation and effective regulation of cannabis in order to improve our societal wellbeing. --- [1] https://www.zmescience.com/medicine/marijuana-among-teens-drops424/ [2] https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/legalised-cannabis-latest-solved-opioid-crisis-medical-marijuana-studies-scientific-jama-internal-a8293831.html & https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/legalised-cannabis-latest-solved-opioid-crisis-medical-marijuana-studies-scientific-jama-internal-a8293831.html [3] http://blog.norml.org/2017/12/01/study-alcohol-sales-fall-following-cannabis-legalization/ [4] https://itep.org/five-years-in-cannabis-tax-haul-rivals-or-exceeds-alcohol-taxes-in-many-states/ [5] https://taxfoundation.org/recreational-marijuana-tax-revenue-by-state/ [6] https://www.leafly.com/news/industry/marijuana-sales-data-americans-bought-more-weed-to-survive-2020 [7] https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/161145/1/dp10522.pdf
    20,881 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Roderick Campbell Picture
  • Switch the Lucan water supply back to Ballymore-Eustace
    This utility cannot guarantee the quality of the water coming from the plant. Treatment facilities for the bugs cryptosporidium and giardia at the Leixlip Water Treatment Plant are insufficient, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. We were never supplied by this treatment plant it was a very new move over to it last year. We were lead to believe that limescale was the only issue and perfectly safe for over a year now, since this petition was launched. Yet we discover that procedures were not being followed all this time through a report by the EPA. People have complained of stomach issues and flare ups on skin issues such as eczema and been ignored.
    2,722 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Caroline Norman
  • No fast food chains near Skerries schools
    Ireland is facing a child obesity crisis with huge long term implications. Part of the reason for this is the marketing of high sugar and high fat foods specifically targeting children. Fast food chains are particularly guilty of this. Granting permission to a fast food chain restaurant beside a primary school and Montessori school will have negative consequences for the health of the 100s of children that currently pass this site on a daily basis and the 1000s that will do so in the long term if permission is granted. Let’s protect our children and set an example to other Councils around the country
    369 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Joe O'Brien
  • Castlefreke – Our Woods Our Walks
    The woods are walked and enjoyed by thousands of people. In May and June (2018) Coillte gave consideration to a proposal to sell lands it owns in Castlefreke Woods to a private individual. The campaign was established on 18th May to prevent this from happening. The petition was launched on 7th June. On 14th June Coillte contacted the campaign to announce that it would NOT be selling its lands in Castlefreke Woods. The petition is being kept open as part of the campaign to ensure Castlefreke Woods will NEVER be sold, and that they will be developed to their full potential.
    1,569 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Dominic Carroll
  • Justice for Victims of Illegal Adoption
    The illegal adoption scandal impacts on thousands of people in Ireland. The scale of what has happened has yet to be uncovered. It throws yet another spotlight on the cruelty inflicted on pregnant women and babies born out of crisis pregnancies. People have a right to know their true identities and the Irish state needs to make every possible option available to people seeking information, including DNA testing. People affected by this scandal need health and psychological care as a matter of urgency - imagine finding out over a phone call or a letter that you are not who you thought you were all your life. The longer term health implications are also very serious.
    657 of 800 Signatures
    Created by ross mccarthy
  • Accountability in the HSE
    It is in all our interest to have a more accountable health service in Ireland. Doctors differ unfortunately.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gary Smylie
  • Cycling For All in Ireland
    Ireland needs to unlock the current suppressed potential for cycling — transport, mental and physical health, and environmental benefits, and also more wide-ranging positives of mass cycling. These wider benefits include giving teenagers and parents freedom from the parent taxi; freeing many people across the country from the restrictive options of driving or depending on infrequent public transport; and supporting “last mile” trips to high-quality public transport.
    2,336 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Cian Ginty
  • Justice for Cervical Smear Scandal Victims
    The women of Ireland have been let down. 18 women have died and 209 women have been identified as being impacted by the failure of the HSE to inform them of the audit of their cervical smear test results. We are calling for action. The reasons we are doing this: We are strongest standing together. Standing for Vicky, for Emma, for Irene, for Catherine, for Orla, for Julie, for Rosie, for Debbie, for Ann, for Carol, for all the other people who are coming forward every day, for all 18, for all 209.
    19,112 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Standing Up For Women
  • Normalise Cycling As A Commuting Choice
    We need to normalise cycling as a commuter choice. An announcement such as this, coming from a motoring organisation such as AA Roadwatch, could also help to ease the "them and us" mentality that exists at the moment between motorists and cyclists, while at the same time highlighting one of the many benefits of commuting by bike. Getting more people to commute by bike will benefit all other road users as it will lead to less congestion in our cities and towns. Cycle commuting also has the potential, long term, of saving millions of Euro for the health services, both because of the improved air quality and the fact that studies continually show, people who commute by bike are healthier than the general population. And there is safety in numbers: the more people that choose to cycle as their preferred commuting method, the safer it gets.
    402 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Dermot Lane
  • Car-Free Sundays in Dublin City Centre
    We want people to be able to enjoy Dublin City Centre without the hustle and bustle of motor vehicles. By creating just a few car-free streets every Sunday we could enable people of all ages and abilities to walk, cycle and enjoy themselves in the heart of Dublin City. Car-Free Sundays have been trialled successfully in cities around the globe including Paris, Mexico and Singapore. The 'Paris Sans Voitures' (Paris Without Cars) initiative was started by the city's Mayor to tackle chronic air pollution. The first car-free day in Paris resulted in a 40% drop in air pollution and a 50% fall in noise pollution. Each year in Ireland, up to 1,600 premature deaths are linked to air pollution, with motor vehicle emissions making up a substantial proportion of that pollution. The Car-Free Sunday concept can also be combined with free public transport for the day to encourage people to leave their cars at home. A large-scale switch to public transport, or to cycling and walking, could ease congestion in Dublin and improve the city for everyone. We are calling on Dublin City Council to realise the potential of Car-Free Sundays and to begin trials of the concept in the summer of 2018.
    2,203 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Dublin Cycling Picture
  • Kinsealy Court needs a Playground and Basketball Court
    It is important for the health and well being of the children in the area. We have a substantial amount of children under the age of eighteen in Kinsealy Court especially between the age's of 2-16yrs and the park has plenty of room to facilitate one. It will also help with keeping the children from playing on the road so much as there is a large volume of kids that play on the road on a daily basis. The closest playground to the estate is Holywell which is not an option as it's too far for the children to travel to.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Niamh Weston
  • Rockfield Park needs a playground
    There is a ready made ideal site for a playground in Rockfield Park, namely the now unused square surfaced with tarmac which used to serve as an all weather five-a-side. DCC intend re-greening this when it could serve as a ready made foundation for a playground. A properly secured playground would be a great amenity and would lead to a more widespread use of the park by the community
    668 of 800 Signatures
    Created by katechris hanlon