• Give Identity Rights to Adoptees in Ireland
    Irish adoptees have no automatic right to access our adoption files, birth certificate, health, heritage or history information. A right to identity is a recognised human right and adoptees are denied this right. This affects Irish Adoptees from historic, domestic adoption, along with their children and extended families.
    7,210 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Maree Ryan-O'Brien Picture
  • Stop Referring Cancer Patients to Debt Collectors.
    The Irish Cancer Society say that they are getting getting letters, threatening phone calls, threats that their name will be made public if they don't the fees. This is deeply distressing and inhumane.
    126 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Siobhan O'Donoghue
  • Make 'Food' a mandatory subject in Primary school
    Food as a subject would be broad and encompass different aspects of food, from cooking to growing, from history to culture. A food subject will promote healthier eating, the local economy and our connection to nature.
    450 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Jp McMahon
  • #PassTheBills
    According to the latest IPCC report, the next twelve years are crucial for action on climate change. There are four ambitious climate and environmental Bills which have been brought by Opposition Parties to the Dail. If the government truly wants to make Ireland a leader on climate change, it should support the passage of these Bills immediately. These are - The Climate Emergency Measures Bill (Bríd Smith PBP) - The Microgeneration Support Scheme Bill (Sinn Fein) - The Just Transition (Worker and Community Environmental Rights) Bill (Green Party) - The Waste Reduction Bill (Green Party) This is a simple ask. These are all sensible Bills which will move Ireland towards being a cleaner, greener and fairer place to live. We have no time to wait. #ClimateActionNow
    248 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Climate Friends
  • Implement the EU RIGHT to Civil Legal Aid in Irish legislation NOW #CLAN
    Since the economic crash in 2008 hundreds of thousands of Irish people have been affected by financial legal issues which can end up in court proceedings. There are currently 20,000 cases for repossession in the Irish Courts. With a typical family of 5 that is over 100,000 people. Some experts say 250,000 - 500,000 are affected by potential repossession in Ireland. While every criminal in Ireland from the petty thief to the rapist, murderer, drug dealer and maybe even Bankers in criminal proceedings are entitled to legal aid, Civil Legal aid is only available for family law issues in Ireland. People in financial difficulty have to try and represent themselves in Court, or, just not go to Court at all, and lose their homes by default; without a defence being put forward. While ordinary citizens go unrepresented, the financial institutions often have a Solicitor, or maybe even two, and one or two Barristers. A Fair Trial requires there to be balance and equality between the parties and is known as an Equality of Arms. In Irish Courts there is #NoEqualityofArms The "Scales of Justice" are completely lob-sided in the financial institutions favour. Ireland... #ThisIsNotDemocracy Article 47 of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights says everyone is entitled to be advised and represented if the legal issue involves EU law, but this is not implemented in Irish law and, Judges appear not to have jurisdiction to grant legal aid in Civil Cases. Irish Citizens are being denied one of the most Basic and Fundamental Human Rights, the Right to a Fair Trial. The foundation of democracy is based on the Justice & Legal systems. If basic human rights guaranteed under EU law are been withheld from Irish Citizens then... #Ireland... #ThisIsNotDemocracy Minister, please introduce emergency legislation to make civil legal aid available to the tens of thousands of people in the Irish Courts involved in repossession proceedings. No Fair Trial = Ireland... #ThisIsNotDemocracy Ireland needs #CLAN PS: Please support the Irish #CLAN Please share on social media and ask your friends and family to do the same, the Irish #CLAN needs everyone's support!
    171 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Adrian Flynn
  • #FreeGPCareForAll
    The average cost of seeing a GP in Ireland now is €60 - and the cost can be as high as €80 in cities like Dublin. People are ignoring illness and not accessing care due to the cost of seeing a GP. This is not acceptable in a country like Ireland - whilst GP care is free in other comparable countries like Britain, Canada and Germany - or costs as little as €7.50 in other EU countries like France. It doesn't make economic sense either - illness costs the Irish economy hundreds of millions a year, and delayed diagnoses mean poorer outcomes and more intensive treatments for patients. We can stop this together - which is why the Minister for Health must move immediately to make GP care free for all.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by mary highland
  • Save Weaver Square Gardens & Allotments
    Dublin City Council are set to bulldoze the Weaver Square Community Garden & Family Allotments from 31st December 2018. This is a serious concern for ALL residents of Dublin 8: 1. Dublin 8 is being subjected to an onslaught of short-term, high-density property development (Hotels, student accommodation) at the expense of the existing community. Over 2000 such units have been constructed in 2018 in this district alone. 2. Dublin 8, a high-density urban community, has the lowest amount of green space per m2 in Dublin. Now it will have even less! 3. This is the latest Dublin 8 community resource lost to property development in 12 months. We have already lost Dublin Food Co-Op, Green Door Market & Flea Markets. There is also uncertainty over the future of Meath St, Liberty Market, St Theresas & now Players Wills site developments. 4. DCC are reneging on written commitments to keep the Weaver Square community garden/allotments. 5. There are alternative vacant DCC sites that could be used for development without destroying this valuable Green Space. 6. Over 300 people benefit directly from the community garden & allotments on a weekly basis. These social, health, environmental & educational benefits will stop on 31st December. The garden & allotments are used by schools, pensioners, community groups & families.
    1,348 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Weaver Square Garden & Allotment Group & Allotment Community
  • Drinking Fountains for West Cork
    Having fresh water available publicly will help reduce the use of single use plastics. The European Parliament recently voted to ban single use plastics. Under the proposed directive, items such as plastic straws, cotton swabs, disposable plastic plates and cutlery would be banned by 2021, and 90 per cent of plastic bottle recycled by 2025. This is a clampdown on the top culprits of plastic products that most often end up in the ocean. Lightweight single-use items such as plastic bottles can easily travel long distances and damage marine flora and fauna. The 2107 Waste Reduction Bill, which proposes an Irish ban on single-use plastics, and a deposit and return scheme (DRS) on plastic bottles and aluminium cans, has passed initial stages in the Oireachtas. It takes three times the volume of water to manufacture one bottle of water than it does to fill it, and because of the chemical production of plastics that water is mostly unusable. When you pick up a water bottle at the supermarket, hold it up and imagine it filled ¼ with oil. That’s how much in fossil fuels it took just to manufacture a single bottle. In Ireland, we produce the equivalent of nearly 2,000 water bottles, or 5,550 disposal coffee cups, per person annually. Ireland is the top producer of plastic waste in Europe; generating an average of 61kgs per person every year - almost double what the UK produces. By introducing drinking fountains, we can make a conscious effort to reduce our plastic waste and protect West Cork's rich environment and food industry. Cork County Council have told me that they are considering this initiative but I want to show them that there is significant interest and support. I hope that with enough signatures we can make this goal a reality.
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Siobhan O'Donoghue
  • The Liberties needs a sports pitch NOT a big waste depot
    The Liberties, is home to the Guinness Storehouse in South Inner City Dublin. 50,000 local people have no access to playing team sports, like football. Many local boys and men go to prison from this area. 11 local primary schools have really small playgrounds so they can't play much sport. This means they might get unhealthy and overweight. John Lonergan, who used to be the boss of Mountjoy Prison has said that a lot of prisoners in Mountjoy have always come from the Liberties. He said it is because they don't have enough to do in the area, to keep them busy. This is the last plot of derelict land in The Liberties, that can fit a big grass sports pitch for team games like Football, Hurling or Rugby. The boss of Dublin City Council, Richard Shakespeare wants to build a big waste depot, but he needs to get the local Dublin City Councillors to go along with him. At the moment, the only use is for recreational, so he can't build a big waste depot without their help. The land is really close to the Guinness Enterprise Centre and the Guinness Storehouse. A local pitch would help people working there, to do sport. 10 million euro has been invested on the Guinness Enterprise Centre, so that it can get bigger by 65%, making it a business superhub. The Guinness Storehouse is one of the best tourist places to go in Ireland. In 2023 1.5 million visitors from 165 countries. Visitor numbers are down from 2017 when they were 1.7 million. . The Chief Executive must give people living and working in the Liberties, the chance to play sport. He must act on the advice of Ex Mountjoy Prison Boss John Lonergan, and make the area near the Guinness Enterprise Centre and Guinness Storehouse better. The plans for the sports pitch are ready, and the land is zoned 'recreational'. We ask the Chief Executive to please build the sports pitch, not a big waste depot.
    989 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Zoe Obeimhen
  • Provide public water filling stations & water fountains in Galway
    There are both health and financial benefits with the scheme. Small practical steps like this will save money, reduce the use of plastics and improve our environment. It is the first of many, and a small practical step to stem the tide of single use plastics & therefor plastic pollution, and of course provide free and safe drinking water in areas of high pedestrian footfall such as Salthill Promenade and our various parks. Unlike many European countries, Ireland took explicit ownership of natural resources in its 1937 Constitution. Water, as well as the nation’s other resources, ‘belong to the State’. Since the introduction of Irish Water in 2013 the infrastructure is already in place to easily implement such a scheme if the political will is there. Dublin city Councils are working with 'Cool Planet' with an aim to reduce the use of single-use plastics and we enourage Galway City and County Councils to follow suit. South Dublin County Council also plans to examine the provision of public water fountains by assessing suitable locations. Fingal County Council recently installed a public water fountain at Howth in an effort to reduce plastic waste and introduce water sustainability measures, a second fountain is due to be installed at Malahide Demesne.
    202 of 300 Signatures
    Created by John Crowey Picture
  • Save Markievicz Pool & Gym
    Markievicz Leisure Centre - managed by Dublin City Council - is the only available 25m public pool in Dublin City Centre. Thousands use this public pool and gym. Local children learn to swim there. In addition, up to 150 people could lose their homes because the apartments above the pool and 8 homes on Townsend Street will also be demolished with the current project. There is already a housing crisis in the city.
    2,274 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Save Markievicz Pool & Gym
  • Remove Palm Oil from ALL products
    We have lost 60% of Wildlife and biodiversity in the World since the 1970's. We are destroying wildlife habitat and replacing it for Palm Oil Plantations, to produce 'cheap' vegetable oil. Most products don't even need the ingredient as they had the same product before using palm oil. Do You know what Palm Oil is? Did you know that Palm oil is in most biscuits, cakes, crisps, chocolate bars, snacks, sweets, ice cream, crackers? It's in soap, shampoo, makeup and cleaning products? It's in drinks and health products too? It is the most consumed vegetable oil in the world and you probably don't even realise you're eating it!! Did you know that 60% of Wildlife has been removed since the 1970's? Palm oil doesn't need to be in any products we buy. It is there because its cheap and the industry wants to sell more and more of it. 180,000 Orangutans have disappeared in the last 100 years, due to hunting, capturing and now in the past 20 years the Palm Oil Industry. This Petition is a cry for help, It is to ask everyone and anyone to STOP buying palm oil products. Please take the time and JUST read the ingredients to see if what you are buying is apart of this massive environmental crisis. Stop buying products with Palm oil which support destruction. If you like your chocolate bars, just buy one that is organic and without palm oil and enjoy it more. We need to make a collective change in how we shop, buy and support the whole environment. We also need to start realizing that we have the power to make the change. Not allowing governments and corporations to make decisions for us, empowers us to make the right choices and in turn, the corporations and governments will have to follow US !! We have a massive opportunity to come together and fight for something that is bigger than ourselves. We all need the environment to support us. We need to start working with holistic systems, design, and management that carries good ethics, values, and morals with them. Please sign this petition but most importantly STOP BUYING Palm Oil Products, period. NO MORE. let's act together with our hearts, our heads and our consumer choice.
    156 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Aaron Jewell