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To: Shane Ross, Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport & Anne Graham, National Transport Authority/CEO

Keep Clare Bus in Clare!

Reverse the decision of the National Transport Authority to transfer the Clare-TCU to West-Limerick

Why is this important?

Clare-TCU is the office where local dispatchers take calls for bookings, who know where all our regular passengers are based. We have 16 years’ experience of delivering a flexible and fully accessible bus service to the people of Clare and South Galway.
Dispatchers work closely with drivers to make sure the bus diverts to where the people are, facilitating bookings up to an hour before departure.
The dispatchers are the life force, that direct the bus service, look after drivers and, above all, look after the passengers. They are part of your community.

The TCU is the driving force behind Clare Bus, taken away from our community the service will be a shadow of its former self.

Impact on passengers: loss of the highly responsive service that has become a life line to many people.

Impact on Clare Bus: loss of dispatchers, taking out local control of service provision and development threatens the viability of the whole service and potentially puts 25 Clare jobs at risk.

How it will be delivered

email, deliver and press release



2019-12-03 14:03:03 +0000

Dear supporter, it has been a while since you had any news from us. While developments are still worrying there is still is nothing definite we can tell you. Instead we would like to share a video with you we have produced to celebrate 20 years of Clare Bus, which has been a journey of equality. We would appreciate if you could spend the 10 minutes to watch it, like it and share it widely to make it accessible to as many people as possible. Thank you kindly, the team at Clare Bus.

2019-07-28 21:13:45 +0100

10,000 signatures reached

2019-05-23 12:41:06 +0100

Neither the NTA nor Local Link Limerick have communicated the future structure of the Clare TCU to Clare Bus. However the NTA have recently stated to the Board of Clare Bus that there will be redundancies among office staff within the TCU. How many have not been confirmed. The drivers and associated staff are not included in this situation.
No representative from Local Link Limerick has visited the office to discuss how existing service levels are to be delivered or maintained.

2019-04-20 13:16:26 +0100

Update: Representatives of the Board and management met with the NTA on Thursday April 18th in Dublin. A guarantee was issued by the NTA that "the current service level to passengers will remain exactly the same". The people will watch this very closely. The NTA have requested Clare Bus to meet with Limerick Local Link to discuss how this can be done. Until this meeting the campaign is scaled down a bit, the petition however remains open for signing. We would like to thank all of our supporters for their continuing efforts and wish them a very Happy Easter.

2019-04-07 09:23:29 +0100

Dear supporters, we would like to thank you for the tremendous response we got for our campaign. The following week will be crucial in our attempt to keep the development and provision of rural transport services for Clare IN Clare. Please spread the word and help us to achieve this goal for your county, we can't do it on our own. Thank you from all at Clare Bus. Get more info: Facebook:, Web:

2019-04-04 10:33:08 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2019-04-03 21:35:36 +0100

500 signatures reached

2019-04-03 15:58:58 +0100

100 signatures reached

2019-04-03 14:59:43 +0100

50 signatures reached

2019-04-03 14:37:42 +0100

25 signatures reached

2019-04-03 14:06:35 +0100

10 signatures reached