1,000 signatures reached
To: Dun Laoghaire Rathdown-County Council, Glenalbyn Club, Kilmacud Crokes GAA, The Minister for Sport, The Taoiseach

Honour the promises made by locally elected councillors and DLR management to the people of Stillorgan, over the last 6 years, reinstate funding and take action for the Redevelopment and Reopening of our Glenalbyn Swimming Pool as promised. The Stillorgan community have waited long enough... they need their swimming pool reopened.
Why is this important?
The community of Stillorgan have been ignored for far too long.
This pool is a vital part of our community.
It is important for...
OUR Physical and Mental Health
The health and safety and activity of our Children Teens and Adults
Swimming Lessons for our local school children
Teaching our Adults how to SWIM
Teaching the Swimmers how to SAVE LIVES
Training Olympic and Special Olympic Swimmers,
Training our Championship Swimmers and world record holders.
Our Deep water and Scuba Divers.
Our Water Polo teams
Our Fitness and Rehabilitation
Non Impact exercise for those unable for high impact exercise.
Long distance lane swimming.
Aqua Aerobics
Swimming for fitness and pleasure.
Local community social gatherings
Local Jobs and so much more
Glenalbyn was more than just a fun space to splash about in.
It provided VITAL services for our community and beyond.
With the closure of the LeisurePlex complex Stillorgan has now very limited fitness or leisure facilities for young people.
Glenalbyn club itself prides itself on encouraging biking to the club and leaving the car at home... so the argument for the pool infringing on limited car parking spaces it nonsensical.
Ignoring the wishes of the Stillorgan has gone on for far too long.
All our elected council representatives voted on MONDAY THE 11TH OF FEBRUARY 2019 to keep ring-fenced funding and put motions forward calling to rebuild our facility urgently and yet still no progress has been made despite the many promises made to the community.
We are calling on DLRCOCO and all other stakeholders to honour their commitments to the people of Stillorgan and beyond, who they serve, and reinstate the funds and begin the redevelopment of our pool immediately.
The community also deserve answers on progress surrounding our pool.
We have ALL waited long enough.
This pool is a vital part of our community.
It is important for...
OUR Physical and Mental Health
The health and safety and activity of our Children Teens and Adults
Swimming Lessons for our local school children
Teaching our Adults how to SWIM
Teaching the Swimmers how to SAVE LIVES
Training Olympic and Special Olympic Swimmers,
Training our Championship Swimmers and world record holders.
Our Deep water and Scuba Divers.
Our Water Polo teams
Our Fitness and Rehabilitation
Non Impact exercise for those unable for high impact exercise.
Long distance lane swimming.
Aqua Aerobics
Swimming for fitness and pleasure.
Local community social gatherings
Local Jobs and so much more
Glenalbyn was more than just a fun space to splash about in.
It provided VITAL services for our community and beyond.
With the closure of the LeisurePlex complex Stillorgan has now very limited fitness or leisure facilities for young people.
Glenalbyn club itself prides itself on encouraging biking to the club and leaving the car at home... so the argument for the pool infringing on limited car parking spaces it nonsensical.
Ignoring the wishes of the Stillorgan has gone on for far too long.
All our elected council representatives voted on MONDAY THE 11TH OF FEBRUARY 2019 to keep ring-fenced funding and put motions forward calling to rebuild our facility urgently and yet still no progress has been made despite the many promises made to the community.
We are calling on DLRCOCO and all other stakeholders to honour their commitments to the people of Stillorgan and beyond, who they serve, and reinstate the funds and begin the redevelopment of our pool immediately.
The community also deserve answers on progress surrounding our pool.
We have ALL waited long enough.