• Dunshaughlin - Plastic Free Shopping in Aldi
    Plastic packaging in supermarkets is one of the largely uneccesary uses for plastic in Ireland. We once got by perfectly without it, and that's what we need to do now. If we can support Aldi in bringing in a new zero-waste aisle, there could be a whole village-load less of plastic pollution coming from Dunshaughlin.
    313 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Ailbhe Reilly Tuite
  • Mental health and wellbeing in schools for children
    It is the most important thing in life it would reduce all of the issues across the bored if we are are going to fight for mental health we should start with the younger generations we need to give them tools to help others and help themselves it is fundamental to have something in our shcools at a young age
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Jane Kinsella
  • Rid our food chain of Single Use Plastics
    Single use plastics are damaging to the environment, non-recyclable and are a by product of the oil industry. With rocketing co2 levels and extreme weather events now a reality, we need to divest.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emer Fallon
  • Keelings stop plastic use
    To protect our oceans , our water sources and human life
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Helen Mc gee
  • Reverse decision on Bottom Mussel Dredging for spat/seed
    Bottom Mussel Dredging for spat/seed along Ireland's east coast has over the last 30 years caused widespread habitat destruction and biodiversity loss. This is particularly apparent off the coast of North County Wicklow. The Irish Bottom Mussel Industry with the help of Bord Iascaigh Mhara are seeking a Marine Stewardship Council Certificate which in plain terms deems Bottom Mussel Industry products as sustainably produced and not environmentally damaging. Over the last 30 years permanent mussel banks, which attracted many species of fish, crustaceans, invertabrates, worms and a host of other benthic creatures have been destroyed by "spat collection" dredging which is a key element in the supply chain to market of Bottom Mussels. This "dredging" element is so invasive to the benthic environment that the once great mixed fishery off Greystones, Co. Wicklow presents today as a marine desert where thirty years ago it was a marine Garden of Eden which sustained both local artisan fishing jobs and a thriving recreational sea angling product. If you feel that this MSC cert' should not be awarded submit your reasons through the following link
    306 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Micheal Morgan
  • Switch Clondalkins water supply back to Ballymore Eustace
    The people of Clondalkin are spending extra money a week to buy bottled water to avoid the scum like oil that is floating on top of a glass of water or a cup of tea. They are also noticing staining in their cups from the tea and for health reasons are not using this water for baby bottles.
    1,044 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Clondalkin Neighbourhood Watch