• Save Weaver Square Gardens & Allotments
    Dublin City Council are set to bulldoze the Weaver Square Community Garden & Family Allotments from 31st December 2018. This is a serious concern for ALL residents of Dublin 8: 1. Dublin 8 is being subjected to an onslaught of short-term, high-density property development (Hotels, student accommodation) at the expense of the existing community. Over 2000 such units have been constructed in 2018 in this district alone. 2. Dublin 8, a high-density urban community, has the lowest amount of green space per m2 in Dublin. Now it will have even less! 3. This is the latest Dublin 8 community resource lost to property development in 12 months. We have already lost Dublin Food Co-Op, Green Door Market & Flea Markets. There is also uncertainty over the future of Meath St, Liberty Market, St Theresas & now Players Wills site developments. 4. DCC are reneging on written commitments to keep the Weaver Square community garden/allotments. 5. There are alternative vacant DCC sites that could be used for development without destroying this valuable Green Space. 6. Over 300 people benefit directly from the community garden & allotments on a weekly basis. These social, health, environmental & educational benefits will stop on 31st December. The garden & allotments are used by schools, pensioners, community groups & families.
    1,348 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Weaver Square Garden & Allotment Group & Allotment Community
  • Get off the fence - RTE policy on climate change
    Climate Change is accepted as an existential threat to the the planet and humanity. It affects us all and underpins every issue we fight for. The recent IPCC Report on 1.5°C is unequivocal: time is running out. Media in general and public service broadcasters in particular have a critical role to play in supporting public understanding of this issue and the transition to a low carbon future. Despite this, broadcasters still often obscure facts in the pursuit of so called "balance". In September 2018 the BBC became the first major broadcaster to implemented clear editorial guidelines to address this. We now call on RTE to issue a clear editorial policy in line with the science, in line with its public service mandate.
    237 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Lorna Tevnan
  • Remove Palm Oil from ALL products
    We have lost 60% of Wildlife and biodiversity in the World since the 1970's. We are destroying wildlife habitat and replacing it for Palm Oil Plantations, to produce 'cheap' vegetable oil. Most products don't even need the ingredient as they had the same product before using palm oil. Do You know what Palm Oil is? Did you know that Palm oil is in most biscuits, cakes, crisps, chocolate bars, snacks, sweets, ice cream, crackers? It's in soap, shampoo, makeup and cleaning products? It's in drinks and health products too? It is the most consumed vegetable oil in the world and you probably don't even realise you're eating it!! Did you know that 60% of Wildlife has been removed since the 1970's? Palm oil doesn't need to be in any products we buy. It is there because its cheap and the industry wants to sell more and more of it. 180,000 Orangutans have disappeared in the last 100 years, due to hunting, capturing and now in the past 20 years the Palm Oil Industry. This Petition is a cry for help, It is to ask everyone and anyone to STOP buying palm oil products. Please take the time and JUST read the ingredients to see if what you are buying is apart of this massive environmental crisis. Stop buying products with Palm oil which support destruction. If you like your chocolate bars, just buy one that is organic and without palm oil and enjoy it more. We need to make a collective change in how we shop, buy and support the whole environment. We also need to start realizing that we have the power to make the change. Not allowing governments and corporations to make decisions for us, empowers us to make the right choices and in turn, the corporations and governments will have to follow US !! We have a massive opportunity to come together and fight for something that is bigger than ourselves. We all need the environment to support us. We need to start working with holistic systems, design, and management that carries good ethics, values, and morals with them. Please sign this petition but most importantly STOP BUYING Palm Oil Products, period. NO MORE. let's act together with our hearts, our heads and our consumer choice.
    156 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Aaron Jewell
    Incineration is TOXIC. Do not believe the authorities and Politicians.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Adams Picture
    We want an investigation to be implemented into the mass stranding of at least 16 offshore deep diving cetaceans, beaked whales which occurred from August 3rd to August 25th 2018, along the north-west coast of Ireland from Co. Mayo, Donegal and Co. Antrim. Simultaneously, 13 beaked whales stranded off the Scottish coasts and 2 more were reported stranded in Iceland. These are minimum estimates of mortality as they do not account for animals which may have sunk to the seabed or animals stranded in remote places and remain unreported. Previous studies on cetacean carcass drift have suggested that strandings represent a minimum of at sea mortality; depending on drift conditions carcasses may not always wash ashore, thus, the actual number of dead animals may be much higher (Peltier et al., 2014). Other mass stranding events of beaked whales around the world indicate beaked whales are susceptible to death or injury directly (temporary/permanent hearing damage) or indirectly (gas embolism, ( also known as the 'bends' ) due to extremely loud man-made oceanographic noise such as that produced by low and mid frequency naval sonar and certain types of acoustic survey used to examine the sea floor and below. Mass strandings of beaked whales associated with naval exercises have been recorded in Greece, the Canaries and the Bahamas. With no certain cause of these beaked whale mortalities on Irish shores having yet been established, this needs to be recognised as an unusual mass stranding event (UME) in an effort to identify the potential cause(s) and perhaps prevent future stranding events. Beaked whales are among the most diverse yet least understood groups of marine mammals.owing to their deep-water oceanic existence and typically inconspicuous surface behavior. Feeding in depths often exceeding 1000 m, most species are rarely seen; some have never been identified alive at sea and are known only from beach-stranded carcasses. According to the IUCN Red List, approximately 40% of marine mammal species are considered Data Deficient, whereas for the Ziphiidae, 90% are Data Deficient. Population trends for all beaked whale species are listed as unknown on the IUCN Red List. Ziphius and Mesoplodon are the two beaked whale genera known to suffer impacts from naval sonar activities. They exhibit strong behavioral responses to certain types of active sonar, resulting in altered movements and space use for prolonged periods after exposure (e.g., several days). In more extreme cases there can be physiological consequences leading to death or stranding. Mass strandings of beaked whales throughout the Northern Hemisphere have been associated with offshore military activity (Moore & Barlow, 2013). It is important that we aim to mitigate these stranding events and reduce human impacts on beaked whales in Irish waters. Thank you for taking the time to address our concern, Kind Regards, Emer Keaveney, Executive Director, ORCA Ireland.
    1,267 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by ORCA Ireland Ocean Research & Conservation Association Picture
  • Stop the use of non degradable plastic straws: Avoca Mt Usher Gardens
    A move like this is exactly what we need to turn the tide on plastic pollution. We all know how devastating plastic waste can be on marine life, and by 2050 it is predicted that there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish. If enough of us pressure the local members in our area - we could create a ripple effect that will make all restaurants and café’s ditch single use plastic straws. If a town like Westport can commit to making all its pubs plastic free, why can’t others? [3] “We are a coastal town and want to preserve the wildlife and nature in Westport, so getting rid of plastic straws helps us to do that,” Chambers said. "It is very likely that all the other businesses in the town will come on board.” Notes [1] http://www.rai.ie/restaurants-association-ireland-ban-plastic-straws [2] https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/jan/19/more-plastic-than-fish-in-the-sea-by-2050-warns-ellen-macarthur [3] http://www.thejournal.ie/plastic-straws-ban-westport-3999771-May2018/
    130 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Anna Doyle
  • Stop the use of non degradable plastic straws: Newbridge
    A move like this is exactly what we need to turn the tide on plastic pollution. We all know how devastating plastic waste can be on marine life, and by 2050 it is predicted that there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish. If enough of us pressure the local members in our area - we could create a ripple effect that will make all restaurants and café’s ditch single use plastic straws. If a town like Westport can commit to making all its pubs plastic free, why can’t others? [3] “We are a coastal town and want to preserve the wildlife and nature in Westport, so getting rid of plastic straws helps us to do that,” Chambers said. "It is very likely that all the other businesses in the town will come on board.” Notes [1] http://www.rai.ie/restaurants-association-ireland-ban-plastic-straws [2] https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/jan/19/more-plastic-than-fish-in-the-sea-by-2050-warns-ellen-macarthur [3] http://www.thejournal.ie/plastic-straws-ban-westport-3999771-May2018/
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frank Power
  • Stop the use of non degradable plastic straws: IMC Cinemas
    A move like this is exactly what we need to turn the tide on plastic pollution. We all know how devastating plastic waste can be on marine life, and by 2050 it is predicted that there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish. Plastic straws should only be given out when requested by people who have a need for them. If enough of us pressure the local members in our area - we could create a ripple effect that will make all restaurants and café’s ditch single use plastic straws. If a town like Westport can commit to making all its pubs plastic free, why can’t others? [3] “We are a coastal town and want to preserve the wildlife and nature in Westport, so getting rid of plastic straws helps us to do that,” Chambers said. "It is very likely that all the other businesses in the town will come on board.” Notes [1] http://www.rai.ie/restaurants-association-ireland-ban-plastic-straws [2] https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/jan/19/more-plastic-than-fish-in-the-sea-by-2050-warns-ellen-macarthur [3] http://www.thejournal.ie/plastic-straws-ban-westport-3999771-May2018/
    162 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Fearghal Mc Govern
  • Stop the use of non degradable plastic straws: Arc Cinema Drogheda
    If Westport can do it then Drogheda can too! A move like this is exactly what we need to turn the tide on plastic pollution. We all know how devastating plastic waste can be on marine life, and by 2050 it is predicted that there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish. This is why Uplift members are banding together to create local petitions and call on their local cafes, restaurants and pubs asking them to commit to stop using plastic straws. If enough of us pressure the local members in our area - we could create a ripple effect that will make all restaurants and café’s ditch single use plastic straws. If a town like Westport can commit to making all its pubs plastic free, why can’t others? [3] “We are a coastal town and want to preserve the wildlife and nature in Westport, so getting rid of plastic straws helps us to do that,” Chambers said. "It is very likely that all the other businesses in the town will come on board.” Notes [1] http://www.rai.ie/restaurants-association-ireland-ban-plastic-straws [2] https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/jan/19/more-plastic-than-fish-in-the-sea-by-2050-warns-ellen-macarthur [3] http://www.thejournal.ie/plastic-straws-ban-westport-3999771-May2018/
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simon Gregory
  • Stop the use of non degradable plastic straws: Schull Harbor Hotel
    A move like this is exactly what we need to turn the tide on plastic pollution. We all know how devastating plastic waste can be on marine life, and by 2050 it is predicted that there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish. This is why Uplift members are banding together to create local petitions and call on their local cafes, restaurants and pubs asking them to commit to stop using plastic straws. If enough of us pressure the local members in our area - we could create a ripple effect that will make all restaurants and café’s ditch single use plastic straws. If a town like Westport can commit to making all its pubs plastic free, why can’t others? [3] “We are a coastal town and want to preserve the wildlife and nature in Westport, so getting rid of plastic straws helps us to do that,” Chambers said. "It is very likely that all the other businesses in the town will come on board.” Notes [1] http://www.rai.ie/restaurants-association-ireland-ban-plastic-straws [2] https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/jan/19/more-plastic-than-fish-in-the-sea-by-2050-warns-ellen-macarthur [3] http://www.thejournal.ie/plastic-straws-ban-westport-3999771-May2018/
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Siobhan O'Donoghue
  • Switch the Lucan water supply back to Ballymore-Eustace
    This utility cannot guarantee the quality of the water coming from the plant. Treatment facilities for the bugs cryptosporidium and giardia at the Leixlip Water Treatment Plant are insufficient, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. We were never supplied by this treatment plant it was a very new move over to it last year. We were lead to believe that limescale was the only issue and perfectly safe for over a year now, since this petition was launched. Yet we discover that procedures were not being followed all this time through a report by the EPA. People have complained of stomach issues and flare ups on skin issues such as eczema and been ignored.
    2,722 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Caroline Norman
  • Return to glass milk bottles
    The plant can not sustain our use of plastic. Plastic is a by product of fossil fuel which is not renewable. Our oceans are polluted by millions of tons of plastic which are nit recycled properly. With bin charges goin up on the general public more and more plastic waste is finding its way to landfill and the seas. In order for our planet to survive we must return to the use of glass bottles..
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anna Doyle