• West Kerry Native Irish Speakers
    Preservation of our beautiful native tongue which has been denied and destroyed for centuries needs to be prioritised by supporting native Irish speakers to live in West Kerry.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pol MacCoinnich
  • Calling on Bank of Ireland to reverse the decision to delete the ATM Irish Language Option
    The decision of the Bank of Ireland to delete their ATM Irish Language Option devalues the Irish language. There are tens of thousands of Irish speakers and hundreds of thousands of Irish people who greatly value the Irish language as part of their identity. As customers we have great purchasing power and with our purchasing decisions we can effect great change in how private companies engage with us. Is céim siar agus léiriú dímheasa ar an nGaeilge an cinneadh fáil réidh lei ó na UBManna Banc na hÉireann. Tá an earnáil baincéireachta go dona maidir le héascaíocht a dhéanamh do Ghaeilgeoirí an teanga a úsáid. Tá sé do-dhéanta ráitis a fháil, baincéireacht ar líne a dhéanamh nó seirbhís custaiméara a fháil trí Ghaeilge in áit ar bith. Bhí Banc na hÉireann go sainiúil ag déanamh iarrachta tacú leis an nGaeilge agus í a chur ar fáil mar theanga roghnach sna UBManna. Bhí fíorbheagáin costais i gceist le seo, d’fhreastail sé ar riachtanais teanga na mílte duine agus thug sé deis don bhanc meas a léiriú ar chuid lárnach dár bhféiniúlacht. Faraor, tá an Banc ag cúlú siar ar an rogha theanga seo a chur ar fáil – cé gur rud beag a bhí ann, bhí sé luachmhar. Ní chuireann an earnáil phríobháideach an Ghaeilge nó cearta teanga san áireamh in aon chor agus ní inghlactha an scéal é. Nuair a chuirtear an Ghaeilge san áireamh i gcúrsaí brandála, margaíochta agus seirbhís custaiméara ag an earnáil phríobháideach, téann sé seo i bhfeidhm ar an bpobal i gcoitinne. Leis an gcinneadh is déanaí atá déanta ag Banc na hÉireann, tá díluacháil ar an dteanga á dhéanamh acu. An mbeidh an tseirbhís seo ar fáil sna ceantair Gaeltachta nó na Bailte Seirbhíse Gaeltachta cosúil leis an nGaillimh? Tá sé seo ag cur isteach ar na hiarrachtaí atá ar bun ag an bpobal agus an rialtas an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn mar theanga laethúil sna ceantair Gaeltachta agus ar fud an stáit. Is iomaí fadhb tubaisteach a bhí ag na bainc le deich mbliana anuas. Bhí ar shaoránaigh an Stáit seo teacht i dtarrtháil orthu. Is é is lú dóibh a dhéanamh ná rogha theanga a thabhairt dóibh ionas go mbeidh siad in ann cumarsáid a dhéanamh i cibé acu dár dteanga náisiúnta gur mhian leo. “Mar Chathaoirleach ar An Euro Gaelach, táim ag tathant ar dhaoine a gcuid míshástachta a léiriú maidir leis an gcinneadh seo agus picéadú a dhéanamh ag a mbrainse áitiúil de Bhanc na hÉireann, Dé hAoine, an 1ú Mean Fómhair idir a 1:30pm agus 2:30pm."
    524 of 600 Signatures
    Created by An Euro Gaelach Picture
  • Hold a Competition For A New Rebel Flag
    After the attacks in America by racists wielding the confederate flag, it's important that Irish sports fans don't seem to be endorsing the racism long associated with the confederate flag. But, Cork's history as the rebel county should be celebrated, and this is a great opportunity to do it!
    31 of 100 Signatures
  • Student signatures to support a picket protest
    It is important that we get the support from our fellow students and to sign the petition and gove there student numbers so that it enables us to host a protest in regards to this shocking situation.
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shane Greene
  • Stop Childcare Facilities For Students Closing At IT Tallaght
    It is important that the childcare facilities stay open because many students education is been put at risk as they cant afford private childcare or find available places for their children die to large waiting lists and high fees. Barriers should not be put in the way of peoples education.
    285 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Shane Greene
  • Protect Bray's historical archives and artefacts
    The former heritage centre closed approximately a decade ago. Since then the building in front of the Royal Hotel on Bray Main Street has been occupied by small retailers and other businesses with a lot of the former archives and artefacts belonging to the old heritage still left behind in the building. The historical archives and artefacts stored in the former Bray heritage centre/Bray design centre are being neglected. Many items are left abandoned in the building with previous attempts to archive them, document them, preserve them forgotten. This is appalling. It is neglectful and disrespectful. It is effectively abandoning the valuable heritage of our town. Having previously contacted Bray Municipal District Council and Wicklow County Council Heritage Officer to highlight this issue I was sent an unsatisfactory response that when resources become available that the items will be documented.
    259 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Ian McGahon
  • Tell Minister Bruton- Education needs regulation
    English Language teachers generally lack basic workers’ rights such as sick and holiday pay, pay scales, payment for training/professional development, permanent contracts/ contracts of indefinite duration (regardless of length of service), maternity/paternity pay, and access to pensions. The Unite ELT branch committee have requested a meeting with minister Richard Bruton which has been refused. We are asking you to support our campaign calling on the minister to meet with representatives of English Language Teachers to discuss regulations governing basic working conditions for teachers.
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Keith Murdiff
  • Equal Rights for School Secretaries
    Secretaries employed under the DES 1978/79 scheme enjoy Civil Service salaries and terms of employment while secretaries employed after this time are paid through a grant given to individual schools where their salary, terms etc. are decided by the Board of Managements. In spite of all School Secretaries performing similar duties there is a vast discrepancy between pay and terms. Perhaps most importantly, secretaries paid directly by their schools have absolutely no pension to look forward to (even after 20 years plus loyal service) while those employed by the Dept. can look forward to a full Civil Service pension. The result of this arrangement is extremely unjust and we are asking to have it rectified with all School Secretaries being treated as Civil Servants and receiving remuneration and pension rights in line with their years of service.
    1,723 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jackie O'Meara
  • Please sign Irish petition for UN Committee Against Torture
    Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse Committee recommends that the State party: (a) Indicate how it proposes to implement all the recommendations of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse and indicate the time frame for doing so; (b) Institute prompt, independent and thorough investigations into all cases of abuse as found by the report and, if appropriate, prosecute and punish perpetrators; (c) Ensure that all victims of abuse obtain redress and have an enforceable right to compensation, including the means for as full rehabilitation as possible. Call to action : please show your support by commenting via change.org also uplift.ie and sharing this cause via social media Thank you to you and your supporters X p.s. no abusive language
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cli Buckley
  • Close the 15% Gender Pay Gap at Queen's University Belfast
    Queen's is now a leading UK university - but for all the wrong reasons. Figures from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) show that in 2017 - QUB's female professors earn an average of almost almost 15% less than their male colleagues - an average gap totalling £11,798. To put this into some perspective - this is the highest pay gap among the 24 leading UK universities, known as the Russell Group. It's entirely unacceptable that in 2017 a leading publicly funded university pays men 15% more than women for the same job. Join with Uplift today and sign our petition to demand the Vice-Chancellor and Senate of Queen's University take meaningful action today to address and reverse this shameful pay gap.
    241 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Ciarnan Helferty
  • Petition to persuade Bernie Sanders to give public speech in Dublin on June 4th/5th
    Bernie is giving a speech on June 4th which sold out after 1 minute. There are thousands of people who are willing to pay to hear him speak, to hear a voice for the people. Someone who stands up for the environment, all people and the planet as a whole. My hope is that hearing Bernie speak could spark the revolution that is needed in Ireland so we can transform our country and go back to the values it was founded on.
    221 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Cormac Nugent
  • Keep people working in libraries not machines
    People are losing contact with people leading to poorer mental health. Libraries are ideal places to have a chat with someone. Also working there is a lovely satisfying job.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sinead O Brien