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Stop the closure of St. Mary's Home in Merrion35 blind and visually-impaired ladies have lived here some for over six decades. The proposal is to close the centre and transfer these people to other locations. They have been friends for years; they know the layout of their environment; now they are to be separated and sent to different places. It is difficult enough when you are blind to get to know a new place but when you are an elderly prson it is much more difficult.237 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Michael Lavin
Regulate dog and cat breeders in IrelandToo many rogue breeders who care nothing for the welfare of the animals. Many of them breed with stolen animals, traumatising the animals and leaving families devastated by losing a family member. Adults dogs and puppies are being kept in horrific conditions of disease, overcrowding, and tiny kennels and no veterinary care.25 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Shane Kennedy
Stop the Racial Discrimination in Clubs and PubsIt is so important because i experienced this back in 1998 when i first came to Ireland. I was even pushed out of a pub in Temple Bar for no reason. I reported to the police but nothing was done. I was shocked when my brother that came into the country recently experienced the same discrimination at the point of entry into clubs and pubs.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by olajide ogidan
PROTECT TRANSPORT, RETAIL & CLEANING WORKERSTo preserve the gains and prevent a second wave.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bridget Flanagan
Close The meat plants for covid 19Covid19 clusters in the meat industry is risking human lives. No amount of food is worth that. We must protect workers and allow the industry time to adapt while workers recover with pay. Imagine the fear the workers are living under and their familes at the taught of contamination with covid 19 no one should have to work under that stress. Meat plant workers are vitally important in our economic factors it is time we showed them that we care enough to not risk thier lives19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anna Doyle
No reduction to Covid19 €350 paymentThe Pandemic Universal Payment of €350 per week for all those who lost their income as a result of the Covid19 crisis was a welcome move by the caretaker government and an admission that the current social welfare rates and their previously proposed €203 payment were wholly inadequate. Currently the payment is set to run until 19 June. The payment needs to stay in place until the end of the current health emergency and until the full recovery of employment lost as a result of the pandemic. Any attempt to "taper off" the payment, as recently suggested by Minister Paschal Donohoe, may result in people being pushed back into a workplace before it is safe and financially punish them for a loss of income that was completely out of their control. The current payment does not cover all those who lost income as a result of the crisis. Many of those who work in the gig economy or in precarious employment were deemed ineligible because they were not working on or after 6 March. Both Over 66s and Under 18s who were working prior to the crisis were also deemed ineligible. The payment should be expanded to include these workers. The rate of €350 is an unofficial admission by the caretaker government that the current social welfare rates are wholly inadequate and rates for all social welfare payments including those on state pensions, disability and job seeker payments should now be increased to €350 per week. These measures should be taken as a first step towards creating a Universal Basic Minimum Payment to eradicate poverty in Irish society.3,275 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Richard Boyd Barrett
Tax break for all healthcare workersA way of appreciating all the effort and hard work during Covid1913 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mercy Adeagbo
East Cork Secondary School CrisisChildren's Mental Health & Well being is being impacted by the failure of the Department of Education and Skills to ensure adequate places are available. This is a situation which will continue to get worse over the coming years1,793 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Eileen McCarthy
Government to provide free counselling utilising private counsellors.Mental Health is so important. Counselling therapy needs to be made available just the same as any other injury, free of charge with an immediate referral to be seen straight away.587 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Carol Aitchison
We need better Mental Health Support for allWe cannot keep losing young men and women due to lack of support from our NHS. In the last 2 years four of my sons friends have opted to end their lives by suicide. I do not want my son to be the next loss. Please help.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sam Matthews
Stop Food Delivery DronesWe live in a congested city at times the only space around us is when we look up, the last thing we should want is drones flying over our heads. It also offers no benefit to people other than perhaps they get there food 5 mins earlier.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Martin Hanley
Mental health (suicide awareness)To many people are dying due to suicide there's not enough awareness or places to go where people listen to your problems I know first had as I lost my dad Christmas last year he took his own life there was no one around to listen to him which lead to suicide10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael Stone