• Kenilworth For The Kids
    Dublin faces a critical shortage of accessible green spaces, particularly during winter and after heavy rain, making it harder than ever for children to enjoy safe outdoor facilities. Delaying this project would set a discouraging precedent for similar initiatives across the city, stalling momentum and dampening hopes for the many other clubs—and countless boys and girls—who need these community spaces. Please sign the petition to support the creation of an enhanced space at Kenilworth that will make a real difference for children across Dublin!
    3,082 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Kenilworth For The Kids
  • Save Our Restaurants, Pubs, and Shops: Act Now Before It's Too Late
    Support Is Crucial:  We cannot wait any longer. The heart of our communities—restaurants, pubs, cafés, and shops—are at risk. Each closure means more jobs lost, more social spaces gone, and greater isolation for all of us. If you work in these industries, your job could be next. We are nearing a tipping point, and without public pressure, the future of our cities, towns and villages are in jeopardy. Sign the petition + Spread the word. We need the help of your voice to demand government action now before it’s too late. Together, we can protect our businesses, our jobs, and our communities. As a customer or fellow worker who values your local coffee shop, retail or hospitality business, realise that we are suffering and that your support and encouragement is important. Follow Us for further action. Follow us on X for updates. Don't let it be another Dark Door. Support material for your business. Posters/POS art work  & What's App Badge (make your customers aware & to sign the petition) FUTURE ACTION DARK DOORS DAY A day of mass nationwide voluntary closures. This silent protest will have Restaurants, Pubs, and Shops, will darken their doors to highlight the plight of these sectors. A date will be confirmed soon. Follow us on X for updates. Minister Jack Chambers Message him on  X We are Open for Change,  Goverment, Where are you?
    257 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Richard Hanlon
  • Everyone Needs A Medical Card, Regardless of How Much They Earn
    So Ireland can have an even better and yet more efficient healthcare system. Because when patients get admitted to hospital for being sick or injured which is not their fault and they get billed, most of them usually hire a lawyer so they can get reimbursed which is a hassle, time wasting and can cost even more money. I strongly believe that the government is capable and has the money to cover the healthcare for all the residents in Ireland because the employees who work pay income taxes regularly but not only that, the items we buy in shops and the food and drinks we order from restaurants, cafés, pubs, etc all have taxes on them which go to the government upon purchase. In Ireland, public healthcare should be free and ONLY private healthcare should be paid for.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ameer Hammod Picture
  • Save Us From Suicide
    My name is Jaime Noonan, I am 25 and suffer with my mental health.  I am still fighting to try and get the right support to allow me to function and live my life.  The current support available is not adequate and has not been for years. Under trained GPs, meeting a different junior doctor each time, medication not being monitored correctly and adjusted, year + long waiting lists for therapy and counselling. Being sent home the same day after suicide attempts with no support. It is not working or enough. We need GPs and health professionals to have a better understanding of mental health along with training, better medication monitoring, more frequent appointments and immediate access to quality supports and therapy. Specialised A&Es and better community supports also.  It is possible and it is needed.  No one should ever have to feel as though suicide is their only choice.  I hope you will join me in my fight to reform and revolutionise the current system.  Thank you. 
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jaime Noonan
  • Gen Free : Free to be Kids Campaign - It's Time to Protect Children Online.
    The evidence regarding the detrimental impact of unregulated access to the internet and social media on our children and young people is overwhelming. It is an evolving youth mental health crisis which is a societal challenge and requires leadership and political will to address. In the words of Prof. Matthew Sadlier (Chair of the Irish Medical Organisation Consultants Committee) at the Gen Free launch in Greystones on Sept 17th, “The radical changes in behaviour of children that we have seen since the introduction of immersive digital technology is having an overwhelming harmful effect”. Legislation is urgently needed and our campaign is now giving a clear call to action. Let’s make our voices heard and protect children online. The time is now Page 65 on the recently issued 2025 Programme for Government "Investing in our Future" has outlined commitments regarding Online Safety. We call on the government to action these commitments as a matter of priority and urgency. We must hold our government and elected representatives to account on this.  #GenFree #FreetobeKids Campaign coverage: https://www.rte.ie/news/2024/0918/1470524-online-safety-children-campaign/   People and Organisations supporting this campaign; • Irish Medical Organisation, (IMO) • Dr. Richard Hogan, Family Psychotherapist, • Dr. Catherine Conlon, Senior Medical Officer, HSE, • Prof. Mary Aiken, Professor of Cyberpsychology, • Dr. Brigid Teevan, Doctor in Childhood Studies, • Dr. Joanna Fortune, Psychotherapist & Clinical Author, • Dr. Colman Noctor, Child & Adolescent Psychoanalytical Psychotherapist • Dr. David Coleman, Clinical Psychologist & Author, • CyberSafeKids, • Temple Carrig Secondary School, • It Takes a Village, • Barnardos, Rahoo, • Noone Cyber Services, • Counselling Forward. • A Path Appears.
    1,191 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Philip Moyles
  • Unions, Let's Raise the ROOF!
    Only by mobilising working people on housing can we build a movement for housing with more power than the landlords, developers and vulture funds.
    215 of 300 Signatures
    Created by John Whipple
  • Build Calisthenic Park in Blackwater Park, Navan
    The benefits of a calisthenics park extend beyond physical fitness. It would encourage social interaction, promote mental well-being, and inspire healthy lifestyle choices among residents. Moreover, with the rise in popularity of bodyweight training, a calisthenics park would attract visitors from neighboring areas, boosting local engagement I urge the council to consider this proposal and explore the potential for funding and partnerships to bring this vision to life. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your positive response and hope to see a calisthenics park in Blackwater Park soon. Yours sincerely, Robert Maher
    102 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Robbie Maher
  • Convert the old North Wall Community Training Centre (FAS) into a Multi-purpose Community Hub
    The North Wall CTC has been closed since February 2020. Over the last four and a half years, it has become an eyesore to the surrounding areas. It is a prime example of the neglect and abandonment experienced throughout inner-city communities. This failure should not be allowed, and our community should not accept this either.  However, despite the unanimous agreement at the Dublin Docklands Oversight and Consultative Forum in September 2022 that the building should be repurposed for education and childcare needs, there has been a lack of drive or will to push through the necessary restoration works. The issue seems to have been dropped due to an estimated repair cost of approximately €3 million.  Since 2021, Mary Lou McDonald and Sinn  Féin have called for this site for public use, such as the after-school support programme. Utilising this site for childcare provisions or something similar will benefit the entire North Wall area community.  Our community deserves respect, and €3 million is a tiny expense compared to money  other government departments spend. The value of this building to the community as an amenity is worth multiple times the estimated costs for renovating it.  The North Wall community deserves to have this building refurbished and put directly to community use. The potential benefits include childcare, healthcare, training and education, a Men’s Shed, Senior Citizens centre and many more. The community now needs to drive this issue and demand these works occur.  If you support this campaign and wish to see positive investment in your community, please sign this petition. There will also be community days of action where we will call on the community to attend a demonstration outside the centre 
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan Whelan
  • NO to casino in Ballincollig
    Cork City Council already once denied planning permission back in June for proposals by a casino to expand into Ballincollig after receiving almost 50 objections from local residents and businesses. Locals in Ballincollig rally against the proposal, as another casino in town provides no benefits, encourages gambling and can lead to all sorts of negative behaviours.  SAY NO TO ANOTHER CASINO IN Ballincollig
    125 of 200 Signatures
  • Improve Post Natal Care For Women In Ireland
    The health and well-being of mothers and their new-borns are fundamental to the fabric of our society. By prioritising post-natal care, we can ensure that every child gets the best start in life, and every mother receives the care and support she deserves.  Please join us in advocating for better post-natal care in Ireland by signing this petition.
    523 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Aolish Gormley-Ardú Picture
  • Bring suicide in Ireland down to zero
    Around 135 people are directly affected by each suicide death.The pain felt by the family and friends of the deceased will ease over time but never goes away.Unless we commit to eliminating suicide it will continue  to cause untold pain and pass through the generations.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pat McGreevy
  • Fix Enduring Powers of Attorney
    Prior to April 2023 an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) only needed to be registered in the event that the person who created it subsequently lost mental capacity.  Approximately 1,200 EPAs were registered each year up to 2022.   It is estimated that only 15% of EPAs created under that old system subsequently required to be registered, which would mean that approximately 8,000 EPAs would have had to have been created each year to produce the figure of 1,200 registered, or 670 a month. In April 2023 the Decision Support Service (DSS) was established and the system for creation of EPAs was radically changed.  It was expected this new system would enable wider uptake of EPAs by the public and ensure greater protection of vulnerable people as they age.  However, as of 28 February 2024, it was stated in answer to a parliamentary question that only 697 EPA applications had been submitted to the DSS for registration in its first ten months of operation, roughly what would have been created in one month under the old system. In other words 10 times less than before.   The new system intended  to increase the number of people with EPAs has resulted in a collapse in the numbers being created  in contrast with the old system which worked very well.  The problem is an online platform  imposed on the creation of EPAs  by the DSS which does not enable a professional adviser to access the platform on behalf of anyone wishing to have their assistance with the creation of the documentation to ensure that it is done correctly. Anyone wishing to have professional assistance in the creation of an EPA via a digital platform should be facilitated in doing so and is entitled to have their professional adviser access the system on their behalf  to advise and assist in preparing what can be complicated and profoundly important documents with serious legal consequences. Revenue’s online ROS system allows a tax adviser to prepare and file returns for a taxpayer. The Injuries Resolution Board’s web-portal allows an agent to prepare an injury claim on behalf of a claimant. The Land Registry, the Companies Registration Office and others all do likewise.  The DSS platform does not and that needs to be fixed urgently  to allow people who want help from their professional advisers in creating an EPA to get it by providing professional advisers with access to the new online platform on behalf of anyone wishing to have their assistance. This is a change required to fix the system for creation of EPAs that can and should be made immediately to end this crisis in the creation of  EPAs which is causing serious problems for vulnerable people who need to have them in place. We are signing this petition to ask the Minister for State to fix this problem as soon as possible.
    1,464 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Flor McCarthy Picture