• Mental health and wellbeing in schools for children
    It is the most important thing in life it would reduce all of the issues across the bored if we are are going to fight for mental health we should start with the younger generations we need to give them tools to help others and help themselves it is fundamental to have something in our shcools at a young age
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Jane Kinsella
  • Save Citizen Information services in Killaloe Ballina
    It’s with alarming concert that we the community of killaloe & Ballina hear that the local weekly citizens advice service had been suspended due to unforeseen circumstances. The community of killaloe & Ballina have a population of over 4,500 residents and the service had been in situ for well over 10 years providing free information advice support and Advocacy. We the community of Killaloe & Ballina value that weekly citizens information (CIC) service and wish to emphasise the importance of it, in supporting and addressing our complex queries. We have sign this petition to highlight the importance of keeping this service open in Killaloe to meet the needs of our community and to especially provide a face to face service to those that are marginalised and unable to get to Limerick or Nenagh Citizens information centers offices.
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Orla Foley
  • Change media terminology regarding rape
    Women, children and men who are subjected to rape and sexual assault deserve the correct language to be used to highlight how disgusting and wrong rape and sexual assault is.
    200 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Ísla Ní Chailleach
  • Save local amenities and residences at the Markievich pool
    The city centre is becoming one big office block....local people are being moved out of their homes and losing local amenities that have existed for decades.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Breda Trimble
  • Reinstate primary mental health services in Donaghmede Edenmore Raheny and Kilbarrack
    The demand mental health services is ever increasing, while this government continues to reduce the service. We must demand that all mental health services be fully staffed and resourced so they can to begin to reduce waiting lists while meeting future demand.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Niamh McDonald
  • A call for mental health support for women who have had an abortion
    There is no current policy in place which highlights the need for women to access mental health services following an abortion, and so, with the signatures on this petition, we can make a change and support our women further.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Megan O' Donnell
  • Make bullying a punishable crime of violence
    To get politicians to address bullying in our schools, workplace and community. Bullying is usually perpetrated on innocent and vulnerable people and in many cases has caused people to commit suicide. This is an indirect cause of death and highlighting this will make people have a second thoughts about their activities.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan O'Rourke
  • Support Community Stables and Responsible Horse Ownership in Cherry Orchard
    There is a long standing tradition of Urban Horsemanship in the cherry orchard area. At the moment horses are been left in fields because of no accesibility to local community based stables. This project hopes to address some of tge issues faced by the state . It will reduced pounding costs and promote investment in good quality horses through group ownership. Young People engaged in horse ownership are not as likly to be involved in anti social behaviours when the have the Responsiblity of caring for their horse. Horse Ownership can also has a positive impact on a young persons mental welbeing.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jus Bren
  • Rathangan S.O.S. Save Our Services
    Scooters Youth Club calls for reinstatement of services in Rathangan “There is not enough people harming themselves, is that why they took away the services? Do more people have to die in order for us to get services in Rathangan?” Evan Dowling, junior leader, Scooters Youth Club Young people of Rathangan are outraged after hearing the news that the funding for both the local youth counselling service and the youth worker are being cut by the HSE. A group of young people currently volunteering as junior leaders in Scooters Youth Club Rathangan have come together to express concerns for themselves, their peers and the next generation of young people after it has been confirmed that the HSE will no longer fund youth services in the area. The part time positions of both the counsellor and youth worker will cease by the end of April after almost three years. The positions, originally funded on a six monthly basis following a large number of suicides in a short period of time in the area have been renewed several times in the past, however the HSE have confirmed that the funding will cease at the end of the current contracts. We are asking people who are interested in getting involved in our campaign to follow our progress on social media on Snapchat Twitter Rathangan S.O.S and Facebook Rathangan S.O.S to support our Uplift campaign. Local TD’s, councillors and other stakeholders are currently being contacted to meet with the group of young people to discuss the impact of losing the services in the area and to devise a possible action plan. Strategies and possible solutions have been identified by the group such as; HSE selling their empty properties in Rathangan in order to fund the services, or the possibility of a mobile counsellor which services other areas as well as Rathangan. The loss of the youth worker now means that the youth café in the newly refurbished community centre will only open four hours per week compared to the current twenty three hours of use. Lisa Ennis a volunteer in Scooters Youth Club said; “The Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs published a best practice guide for Youth Café’s in Ireland which clearly states that ‘the work within a youth café needs to be supported by trained professionals, such as youth workers’, it is not good enough for the state to provide us with funding for a space and take away funding for a youth worker to run it, nor is it good enough for our counselling service to be taken away with no alternative put in place. We feel as if we are being abandoned by the state after a plaster was put over the issue, but if we do not address the roots of access to transport and services, unemployment, inequality, isolation and poverty in our village the issues will arise again”. Evan Dowling a junior leader in Scooters Youth Club said; “There is not enough people harming themselves, is that why they took away the services? Do more people have to die in order for us to get services in Rathangan?” Unfortunately the issues faced by the young people of Rathangan are a common feature in Ireland today and in particular in rural Ireland, although funding for youth services was increased by 2.5% in last year’s budget the youth sector has seen an overall cut of 28.5% since 2008. Additionally access to transport and rural isolation remains a national issue with rural isolation being a reoccurring theme in the government’s new Action Plan for Rural Development. The government need to invest more in areas such as Rathangan in order to create happier and more sustainable communities.
    631 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Ennis
  • Vera Twoomey
    She is leading the way to focus attention on the ineptitude of government health ministers!!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dave Walby
  • Resignation Owen Keegan
    ' Us ' The people of Ireland are paying his wages and he's doing nothing to help homelessness and to criticise Celebrities volunteers etc and calling us all SUCKERS He should resign because he's incapable of Being in Charge as he's not doing his job
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Audrey Cox