• Stop Trump’s visit to Ireland
    We should send the world a message that people like Donald Trump should not be welcome where the country they want to visit have fundamentally different views on Race, Immigration and the LGBT community etc
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leigh Scanlan
  • Stop using turf to generate electricity
    Close down the peat fired electricity generator in Edenderry. It is not viable without enormous subsidies, burning turf is more polluting than coal, if they substitute wood chips when they phase out turf there is not enough in Ireland and there is some nonsense about importing it from the US, and wood chips are only marginally less polluting. We would reduce our emissions by 10% if we closed these plants. In 20 years what will we be talking about? It will be why nobody did anything meaningful about preventing climate change.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Legge
  • Reverse decision on Bottom Mussel Dredging for spat/seed
    Bottom Mussel Dredging for spat/seed along Ireland's east coast has over the last 30 years caused widespread habitat destruction and biodiversity loss. This is particularly apparent off the coast of North County Wicklow. The Irish Bottom Mussel Industry with the help of Bord Iascaigh Mhara are seeking a Marine Stewardship Council Certificate which in plain terms deems Bottom Mussel Industry products as sustainably produced and not environmentally damaging. Over the last 30 years permanent mussel banks, which attracted many species of fish, crustaceans, invertabrates, worms and a host of other benthic creatures have been destroyed by "spat collection" dredging which is a key element in the supply chain to market of Bottom Mussels. This "dredging" element is so invasive to the benthic environment that the once great mixed fishery off Greystones, Co. Wicklow presents today as a marine desert where thirty years ago it was a marine Garden of Eden which sustained both local artisan fishing jobs and a thriving recreational sea angling product. If you feel that this MSC cert' should not be awarded submit your reasons through the following link
    306 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Micheal Morgan
  • Switch Clondalkins water supply back to Ballymore Eustace
    The people of Clondalkin are spending extra money a week to buy bottled water to avoid the scum like oil that is floating on top of a glass of water or a cup of tea. They are also noticing staining in their cups from the tea and for health reasons are not using this water for baby bottles.
    1,044 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Clondalkin Neighbourhood Watch
  • Clean up the site of the derelict houses at Palmer Avenue, Rush
    These houses are in shameful condition and this is now Health and Safety concern to the whole community. The derelict houses are being are attracting anti social behaviour and locals are afraid to let their children play in the Park. It is just a matter of time that something more serious or life-threatening will happen. Not to mention that these are about 200 meters from a local Primary School thus school children walking through the Park to and from school are in danger of being mistreated. It is high time this issue to be taken seriously.
    388 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Kata Wallner
    So that Ireland isn't stuck in the past with its buildings anymore. If you look at the comments of any youtube video or newspaper article about box buildings (6-8 stories) the main focus will be, 'why on earth are they not being built upwards???' We need tall buildings, and fast. They look great, can offer amazing views and will have a positive impact on the economy.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Tipper
  • Stop the late night noise from Dublin Bus Depot
    Extremely loud noise from Dublin Bus Depot (Mountjoy Square Dublin 1) is waking people up during the night. Industrial noise occurring between 03:30AM and 04:30AM is unacceptable and against the law.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by mountjoysquare residents
  • Recognise Catalonia as an Independant state
    Catalonia are being robbed financially and culturally and the majority want independence from Spain. Spain is divided up into 17 communes and each should pay 5.88% tax but Catalonia pay over 20%.Their infrasture has not been invested in with road charges going straight to Madrid while most of the rest of Spain enjoy no tolls on their roads. Their trains are over 40 years old as the rest of Spains trains have been updated while their system is falling apart. Catalonia are forbidden to create flights to the USA therefore American businesses set up in Madrid instead. Catalonia are not allowed to use renewable energies in such a sunny climate as this would affect profits for electricity suppliers based in Madrid. An agreement that Spain would reimburse Catalonia with 769 million euro was reneged upon.Spain also are trying to wipe out the Catalan language by not funding schools to teach it. There are 50 corruption cases opened with no sign of anyone been held responsible. Catalonians want a Republic like ours and not a dictatorship and I think Ireland should stand behind them.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Sweeney
  • Disincentive Diesel Cars
    Air pollution is responsible for up to 1,660 premature deaths in Ireland each year, according to the 2017 Air Quality in Europe report. The Environmental Pillar pointed out that diesel fuel exhaust is one of the leading emitters of automotive greenhouse gases and particulate pollution, with the WHO clear that diesel exhaust fumes can cause cancer and emit ten times more health-damaging pollutants than petrol cars. Diesel is taxed at 11c less per litre than petrol and as a result, Ireland has one of the highest percentage sales of diesel cars in Europe. The OECD has recommended equalising the rate, while the European Commission has called Ireland's policy of taxing diesel less than petrol "environmentally unjustified". According to the Budget spokesperson for the Environmental Pillar, Oisin Coghlan: "Minister [Denis] Naughten has continually repeated, air pollution is estimated to cause four deaths per day in this country and diesel fuel is a key contributors to that pollution.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frank Gissane
  • Get rid of of motor tax on electric and hybrid cars
    It's environmentally essential to reduce fuel emissionsfrom. motor vehicles, but it looks likely that the budget will seek to increase the cost of diesel. This will not work to reduce emissions but act as a money grab for the exchequer. Abolishing road tax on electric and hybrids will actively incentivise people to switch.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maggie Moore
  • Support Community Stables and Responsible Horse Ownership in Cherry Orchard
    There is a long standing tradition of Urban Horsemanship in the cherry orchard area. At the moment horses are been left in fields because of no accesibility to local community based stables. This project hopes to address some of tge issues faced by the state . It will reduced pounding costs and promote investment in good quality horses through group ownership. Young People engaged in horse ownership are not as likly to be involved in anti social behaviours when the have the Responsiblity of caring for their horse. Horse Ownership can also has a positive impact on a young persons mental welbeing.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jus Bren
  • Resignation Owen Keegan
    ' Us ' The people of Ireland are paying his wages and he's doing nothing to help homelessness and to criticise Celebrities volunteers etc and calling us all SUCKERS He should resign because he's incapable of Being in Charge as he's not doing his job
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Audrey Cox