• Change to online payslips for Department of Education Employed Teachers
    Currently the cost to the DES to print and post is over two million euros each year. This money could easily be diverted to buildings, teacher allocation, AEN allocation or student capitation. The fiscal cost does not take into account the environmental cost in paper, ink or transport. Teachers have requested this change time and time again to no avail- it’s now time to change this archaic practice and use the savings to improve student experience.
    729 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Siobhan Ní Dhubhlainn
  • Equal rights, proper pay and national job discription for Health Care Assistants and carers
    As I am both a health care assistant and help my partner with her parents who need full time care, she only gets €109 a week which is shambolic for all she does and saves the country like all other carers who look after their children, parents, and young adults with disabilities, they need more support as medication, treatment and other outgoings are very expensive and it is unrealistic to expect these people to live on such a small allowance.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brendan Gallagher
  • Save Croagh Patrick
    This Pilgrim Path has been walked for generations and it is inconceivable that access could be stopped now.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dominic Gallagher
  • We want an Off Road Cycleway for Strand Road/Beach Road
    DCC’s current proposal to close the northbound lane of Strand/Beach Roads will not work for the following reasons: 1. Traffic congestion DCC has not explained how northbound traffic, with particular reference to industrial and commercial traffic, is to access Dublin Port, the East Link Bridge, the Dublin Port Tunnel, and the recycling centre. Nor has it addressed the extreme limitations of residential roads, in particular the bottleneck of the narrow and already overloaded Church Avenue at Irishtown, through which all the northbound traffic will need to find its way. DCC’s own data predicts traffic increases of 110% on Merrion Road and up to 322% in Sandymount. Areas such as Donnybrook, Ballsbridge and Irishtown will also be impacted. 2. Environment Increases in air pollution caused by this predicted congestion will have a negative impact on air quality for the residents in the impacted areas. Idling traffic sitting in congested roads emits more pollution than traffic which moves freely. 3. Safety DCC’s proposal calls for making the northbound lane on Strand Road run south. This goes against what is expected, and may lead to accidents as people “look” the wrong way when they join this one-way route. Similarly for pedestrians crossing Strand Road. Displaced traffic from Strand Road will be pushed into Sandymount Village, making it less safe for pedestrians, many of whom are vulnerable and cyclists. 4. Parking There will be a loss of car parking on Strand Road when the design of the scheme is further developed as large sections of Strand Road are not wide enough for a 2-way cycle lane, single lane of traffic and formal parking. 5. Urban Planning Which route will trucks and lorries take for the proposed builds at Maxol Beach Road (90 homes); Poolbeg former Glass Bottle site (3,600 homes) and Roslyn Park Secondary School Strand Road (1500 students)? Why are DCC and the NTA insistent on 'trialling' a one-way Strand Road Scheme that has maximum traffic disruptions (including displacing Commerical/Industrial and non-local traffic onto residential roads & impacts across South East Dublin communities) and not working together to agree on a Permanent Cycle Path solution? https://twitter.com/community_stc/status/1330578558721404933 https://twitter.com/community_stc/status/1328759106916773889)
    2,896 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Sandymount Cycle for all
  • Stop Smith Toys Using Plastic Bags
    Shocking amount of unnecessary single use plastic bags being used, bad. Are they paying the levy for all these bags? It would be very easy to switch to brown paper bags(similar to TK maxx) for most of their
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carina Fitzgerald
  • Bodyke NS Needs a Parking Solution
    With no designated parking area, parents and teachers must pull up onto the footpath to drop and pick up from school. An increasing volume and speed of traffic on the Bodyke-Limerick road, makes the situation as it currently stands dangerous for all and we would ask that this matter be taken with the urgency it deserves. Off-road parking and a safe turning area near the school are urgently required. Clare County Council and Clare TDs have been asked to look at how this might be made possible. Local community support is hugely valuable and we would urge you to sign this petition and help draw attention to this local issue.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bodyke National School Picture
  • Attymass Against Eirgrid 110kV Powerlines
    The North Connacht 110kV project proposes a number of overhead and underground cable corridors from Ballina to Ballaghaderreen. There are 7 corridors in total, 4 overground and 3 underground. For further details on the routes, please click on the link below to the Eirgrid North Connacht Web page and go into the virtual exhibition for further details. Attymass is an area of great natural beauty. It is also an area rich in heritage and culture. There are is also the health and welfare of the people living in the area. We are seeking to ensure that these cables go underground so we can preserve Attymass for future generations. The closing date is the 16th November and we as a community need to work together to keep Attymass beautiful and keep our community safe. Please join our petition. You can get more information on the exact route option on https://www.eirgridgroup.com/the-grid/projects/north-connacht/the-project/ Please put your name to our petition and fill out the feedback form on the website- Thank you
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Olivia Harrison
  • Stop the handover of DCC land to the John Player Factory Developers
    The development as planned is against DCC's own masterplan, contrary to an Bord Pleanalas own inspectors report and against the wishes of the entire community.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Clarke
    According to the World Health Organization, approximately 1 billion cases and millions of deaths each year can be traced back to diseases originating from animal populations. In the past three decades, researchers have found more than 30 bacteria or viruses that are capable of infecting humans. Over three quarters of those are believed to have come from animal populations. And while the current pandemic may feel like a very rare happening, scientists say the pace of these pandemics is accelerating dramatically thanks to humans' ever-encroaching proximity to wildlife. "The time between these outbreaks is getting shorter and shorter," said Dr. Tracey McNamara, a professor of pathology at Western University of Health Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine. And it's becoming increasingly clear that these viruses aren't just a threat to our health -- they're also a threat to the global economy. "We are only able to sustain an outbreak maybe once every decade," said Dr. Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance. "The rate we are going is not sustainable." As our population continues to expand, the interactions between humans and wildlife grow closer and closer. Cutting down forests and altering habitats push animals out of their own homes and deeper into human communities. Poorly developed hygiene and sanitation systems can make it more likely for germs to build up. With humans and animals living in such close proximity, bacteria and viruses can easily jump from one species to another. Once people become infected, the increasing interconnectedness of our world makes the spread of the disease easier. People and domestic animals are able to traverse the globe in a matter of hours. Illegal trade of exotic animals can move across borders undetected, carrying with them deadly bacteria and viruses.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sinead Jackson
  • Brown Bin Collection in Newtowncashel
    Currently I put all food waste in my black bin which costs me a lot of money but this cost would greatly decrease if a brown bin was available in our area as it only costs €2 per collection for a food waste caddy bin. It would also benefit our environment if our food waste was being disposed of correctly.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Síle Mulvihill
  • Stop the Horrible Smell/Protect Environment in Carrigtwohill area
    Like many other people being confined to your house during the Covid-19 crises has been very difficult. But imagine how much worse would that have felt if you couldn't go for walk in your community or to your own garden and even worse on some days, to not even be able to open your windows. This is an ongoing issue, but the last 10 weeks have been especially difficult. The strong, persistence chemical odours that come from Merck Millipore have an impact on our quality of life and potentially on our health and environment. It effects approx. 6000 people. We as a community have to stand together to ensure that our voices are heard and Merck Millipore is compliant with their licences. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), local TD, HSE and Garda Siochana have been informed about the situation throughout multiple complaints form people from the community and other areas. However, their efforts have brought no real effect as we are still experiencing the same strong odours. Let's take the next step and express our concerns by signing this petition. We would like to put more pressure on Merck management, EPA and local TD to resolve this issue. Merck Millipore have continued to operate with the serious defect in their waste treatment plant and needs to be stopped.
    392 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Bozena Richert
  • URGENT Stop the proposed extension to hedge cutting
    The habitat of birds, pollinators and countryside conservation
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by alan forskitt